WHat are you getting your teens for Christmas? I am struggling with this!!!
My teen boys wanting books. I usually give each kid 3 pants, 3 shirts, underwear, socks. I have my kids make a list want they want. I have all boys. It’s hard to shop for
This year my husband is building our daughter her own bathroom downstairs by her bedroom. So that will be her birthday/Christmas present combo. We’ll get her like smaller gifts (bathroom accessories, etc) but that’s her big gift.
My nephews are into magna & comics so may do that for older ones. Then we plan a lil day trip for something fun within an hr or so. They come to my inlaws house for the holidays. It’s an 8 hr ride. We took them to a toy museum a few yrs ago and it was interactive so it appealed to even the 13 yr old at the time. It had games too and old toy displays interesting to adults that we remembered. It’s in wheeling WV. This year we hope to take them to an Amish farm petting zoo. We would love to take them to a zoo drive through but it’s costly and there are 4 boys.
Girl - clothes, shoes, room decor, skin care products , gift cards
Concert tickets. Season pass to our local amusement/water park. Last year got a lap top.
16 yo boy-we are gifting a trip. It seems as though gifts go untouched and forgotten about, so we choose to gift experiences.
I do gift cards. Find crazy ways to wrap them.
What about you ask them what they want