What can cause a child to keep getting pinworms?

What could cause my child to keep getting pin worms? We have treated her multiple times and they keep coming back

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If she’s in daycare / school and all the kids aren’t treated it’s just being passed back and forth.

also, you’re supposed to go on VERY strict hygiene when you’re treating, sheets need to be washed daily, shower first thing in the morning after waking up, and everyone in the house needs to be treated at the same time even if you don’t show symptoms.

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She is ingesting the worms somehow that is the only way to get them …most likely through biting her fingernails after playing outside…


Do you have pets? Do they have worms? Could be getting them from the pet if she touches them and then puts her hands in her mouth

Strict hygiene as well as everyone needs to be treated.

Does she have a sandbox? My mom told me my sister used to get ring worm and such because farm cats were going in her sand box. They got rid of the sand box no more worms

What does her doctor say?

Also make sure ALL family members are treated at the same time. It can be spread quickly between family members.

Hot wash all linen and vacuum under bed