What can cause crazy hair loss?

Anyone have any idea why I’m loosing hair like crazy? I don’t think it’s post partum hair loss since I’m almost a year PP. But I’m loosing so dang much hair all the time. Or any tips or tricks to try and help? I didn’t really start loosing hair until like 8-9 months after I had my 3rd baby. But I also started a new birth control pill (progesterone only) probably around 5 or 6 months after him. Suggestions are greatly appreciated! I lost so much post partum after my second and quickly got pregnant with my 3rd. (4 months pp) Idk if it’s hormones or what. Helppppp

I was put on a progesterone only pill and I lost a ton of hair. I went from having extremely thick, heavy hair to barely any at all. I stopped taking it, and my hair is slowly growing back after about 6 months. I suggest having your birth control switched.