Not mom related but I really need some advice my head is extremely itchy has what looks like dandruff It honestly feels like ants are biting all over my scalp. What could be wrong??
Possibly psoriasis. I have it, but it doesn’t affect my scalp. It’s on the palms of my hands and soles of my feet, but it is common on the scalp
Scalp psoriasis. Sea breeze astringent- apply a few drops to the area. Or if you want a medication, Elocon is what I have. Works great.
Try tea tree oil shampoo. Paul Mitchel has a great one.
Hi! I recommend dermarest as it may be psoriasis of the scalp. You can also put hydrocortisone cream on any open areas to help with the itch.
I went though this recently after getting my hair done the chemicals caused my hair to get itchy, I got a shower scalp brush and started using a little bit of oil and it seemed to really help
Bugs. Go to Dr or walk in
Nits & lice or itchy scalp. Hope it is the latter one .
They told me it was from kidney failure.
See a dermatologist. Give them a complete list of all medications you’re taking, including herbal supplements, vitamins, and over the counter medications.