What are your thoughts on men who don't have a full time job?

Sounds like what i did when my children were young

In my opinion a relationship is a 50/50 deal no matter how you work it out. Itā€™s great that he helps with the baby and the household chores but he needs to contribute to 50% of the rest as wellā€¦mortgage, food, utilities etc and if he canā€™t do that only working weekends then he needs to work more hours. You say he works just enough to cover his own billsā€¦well rent, food and utilities are his bills too. You have your bills, he has his bills and then there are household billsā€¦.which is 1/2 of his responsibility. Donā€™t let him get use to living free gradis or heā€™ll never contribute financially. Most men would be embarrassed not to :woman_shrugging:t3:


You are so impressionable, your relationship isnā€™t going to work if you are that easily manipulated by your family. Stop and think for yourself.


No one elseā€™s businessā€¦


Child care for 40 hours a week in my state Child care can cost around $15,000 a year and thats for ONE child under 2. Add that to your 2 older ones thats roughly $40,000 a year in Child care for 3 kids 40 hours a week 8 hours a day. If you have a Nanny in your home they range around $21-$25 AN HOUR. Your family can mind their damn business unless they want to foot that bill. If you believe this is fair and the system works for you, the rest of everyone else can butt out and if youā€™re THAT impressionable then youā€™re going eff yourself over, period.

If you are happy with how he contributes then dont let it get you down, the fact he is working and supporting you with everyday things that would stress you having to fit in whilst working full time is lovely and thoughtful
He is helping you by allowing you to live a little less of a stressful life.
If the role was reversed you working part time and he working full time Iā€™m sure he would appreciate all you have done regardless of the income xx

If it works for you it is no one elseā€™s business, just tell them he works from home, and if you feel the need to explain to others let them know the things he does to make your life easier and what it would cost if you had to pay. No one else needs to be in your relationship.

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God designed men to be the bread-winners and woman the bread-makers :wink: That is why He gave us wombs and breasts ā€¦
Any man who does not support his family is a mooch; do you want your children to grow up thinking women should be taking care of men?

Sounds like heā€™s a full time dad.

Do what works for your family. NOT what works for your parents.


Stay home dads are no less valuable than stay home moms. Ignore the opinions and comments of others whose opinions and comments dont matter. Its your life and household not theirs for them to say what you guys should do. If you were the stay home mom and he was providing with the full time job as you are, would people be getting in your head about you not providing financially as a stay home mom? Probably not.


It is no one elseā€™s business. Do what works for your family. How much would daycare be if he worked during the week too? It isnā€™t like he changed. You were fine with it while dating and got pregnant?


A lot of dadā€™s are stay-at-home dadā€™s


Sounds like heā€™s a stay at home dad with a part time jobā€¦ why is this any different than a stay at home mom with a part time job?


The only person you have to please in your life is you!


As long as he is helping with the child and covering his won bills who cares? You mentioned him buying things the child needs, thatā€™s more than what most women get from the father of their kids and heā€™s there putting in an effort to take care of the child. Quit letting other people dictate your view of him

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Well if heā€™s a stay at home dad, heā€™s helping a lot. You said he cleans , cooks and takes care of the baby. Besides your family comments what do you think and feel? Does this work for you ?

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Hey, whatever works for you!

If it works for you itā€™s no oneā€™s business

If the roles were reversed? Not their business. He is ā€œsavingā€ money by having the kids while you work. Would they prefer your infant be in daycare?


I wouldnā€™t worry about what nobody say it not the business. Keep doing what you doing


What are your thoughts on stay at home momsā€¦who donā€™t contribute financially? But take care of kids and housework?
If youā€™re ok with thatā€¦then you should be ok with dadā€™s being stay at home parents too.

Or did we all forget how equality works?


Would this even be a question if it was a SAHMā€¦wow! Sounds like we are stuck in the 30s. Thereā€™s more SAHD now than ever.


If it works for you is none of your familyā€™s business (unless they are financially supporting you). Iā€™d love for my husband to stay home and cook and clean :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


If he can hold the weight of being a stay at home parent, then let him. Sounds like heā€™s doing everything he can including working a bit to help support his bills. Sounds like you should ignore the family comments because heā€™s doing the most for the current situation. Now if he was refusing to do any of the home things including helping with children that would be a different story.


Nobody elses buisness!

Think about the future, are you going to be ok with this 2 years or 5 years down the road because this is what you are setting yourself and children up for you deserve better

Hes working full time if heā€™s staying home with kids and there is value in that even though he doesnā€™t earn a paycheck for it. And then goes to work on the weekends to earn enough to help cover himself and some extras. Donā€™t worry about what others say, itā€™s not their life. Theyā€™re obviously old school in thinking the man should be the sole provider but itā€™s a new age and there is nothing wrong with him being a stay at home dad.


If your happy with that life then itā€™s no oneā€™s business. Heā€™s contributing. If itā€™s not the kind of life you want then thatā€™s the decision you need to make for yourself. The only two people who decide whats best for your relationship is you and your significant other.

All that matters is that yā€™all are happy who cares what other people think.

Everyone has a different idea of bliss. You live yours. What ever that looks like.

If heā€™s more than pulling his weight with taking care of the kids (even the kids who arenā€™t his), keeping the house clean, cooking, AND works PT on the weekends to cover HIS bills then whatā€™s the problem? At least you donā€™t have to pay for a babysitter or a daycare while youā€™re at work. Why is it okay for women to be SAHMā€™s but barely do anything at home but yet a man stays home and does it all and itā€™s suddenly a big deal for a lot of people?
The point of a relationship isnā€™t to have someone help financially, but to have a partner. Which it sounds like he is holding up to being a partner. If it bothers you then change it. If it doesnā€™t and the way things are work for you then tell people to mind their own business.


Add up child care and cost of extra tasks he does that if you were alone would have to pay or take time away from work to do . I bet his value is substantial.

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What do you think about it? If you are ok with how things are then tell everyone else to worry about themselves and you do you. Donā€™t let others tell you if you are okay or not with your life. You do what works for you and makes you happy.

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Well i would tell them to mind their own buisness and good job dad Iā€™m proud of you

When a woman is a sahm of 3 and one a newborn, and works weekends people will ask how sheā€™s able to function, but when itā€™s a man this is wrong!? He is taking care of two kids that arenā€™t his plus his own infant and keeping up the house and such; you better keep him. When your family starts paying your bills then and only then are they entitled to tell you how to live. Nothing wrong with being a sahd!


If itā€™s working for both of you then keep going! Just ignore the negative comments from family and friends.

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Howā€™s that any different if your roles were reversed?? Iā€™m a stay at home mom and my husband is our sole provider bc that what works for us while our kids are young and we are in good financial play to do so. I think thatā€™s great that he takes care of the baby while you work - if thatā€™s what works for you guys - I mean, why work just so you can pay for daycare? Baby is at home with a parent who loves them. Tell your family you appreciate their concern but this is what works for you and your little family. He doesnā€™t impose his bills on you, he takes care of that himself so they need to STFU

Coming form someone who lost their significant otherā€¦money isnā€™t everything, unless you struggleā€¦you will never get back the chance to spend with your loved onesā€¦if you both are happyā€¦maybe you can tell the others to come help you with the house and your baby,while your boyfriend gets a job. That will probably quiet themā€¦

The only person who should have opinion about your relationship and the way you live your life are you and your partner if youā€™re happy and satisfied with the way things are then I donā€™t know why anybody else should have a problem with the fact that you are in a reverse roles itā€™s 2022. You said he takes care of his own bills with what money he does make and that he cooks cleans and takes care of your children while you work full time no one should look down on him he should get just as much praise as any stay at home mother does.


If heā€™s helping while you work and not being a bum then I see no problem with it. I earn a lot more than my husband (both full time) but we donā€™t care about any of that. We work as a team and it sounds like you do too. Tell your family that youā€™re happy and that itā€™s none of their business.


It donā€™t matter what we think
It donā€™t matter what other think
It matters if your happy.

My friends husband is gone for weeks at a time working they are happy. I would not be.

My husband is a homebody and never goes out. But allows me to do whatever I want when ever I want. That would not work for every relationship.

Personal Iā€™m the one who works part time and takes care of the house and kids and he pays all the bills.
It works for us we are happy.

Itā€™s finding whoā€™s perfect for you.


When youā€™re paying for 3 kids in daycare, youā€™ll realize how much he is worth by staying home.

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As long as he is pulling his weight in other ways then it shouldnā€™t matter. Being a stay at home parent is a full time job and you should be thankful that he is doing the house stuff and saving you from it and not costing the household daycare expenses. So letā€™s really think about this, he stays home all day and takes care of the house and his child while you work and then on the weekends goes to work to help out with money too. How is this a bad thing. He is doing everyday without a day off so if be pretty thankful.


If heā€™s doing the house work and child care and working pt to cover his own expenses then it sounds like heā€™s helping just fine. Sounds like they just want you to be the one staying home.


He stays home with the baby so you donā€™t have to find daycare or babysitters? Is a great dad??? Wtf is wrong with this

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If youā€™re okay with that situation I would keep it the way it is but I would not under any circumstance put his name on anything


If that works for the two of you then it works. It is Noone elseā€™s business who works and who does what within your household. I would suggest politely telling your family to mind their own business instead of yours and stand up for your man before it turns into an issue within your relationship. Other peopleā€™s opinions, especially people we care about, tend to weigh heavy on our mind and make us question things that we never thought we would question. If he is good to you and good to that baby, and helps out how he can, then everyone else can sit and spin. :two_hearts:

If itā€™s not broke donā€™t try to fix it . What matters is what you two feel and think.

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First advice, donā€™t let anyone, family, friends, fb or otherwise define the value of your man and what he brings to a relationship.

Although there are traditional expectations, itā€™s really up to you and yours to determine what expectations you both set for each other. I know alot of people assume roles or assume expectations or are passive in them, but really have a coming together discussion on what those expectations are. My marriage is a tug and pull. We both carry weight in the relationship and donā€™t hold finances as a gauge of value. We also donā€™t hold on to gender roles in our house. Some weeks Iā€™m busier or overwhelmed and he carries the kids responsibilities and some house hold responsibilities or vice versa. But we do ā€œnegotiateā€ or compromise with each other to ensure one isnā€™t feeling that they have a heavier load and be respectful that mental load of being with the kids can sometimes be more than mental load of a job.

For reference I am currently the breadwinner. He has in the past been the head of house, but again we go back and forth like a democratic relationship lol

Hope you find a balance that works for you two, and try and relieve that pressure of your familyā€™s expectations by setting healthy boundries with them. Advice is welcomed but ridicule will not be entertained.


My husband works part time because Iā€™m medically retired. We have a kid in braces and with ADHD and take care of my mom. He handles all the appointments and errands, along with a lot of things around the house. Working full time just isnā€™t in the cards. Its what works for you.

That is worth itā€™s weight in gold. If you had to pay someone to do tese things, it would be very expensive. Tell your family to help or step down on the criticism. You guys do you!


Technically heā€™s contributing. He may not have money but at least heā€™s not sitting on his ass all day. He helps take care of the kids and the house, and you mentioned he pays his own bills. If he gets a full time job youā€™ll have to put your kids in daycare. Daycare is so expensive! You have a good man donā€™t let your family ruin your relationship.

I mean if your children donā€™t need daycare so you can work full time. And your partner cares for the kids, cleaning, cooking, errands, and still works part time. I donā€™t see the problem. If the situation were reversed I donā€™t think people would be judging it. And your baby is so young. This isnā€™t permanent. When your child is older and starts pre school you can reevaluate schedules and finances. He may even already have a job change and pay raise by then.

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My husband only works weekends and stays home with our 2 and 4 yr old. We are happy and thatā€™s all that matters. If your happy and it works donā€™t let others ruin that for you. Iā€™ve done they sahm and its a really hard job. So Iā€™m very grateful to have him


I donā€™t see a problem with this. Isnā€™t this what women have always done. Stay at home and look after the family. Itā€™s just role reversal. If it works for you thatā€™s what counts

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If the roles were reversed nothing would be mentioned about the female being a stay at home mum so Iā€™m not understanding what the problem is if he is staying home taking care of the house and the baby?


Pick your battles if he worked full time he probably wouldnā€™t help around the house and you would have to pay for child care


Doesnā€™t matter what we think
If it works for you two
Than who cares


How blessed you are hes stay at home and working weekends sound awesome!! But as always do what works for you bothā€¦ take care


If we can be stay home moms then the man can be a stay at home fatherā€¦ if he helps well and does what he has to around the houseā€¦ I donā€™t see a problemā€¦ tell ppl to mind their businessā€¦


My husband is an amazing stay at home daddy who I insisted quit his full time job that was wearing on him physically and emotionally. My babies get their daddy while Iā€™m working and not a daycare or stranger, and we get more time together. Youā€™re family doesnā€™t ā€œlive your lifeā€ or in your home, donā€™t let their opinions dictate a what appears to be functioning and stable/happy situation. If you arenā€™t happy with it, change it, if itā€™s working, stay the course.


Sounds like itā€™s working for you all, tell your fam to mind their own damn business

What this man is doing for the family is priceless. Heā€™s a keeper! :two_hearts::clap::clap:

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If heā€™s providing child care thatā€™s great. Iā€™d let the comments slide.

My husband has been stay at home dad for the last 5 years. Married 10

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Sounds like a great guy. If he wasnā€™t being a great dad and doing house work, that would be the time to ask yourself questions.

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My thoughts are the same as with a stay at home mom. What they contribute is invaluable. You can put him to work full time and pay for a babysitter and housekeeper and the two of you do the cooking. I bet you donā€™t come out ahead!


You just said he contributes by paying his own bills, helping at home and with kids and buys their necessities, ect so how is this not contributing financially? You donā€™t need daycare either, he IS contributing in the most valuable ways! Iā€™d be ok with it honestly but you and him need to be discussing it if it bothers you that much.


If you are ok with it that is all that matters

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Are stay at home moms expected to contribute financially or would everyone in this group jump on a man if he ever insinuated that her staying home taking care of the kids isnā€™t enough contribution? The same should apply for a guy.


Do people say the same about stay-at-home moms???


Sounds like the same old disrespect women get for being stay at home moms. He sounds like a keeperā£ļø


If heā€™s a stay at home dad and works part time, heā€™s a keeper!


Wow! If it works for your family that is wonderful. He sounds like a wonderful partner!


This doesnā€™t come off as sexi$t at all :grimacing::roll_eyes:

If it works for yā€™all then itā€™s fine. You wouldnā€™t look down on a stay at home mom, so donā€™t look down on a stay at home dad


Thatā€™s between you two


I was just having this conversation with someone else. How is it okay for a mother to be a stay at home mom and not contribute but its completely frowned upon when a father wants to be a stay at home dad? People really need to stop frowning on things like this. As long as hes helping with the kid(s) and helping with cooking, cleaning ect and if hes paying his own bills then it shouldnt matter as long as youre okay with that.


If you are okay w it then THATS what mattersā€¦ moms do it, why canā€™t dads? Thatā€™s my take on it! Hope it works itself out.

Sometimes our families opinions get in the way of what really matters & we gotta learn to ignore it/put a stop to it OR sometimes even end that relationshipā€¦ family or not. Also, Iā€™ve learned to keep me & hubbyā€™s business, OUR BUSINESS. Cause theyā€™ll always, for the most part usually, side w you on the matter vs him & usually will always have your back over himā€¦ so thereā€™s that too. Good luck!


If he loves you and your babies and you are able to afford for him to stay home then who cares what anyone else thinks :two_hearts:


Is he helping as a stay at home Dad?? Is he contributing to the household financially? Most important: are you Happy ?? If you answered yes to all three then tell people toā€¦ ( sorry, canā€™t say that) bugger off

Heā€™s just a stay at home dad so whatā€™s the problem if you feel both are contributing in the way that helps your family then thatā€™s all that matters. What do you think?

If heā€™s a stay at home Dad then heā€™s saving you money on daycare :sweat_smile: itā€™s the same as a stay at home mom and he works weekends I donā€™t see a problem if your ok with it who gives 2 hoots what others have to say! What works for your family works, what works for other families may not work for othersā€‹:woman_shrugging:t2:

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Nothing wrong heā€™s doing all the things you would if you didnā€™t have a full time job, my husband and l did the same, who ever got the job worked and the other stayed home and looked after kids and household etc.
Day care was expensive back then but now wow itā€™s crazy just how expensive it is!!

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Uh, thatā€™s called a stay at home dadā€¦ I could see an issue if he wasnā€™t helping at all but if ur kids are healthy, the house is kept and heā€™s not being a financial drain, why are you complaining?


Whatever floats your boat n make you happy, stick with him. If you feel embarrassed by him tell him to get a full time job or hit the Rd.

Its yā€™allā€™s life whatever works for you who gives a shit what other people think

Flaming fantastic. He may not be helping financially, but at least he pays his bills and youā€™re able to go to work knowing the children are being well looked after and a clean house to come home to, I would sooner that then my kids have to have child care , which you would have to pay for , n not knowing if there truly being cared for and bonus housework and dinner done wen you get home. Wicked xx

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He does help financially! You donā€™t have to pay for child care which is expensive, he pays you with his labor, a labor of love I might add!!


He sounds good to me . I had a husband who couldnā€™t even be there to bring his first born home from hospital because he was too busy helping his friend who had a sapphire claim , so I had to phone around to get a ride home ā€¦It was New Years day 1972 and we had only been in this country town for a few months , so you have a keeper. Having no family support was very hard.