What can cause a late period?

I’m 8 days late on my period and didn’t realize till today I was even late been so busy but I had a tubal with clamps 4 years ago… my question mama’s is could I be prego? Has it happened to anyone before here?


They say the u can fall preggas after 5 yrs. But very very slim chance of it… my last kid. Mr. 7yr old now. I had a ceaser n told em I wanted my tubes tied
They told me their was more chance falln preggas with that then if the guy get his nuts done… . Considering my bro in law got his Mrs preggas 10yrs after having that done… I’m just waiting. Hahahahahah. Best of luck if u are x

Had mine clamped in 2008. No scares for me thank god! It can happen, but it’s very rare. And even more rare that it would be a viable pregnancy. If your period is typically consistent, I’d say it’s stress or something else going on. Wait a bit more and schedule an OBGYN appointment if it doesn’t come. (Side note; after getting mine clamped mine became very irregular, even going 3 months at a time with no period. Just something to keep in mind)

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I have a friend that got preg a year after she had her tubs tide. But if ur stressed it could be the reason why u r late

There could be other reasons you’re late, but at least take a test.

Could get pregnant in a tube get check

Did you take a test??

It can happen
Take a test

I would go to a gyno. Tests can be wrong. Just in case. This is why im glad my doctor cuts the tubes out completely. The whole tube gone.

I’m in the same boat but 10 days late, 6 months post tubal. All test negative so far

Take a test? :woman_shrugging:t3: it is possible to get pregnant after having it done

I’ve had mine tied for about 10 years. This happens to me about 4 to 5 times a year. The tubal screwed my period up.

There’s a 1% chance of getting pregnant and it goes up by 1% each year if not less than that , I can’t remember specifically right now. Definitely test to see

You’re 8 days late. Test.

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