What can cause a late period?

I had my last baby a little over a year ago. I had a tubal ligation when I had my c section. When my periods started back, they were on time every month. Same schedule, never missing a day or never irregular. It’s been 8 days now and no period. I’m freaking out on the inside, but I’m trying to wait it out a few more days before I take a test. Has anyone experienced this or gotten pregnant like this?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What can cause a late period?

Why wait to take the test? Just take one to rule it out and go from there


Yes, I had my tunes cut, burned, and tied and 4 years later had a baby


Stress, change in medication

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Sometimes getting a negative on a test can relax your body/psyche enough to let the period happen.


Yes; some do get pg like in our family

Usually not right away, woman that I know that it happened to - it happened like years after having a tubal, I feel like it’s soon for you. Maybe stress??

Same thing happened to me. I was just late. I also have a tubal

Take a test… negative or positive, go see your doctor!

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I know someone that got pregnant anyway.

I hate to be the one to tell ya this, But I had twins after tubal ligation!!! My baby was 14 months olds​:flushed::flushed::flushed:

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You need to go to dr. To make sure baby is in correct spot not in tubes.

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Hormones…I had a tubal and my thyroid will throw my monthly off.

An incredible amount of things can cause a late period. Test anyway and rule that out

It could be hormonal imbalance

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My husband had a vasectomy while I was pregnant with my daughter. 17 months later I had my youngest son. Yes it can happen

It happened to me. It was just a change of my period time and days

What is your age? Periods can get irregular as you get closer to menopause.

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I did and ended up having a miscarriage because I went to cedar point😔I just knew I was nuts and probably just having regrets. I should have listened to my body.

My daughter got pregnant after c section and tubal done. Dr told her it happens to 1 in 300 and mainly those who have c section. So don’t be surprised if that is the case.

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It takes 12-18 mons for hormones to go back to normal after birth. It could be stress, hormones fluctuating, etc. Your body will change so your date may change. It’s normal.

My sister was born a year afer my parents thought they had surgecly removed that option. The failure rate is low but it exists. If you have been stressed or sick that could case a missed period, too. Give it a couple of days and then call your doctor. If you arre or become in pain go to the er

You’re period will fluctuate as you age and have had kids. If you’re not pregnant it’s normal

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Me and about 5 other girls i work with are all 6 days or close to that late. I have every symptom that im about to start

I was born 4 years after my mom’s tubal. I believe that if a child is destined to come earthside, nothing will stop them from doing so. I would definitely give your doctor a call. It’s unlikely you’re pregnant, but missing a period is a sign of more health issues than just pregnancy.


You shouldn’t be pregnant. It’s probably hormones. Check with your doctor.

Call your doctor for blood work. There is a possibility for an ectopic pregnancy which can be life threatening.

This just happened to me as well. I was a week late. Not sure since I’m not really stressed.

It could be pregnancy - the chance is 1 in 100. Which seems pretty big or “rare” but it really isn’t.

It could be your hormones, stress, your cycles deciding to just get weird on their own, if you’ve been sick, breastfeeding (if you breastfeed your little one - that can throw off cycles), conditions like endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS, etc.

If you are very worried, I would by pass the home pregnancy test and schedule an appointment with your doctor immediately to have a blood test done to check your hcg levels.

It is possible after a tubal for periods to become light or stop. You could get pregnant if you’re still ovulating, but only a Dr could tell you that.

Don’t wait, could be a tubal pregnancy. You can definitely get pregnant, the surgery isn’t 100%.

I had mine tied when I had my C-section also 3 years ago. My periods like to flip flop… sometimes they are right on time. Sometimes it takes 2 weeks after it should be there.

As you age your period changes. Also your body takes up to 24 months to go back to normal. Take a test in the next few days

I had a tubal ligation at 28. Pregnant at 34. Thought is was tubular pregnancy, because that’s more common if you’ve been fixed,and dangerous. He’s almost 4 years old now.

Take a test because it could be a tubal pregnancy and better to find out sooner rather than later!

Yep had my tubes done in 2014 got pregnant in 2017, they said it was tubal, but in fact it was a complete molar pregnancy that ultimately caused me to have an emergency hysterectomy. Just take a test for health reasons.

How old are you? It could be the start of menopause - even if you aren’t very old.

I had my tubes removed a couple years ago, and same thing. My periods were fine and now they are never the same time. I have been going through several different things since having them removed.

Thyroid problems threw mine out