What can cause a 9 year old to feel sick all the time?

What would cause a nine year old to be nauseas all the time in the tummy? We are on week two… saw pediatrician and all is ok. Blood work and urine test is ok. Lyme negative. What else can we test for?? I’m Very concerned:/


Anxiety would be a big one. Also bullying, when my oldest son was bullied he claimed to feel sick a lot to stay home when really he was trying to avoid a bully.


I was told as a kid my daily nausea was due to anxiety, but it’s actually gastroparesis. I’d ask for a referral to a pediatric GI doctor if anxiety isn’t the issue.


What about Acid Reflux? I was one of those kids where the doctors couldn’t figure out why I was always nauseous no matter if I ate or not. Finally went to a doctor that finally sent me to a specialist for stomachs that figured out it was Acid Reflux

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Maybe Anxiety?

Is Any thing going on with home life or at school that could made this occur out of no where? Does the child feel sick all the time or is it more just if they are at a certain place?


Allergies?? maybe even food allergies / intolerances…or Ciliac??

Have you checked if she has any food allergies? My daughter was having stomach pains and nauseas because she is allergic to soy

Nerves or anxiety? My little guy also gets belly aches from the bus


What’s happening at school, at home, or the grandparents house?

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Sounds like it could very well be anxiety. Is she getting bullied or picked on? I used to get tummy aches as a kid cause I was getting bullied and the anxiety of having to go to school and deal with it would make me feel yucky

What is the child eating or drinking are they taking vitamins etc
Allot of people are putting it’s could be a mental issue - maybe something is bothering him less sleep does he game allot ?
:bowl_with_spoon: I had to stop my child from eating Cheetos, cokes period and snacking and eating macaronies or soups etc and make sure he eat what I cooked more!

I’ve heard recently that one of the latest bugs going around is a 2 week norovirus. And there were several tummy bugs making the rounds this year.

ask bout an xray for the bowels. my son was backed right up and he would puke cuz it wasnt passing he now has a stomach diagnosis… also anxiety can cause this as well

I was one of these no one knows what’s wrong with her tummy, kids. It was definitely anxiety and just not having the vocabulary to explain it.


My son did this at 10 and it turned out to be acid reflux, try some over the counter medication and see if it’s better in a week!

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My 6 year goes through 24-48 hours of puking every 2-4 months. Doctor says it’s just a Virus or kids not washing hands properly and in school they touch everything and put hands in their mouth.

My child was going through this an turned out to be mono.

I would guess anxiety maybe

My son went through having belly issues for a long time. Finally was tested for food allergies and is allergic to milk and eggs. Had to lower the amount he eats or drinks of both weekly and it completely improved.

Possibly anxiety. I had that issue as a child.


Personally I would start with the diet. Cut out as much processed food as possible. Keep a journal to track results. Involve the child and work as a Team to figure it out, they may open up about what is bothering them that they haven’t shared. You will have compiled your own research to share with the Dr. if it comes to that.


Allergies and food sensitivity

Anxiety can start at this age unfortunately.

Make an appointment with a GI doctor. My son was diagnosed with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. It could also be anxiety


Milk forbreakfast? Bus ride?

Anxiety, constipation, nerves, stress, …

I went through the same thing with my daughter. It was separation anxiety


Ears…get her ears checked x

Anxiety. I was nauseous 80% of my childhood because of anxiety. It still effects my stomach in the same way as an adult.


Does Child take probiotics? Is child hydrated properly… eat right amount of calories in a day. What’s the protein intake?
Have child drink chamomile tea or fennel tea
. It’s allergy season mucus build up is common in stomachs …mullein helps with that…

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Anxiety. Anxiety can make you feel sick all of the time. And at 9yo they prob don’t have the words to necessarily describe the feeling if they even recognize it.


My oldest suffers from anxiety. He used to get headaches/nausea all the time. We checked for other things too but anxiety was already pretty evident before these symptoms started. They have improved with age.

My son went through this with vomiting and after months they found his upper stomach valve thing, can’t remember the name, was not fully closing.


We have a 9yr old that has had diarrhea for 3 weeks. Just when we think she’s better, she’s eats a rich food and off she goes again. Same !! doc said everything is fine, gave us electrolytes drink for dehydration which she is so not dehydrated :roll_eyes:

Gallbladder. My 7 year old had to have hers removed


Anxiety. My grandson had it horribly because of bullying at school. I now homeschool and he is fine.

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Anxiety… anxiety manifests itself as stomach issues in young kids. My daughter felt with this too.

Need to see a pediatric GI doctor.


A referral to a gastroenterologist. She could have gastroparesis. Nausea is common with that.

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My son gets extreme pain every time he eats has been having major tummy pain for a year now they doctors don’t know he was diagnosed with a vascularity issue now has kidney checks every week his testical swelled to the size of soft ball he was 6 not 7 and turned black absolutely retrying they said tummy issue not related but it’s more painful then that doctor said he had some kind of swelling in intensities area by appendix when it first started and regularly have to give poop meds but it hasn’t helped systems at all really

I would go the G.I route if your son doesn’t think it’s stress or anxiety related. There’s a gentle way for a mom to ask questions and see if it’s mental or physical or potentially both?

Anxiety, allergies, diet, gi problems.

Something is wrong in her environment…bullying, parents fighting, an uncomfortable person…lots of things can cause it.

Ulcers, stress made my little one sick. She was 10

Might want a referral to a gastroenterologist. A regular peds doctor won’t have all the answers.

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Anxiety. Also Crohns disease.

Could be hormones , does she get headaches too…

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Have him tested for Celiac disease.

Also constipation, built up gas

Could be psychosomatic if you have eliminated foods etc.

Acid reflux could cause it

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Well if it’s a girl… Those are symptoms of a period.

Food sensitivity? Keep a journal of what she consumes & when she feels sick. Food sensitivities can take upto 3 days for syntoms so keep that in mind.

Starting her period? It can be years away but her body is preparing.


I would ask for the initial blood tests that can be done to rule out coeliac disease. So many people have it and are unaware it’s the reason they feel poorly at times

Truly, natural remedies do work. If they didn’t, we wouldn’t have used them for thousands of years. And, pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t be studying plants, taking extracts of them, and patenting them as drugs.this is not a claim or lies I was totally cured from hashimotos and neuropathy by Herbalist Nwekeke, His remedy is surely the best. I suggest you try him out if you are having any health challenges and also get cured too, give him a try

Diet. Start gluten free and wheat or grain free.

Male or female
It could be a number of things really. Anxiety. Hunger. Dehydration.
Ensure they’re avoiding junk and staying hydrated. Not just water, Pedialyte, ginger ale. Avoid dyed juices and anything really carbonated. Some sugars can make it worse.
Request a GI Dr referral. If they say they can’t seem to find anything, consider therapy.
Also, keep a food, symptom journal. Maybe it’ll show a pattern.

Is the child constipated?

Talk to her about what’s going on at school, it could be anxiety… Is she being bullied?

Nerves? Anxiety? Best wishes

My nine year old was doing the same thing for about the same amount of time. I definitely think it is anxiety if testing shows nothing is wrong on that end.

Test for celiac that’s how my kiddo was in the beginning then it went to throwing up and having diarrhea and then not eating at all because his belly hurt all the time.

My son has that same issue, I tried another one for his anxiety. He also takes something now to see if it’s from acid reflux and heartburn. The doctor was also concerned about always saying his stomach hurts. Everything came back normal.

My daughter has the same problem but shes 12, nasea, dizziness,other symptoms just odd and can’t find the root of it

Acid reflux, EOE (I’m a GI nurse also someone who has always had GERD/Acid reflux and makes me nauseous all the time. Anxiety which also always makes me nauseous. Lactose intolerance, gluten allergy another intolerance to something else.

Have you tested for Giardia?

This happened to my brother and it was appendicitis I’d have them checked out again

Anxiety? Panic attacks?
Color dyes? I know a friend who gets instantly sick from anything with dyes.

Sounds like anxiety to me, but could also be something related to diet. You may want to consider a specialist, maybe an allergy panel?

I recommend trying to see an Ent inner ear issues can make you feel dizzy or nauseous

Anxiety could be it, my son had it last year pretty bad and always had an upset stomach, he is 10.

Other things to consider would be vitamin deficiencies, diet? or possibly needing to detox (parasites).

Diet, anxiety, hormones, nerves. Kids are under alot of pressure. With school friends and home life it can be alot of things.

We were told anxiety but found out it was lactose intolerance

Anxiety and stress was a big one for my daughter, which started around nine 

It could be abdominal migraine.

But also has your child had his stomach looked at thru X-rays to see if he’s backed up.

My son had to have his appendix removed he complained about a stomach ache all the time

H-pylori is also a thing! I got it as a kid and it sucked.

My daughter was like this. She has a true milk allergy (not intolerance) that caused inflammation in her intestines, and other than pain and nausea, and bouts of no eating had no other signs. I would ask for a referral to a pediatric gastroenterologist.

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Anxiety is definitely a top reason.

Celiac disease. Have a celiac panel run

It’s probably anxiety. I used to throw up every time I had any big test any type of presentation. But I also would have a really bad time a year around allergy season. Even when I took allergy medicine it was like I woke up in the morning and just threw up so much extra mucus that my stomach created over the night. So I think it also depends on what time of day it’s happening.

I’d only guess poor diet and or bad anxiety. My daughter is 9 and says her heart hurts alot took her in for testing and they put a heart tracker thing on her for a few weeks and it was fine. Shortly after she stopped complaining about it. She only ever so often complains about it still. If anxiety wasn’t bad for us growing up I think it’s even worse for the kids today.

Could be an acid reflux thing. My second oldest always felt sick and here recently they put him on pills to take twice a day and he hasn’t complained since taking them.

Both of my boys have had tummy problems off and on most their lives. It’s mostly been due to constipation. My oldest son was hospitilized… we thought he was having appendicitis. They ran all sorts of tests and took several hours to find out he had an intestinal blockage and they did an enema and sent us home with a miralax prescription. Both my boys take miralax daily now.

Could be anxiety. See a GI and rule out heartburn/reflux, allergy, things of that nature. My 9 yr old goes up and down with it and it seems heartburn related. Started a probiotic along with heartburn meds as needed and I pack lunch a few times a week bc sometimes we notice the school lunch plays into it as well depending on the menu.
(If the probiotic and the heartburn meds don’t work our next step is the GI)

My daughter was constantly complaining of a sore or sick tummy and would often vomit. Turned out to be anxiety, extreme butterflies.

Anxiety, IBS, H-pylori just to name a few. Def see a gastro for more in depth testing.

Allergies, what the kid is eating!

Have you tried praying? It has worked n cured my daughter of cystic fibrosis!
I will pray for your sweet child.
What kind of sick…?