What are you getting your in laws for Christmas?

What are you guys getting your in laws for Christmas? I never know what to get them…help me

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I would say know her colors then you cam never go wrong with a quality throw get a his and hers in a basket with other useful thing .

I got my mother in law a photo book with all the grandkids, and my father in law my husband gets to get because I have no idea lol :joy:

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Gift certificates are great. A case of Sam Adams beer for pap or a nice pair of lounging pjs for mom. Bed and Bath store has nice things too. Cheese and sausage or fruit of the month fruit

I leave itto my hubby they are his parents I buy for my parents

i don’t have in laws anymore but a friend gets his passes to the state fair, museums. something they enjoy doing

Mother in law a pillow with pictures of her kids and husband and grandkids

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My boyfriend and I are responsible for our own parents and all our names go on it. I do the shopping for our monkey.

Gift cards for a nice restaurant

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Tumblrs that say nana and papa on em lol

I don’t buy presents for adults :smirk:

A wifi picture frame that you can send pictures to through an app

I made them both a custom sign that says my favorite people call me Papa and Nana with each grand kid name and Birthdate

I’m getting them a digital picture frame that I can text new pics of the grandkids to for them to see