Hi just curious to see if anyone else has experienced this. My period is currently a week late, my cycle is pretty regular so I’m not normally this late. I got a really bad cold right when I was supposed to start my period and am wondering if that is why it’s late. I took 2 pregnancy tests (the cheap blue dye ones) and both were negative. Has anyone else gotten super sick around their period and it ended up skipping that month or did it eventually come? It’s definitely possible that I could be pregnant but am confused about the negative tests. Im still sick but am feeling a little bit better but still no period
A lot of things can cause your period to be late. I would take a pink dye test, they are more accurate for early detection.
ANYTHING can mess your period up. Mine has been messed up from stress so many times.
BUT I was pregnant with my son and didn’t know it and thought he was a “stomach bug”. Honestly you’re probably pregnant and it’s just not showing up yet on the blue dye test.
I’d go to a doctor to get a urine sample.
So many things can cause it. Anywhere from stress to a medical condition. So it’s hard to say. It’s possible illness could mess with it. If it continues you can get checked out and have bloodwork done to see if anything is off there.
Stress can cause miss Period
I thought I was sick with a cold ended up pregnant with my son
I’ve skipped many times over my lifetime hormones, stress anything can easily effect a period to miss or even come earlier. If u are preg it’s also possible to be too early to show positive. If affordable make an appt w your dr they can test u or do a sono to confirm but I’d wait another week or two if it doesn’t come take a test first pee in the morning when your levels are highest
Anything can mess your cycle up. Diet, exercise, being sick, medications, issues (endometriosis, adenomyosis, etc), pH balance, infections, your cycle linking to another female in your life, pregnancy (whether it shows positive or not - you might’ve tested too early, etc. Some believe that certain moons can impact your period too such as full moons
If you are sexually active and late with cold symptoms you should go to the dr I thought I had the flu with my first baby but nope, I was pregnant
In 2021 I got my period the day I got covid and that cycle ended up being 35 days…
The more you stress about it, the more it’ll stay away too!