What breast pump is best?

My insurance covers the cost of a breast pump. I plan to breastfeed but unfortunately can’t take much time away from work so I’ll have to pump for when the hubby is home with our daughter. Recommended brands/models? Also why did you prefer that specific one? Thanks!


I used a Medela in the hospital and it was so uncomfortable. The spectra was so much more comfortable.
Target has started carrying their spare parts etc.

Spectra. And the Lanisoh(?) manual pump

Spectra. Medela was too hard on me in the hospital. I pumped more milk with the spectra and it was gentle.

Spectra! So much more comfortable than medela, and very quiet compared to most others. It’s also a closed system, so you don’t have to worry about mold or ruining the motor.

I had a medela with my first, did the job for a year. With my second i had the spectra and liked it sooooo much more, didn’t nurse as long but it was all around better for me pumping :+1:t3::+1:t3: good luck!

I used Madela double electric pump for both of my children. Never had a problem

Here’s my experience. I got the spectra 2plus. Went back to work and the motor died on it within 2 months. It’s a common problem. Took spectra a full week to get a new one out to me. So while I waited for the new one I dropped $200 on another pump. The medela… I was mad. But here’s what I know. Spectra has a closed system. It has a barrier between the milk and the motor. Medela does not. Medela is a one user pump because of this. Medela parts are cheaper and more readily available compared to spectra. Spectra has wide mouth bottles which I really like, and medela does not. Spectra 2 does not come with a bag, or a battery cord. Medela does. I like how medelas pump you can select different speeds and strengths for stimulation. Spectra only has one speed for stimulation, But medela wasnt as comfortable as the spectra. Spectra has smoother suction in my opinion, but medela has better speed options. Medelas flanges are 2 part which means you can easily make a pumping bra out of an old sports bra.

I like both, but if I had to go back I would have chosen the medela. Spectra failed on me and then took a week to get me a new one. Parts are harder to find, it’s getting better now, but still hard to find in store. Medela is easier to tote along a d has the battery pack. I hate the tubes on the medela but I feel like maybe theres a way to switch tubes on it. It’s now not uncomfortable for me to use.

If you decide Spectra, have a back up plan for it the motor goes out.

Used the same Medela for all five of my kids who I pumped at least a year for! Loved it.

I had a double electric Lansinoh and I loved it. I also had a manual Medela that I really liked for short trips because it was small and easy to use and clean.

I just got the willow, and I absolutely LOVE IT! Hands free all the time! I can chase our 18 month old and pump, I can be completely mobile to do everything! Little pricey! But worth it

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I just got the willow, and I absolutely LOVE IT! Hands free all the time! I can chase our 18 month old and pump, I can be completely mobile to do everything! Little pricey! But worth it

Medela is absolutely great I’ve had no issues and if you sign up with there website they even send a box free gifts in the mail!

Spectra is amazing! Especially good for at work

Rent a good quality pump from the hospital pharmacy. They charge a monthly fee, but it is worth the money. I bought a pump that didn’t really work.

I exclusively pumped due to latching issues and had the most success with the Medela freestyle.

For work use I would recommend a hand pump. The Avent one is cheap and nice. Finding an outlet at work with some privacy isn’t easy.

Honestly my fav has been the Lansinoh hand pump

I loved my Medela I had multiple ones and all have worked amazingly.