What are you doing for your kids for halloween?

What are you mamas doing with your kids for Halloween this year? My city is not recommending trick or treating this year, and this would be the first year my daughter could participate. I’d love some alternative suggestions!


Our community center is doing a drive thru boo. It’s like trunk or treat but drive thru style.

We’re trick or treating :woman_shrugging:


Scavenger hunt around town…

When we were little my mum drove us around to the houses of people we knew to trick or treat. And some who couldn’t afford to give out anything she dropped off the candy there earlier so it was there for us

We were planning on trick or treating but we have the Covid so will play it safe.

We will be having a in the dark candy hunt, watch movies, and have a Halloween themed dinner.

Maybe something along the lines of an Easter egg hunt, but halloween themed? Hide little goody bags full of candy around the house/yard and let the kiddos find them!


Halloween party for the family

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We are doing Boo Buckets! Partially because I broke my leg last month and it’s hard for me to get out! So a day full of Halloween activity and a bucket of his favorite candy

Sometimes churches will dona thing where kids can trick or treat. Think where i was at when my kids were young they calles it trunk and treat or something like that

Buying some candy, watching creep shows and getting some pizza. My older 2 didn’t wanna go anyways but my 5yr old always does!

Watching coraline and hocus pocus

My daughter is going to give her son.some candy order his favorite pizza watch a scary movie

I’m going to do a little Halloween party, just them and myself

Halloween crafts, baking a Halloween themed treat and carving pumpkins.

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it’s on a saturday so we’re making it an all day fun thing for my two year old. got these cute pumpkin easter egg kind of containers and were hiding them in backyard with candy in them! doing a little bonfire with marshmallows, making halloween treats. just making it fun


Halloween buckets movies and take out

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Getting costumes an trick er treating

Alternate would be halloweens movies an popcorn kinda night.

My bestie and I have been planning a carnival for our kids. We made games and are gonna do a spider web tunnel… my husband built a catapult to do pumpkin chumkin And I bought a projector so we can watch nightmare before Christmas outside under the full moon.

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We are doing halloween buckets similar to Easter baskets and painting old Easter eggs orange/black then hiding them. Also doing some Halloween/fall themed crafts. We might go to a local trunk or treat but not if a ton of people show up. Some local hiking trails are being decorated with non scary items just for fun so we might go on a hike also

Ask people in your neighborhood if they are passing out candy. If not, set up a little candy path outside for her. We are doing a full meal- meatloaf (monster feet) monster mash (green mashed potatoes) witch fingers (green beans) blood (code red)

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We’re dressing up and doing an Easter egg hunt! All through the yard and house. We’re also going to let him knock at our door so he can at least get to say trick or treat! I think it’ll actually be better for him because he’s only 3

We are doing a Halloween hunt. I bought clear eggs and 2 inch mini glow sticks

Taking my son out with one of my sisters and my nephew

Neighborhood trick or treat

Easter egg hunt but just Halloween themed.

Hallowern scavenger hunt for candy, music, movies, and take out, or maybe a dance party.

If we can go in grocery stores we can trick or treat

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Halloween pajamas popcorn , candy , cupcakes and a scary movie

My kids are 12 and 10 …we haven’t trick or treated in like 5 years …we have snacks and watch scary Halloween movies …I also make Halloween pails for them

Drive her around to see relatives if possible. Grandparents love little visits and love their costumes

My kids are going to dress up for a home party. We’ll play games, do crafts, make treats. They’ll earn tickets from the games. They’ll then use them to buy popcorn, candy & drinks from the “snack bar” & watch a movie. I’m incorporating sight words & math.

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Me and a 2 of my cousins are making a holloween party for our kids and going all out and just letting them do all kinds of fun activities And decorating and doing s’mores and pumpkin decorating and just fun kid stuff

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Halloween movie night just the 3 of us. Also putting little cauldrons of candy on the neighbors porches of our complex (the ones i know that have kids and i personally know) just in case their kids aren’t going trick or treating.

It’s my sons first Halloween this year. Were staying home, doing Halloween crafts, baking, having a spooky dinner, doing a candy find (picture Easter egg hunt), and doing a costume photo shoot with the family. Our area is recommending against trick-or-treating as well

We bought costumes to stay home each getting a bag of their favorite candy to watch movies and sit at home!

What we normally are.

We are still trick or treating. Our neighborhood is mostly young couples with kids and I will do like I did last year and have a table decorated that has candy, snacks with sensory/ allergy friendly options that my neighbors can grab and go… that’s what most of us do.

We’ve done halloween "egg hunts "when it was crappy weather . Once they got older we upped the difficulty to doing it in the dark or making it a pirate treasure hunt using a map and clues

We are making good bags with candy in them and then putting glow sticks in them hiding the bags around the yard when they find one they have to do a silly dance

Were having a Halloween party with family

My kids are going trick or treating just within the house. My parents and grandmothers will be at each door in the house and my kids will knock on bedroom doors over and over to trick or treat.

For those who are thinking scavenger hunt here’s a few that are less Easter like.

I’m basically doing spooky Easter :slight_smile:

I’m letting my kids carve pumpkins, I’m gonna buy them candy. For our town I believe they are doin trick or treating I just don’t want to take my kids out and then they get the covid-19 so we are staying put. For our neighbor kids I am planning on making candy bags for them and take them to all the kids.

My son decided that he would have fun drawing with glow in dark paint on a white shower curtain. So we will open our garage and have a few of his friends come over and help paint. So that they can have fun and enjoy the evening in a safe environment.

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We are doing boo buckets. Like an eater basket. We bought pajama type costumes that we can wear around the house all day. We have twister. Bobbing for apples. Lots of music ready, carving pumpkins. If we feel real energetic we are going to make crafts.


We’re doing an Easter-esk basket and some activities at home. A haunted ginger bread house,snacks and Halloween movies,still doing costumes

Halloween scavenger hunt around our house and our community is talking about boo baskets ( similar to Easter baskets ) for kids as well

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A friend is hosting a Halloween party… we normally go trick or treating but we thinking this year going to be a bust

Boo baskets, bbq some Halloween themed foods, chocolate fountain, outdoor movies, matching pjs maybe costumes


We’re going camping with a couple friends and setting up activities as well as trick or treat camper to camper!

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We are setting up a haunted forest on our land and gonna have some games making caddied apples and popcorn balls

I’m hosting a trick or treat party in my back yard with families we’ve already been socializing with. We’re each going to set up and table and let the kids trick or treat then show a kid friendly Halloween movie on the projector

Weather permits will do a campfire in the back yard and tell kid friendly scary stories than watch a Halloween movie

We’re doing HallowEaster :sweat_smile: Amazon has little plastic pumpkins that we’re filling with candy and doing a pumpkin hunt in our backyard


Were going to be doing a treat hunt similar to an egg hunt, but in our costumes go around the backyard and house looking for treats with their halloween buckets

Halloween Party, Halloween baskets, movie night. For my children I’m making crafts with them, baking/ making Halloween snacks, Movies, we are still gonna dress up and just hang around the house doing family stuff.


We are having some kids come over and they will be watching scary movies and maybe finding candy that we hide

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We are buying lots of candy and snack, new pajamas for each kid, and watching “scary” movies all night


We’ll be trick or treating indoors ! We have all doors in our home decorated (bedrooms/bathrooms) even closets and garage, so the kids will be going door to door as if they would house to house. We also have games and prizes setup in the yard to keep them busy and occupied. We’re gonna make the best of it.


We arent going either but my town doesn’t care if we trick or treat… we are buying tons of Halloween candy, watching scary movies making Halloween treats


We’re having a Halloween movie night. I’m going to be stopping at the dollar store and pick up some random Halloween stuff to put in a bucket. I’m also going to make some Halloween treats


Bought candy for my mom and dad and grandma and aunt for the kids to go by and trick or treat at their houses only

Trick or treating indoors with close family and decorating Halloween cookies

Trick or treating as normal will also have the kids friends over and make a bunch of goodies for them

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Do an indoor or even outdoor (if the weather is nice) candy hunt. Kinda like an Easter egg hunt, but with Halloween candy.

Halloween party like every year…

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We are trick or treating even if the government does not recommend it. It’s an outside activity, wear a mask and stay your distance. No reason not to go have fun


Last year was the treat, this year comes the trick

We are doing a glow in the dark egg hunt

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We’re having our own Halloween party… just be and the kids. Dressing up, lots of treats, games and movies

See if your local zoo has a Spooktacular or Halloween event.

Trick or treating and doing trunk or treat for extra candy

Kids are trick or treating…

Munchies and scary film night x

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We are going camping and boo buckets

I’m currently working on Boo Basket’s for the kiddies just in case. Where we live is on the fence about trick or treating. If we can’t we will do a candy hunt, watch Halloween movies and do Halloween crafts.

Still doing trick or treating I don’t care if they recommend it or not everyone said they are still handing out candy so off to trick or treating we go

Giving birth hopefully


Kaitlin Worley following for ideas!

Alot of towns are offering drive thru trick or treating maybe something worth looking in to.

Halloween movies, make cupcakes, games etc

Pj costumes, movies, popcorn and candy. My husband and I weren’t sure as we have an infant now so better safe than sorry and there’s always next year!

We WILL be trick or treating for real house to house like every other year but with masks on and hand sanitizer

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We are doing a scavenger hunt with candy, painting pumpkins and decorating cookies :jack_o_lantern::hugs:

I am so blessed to be living in Rural Oklahoma. There hasn’t been a whiff of the rona in my town.

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I read somewhere that someone hid candy around their house and did an Easter egg type hunt followed by movies

Do like a easter egg hunt around your backyard

hangout alone with two kids