What can cause dizzy spells?

I am a mom of 3 and I’m not really sure but I’m trying to figure out what could be wrong. I have been to countless doctors and they seem to just say it’s vertigo. Since I had my third child I’ve been experiencing dizzy spells. This never happened before this child. At first I brushed it up to being exhausted /tired from a new baby. But then it got to be about 6 months in and they got more frequent and more lengthy. This is when I went to see drs. They ran all my blood work, everything was normal. They did an MRI 6 months ago but even so its getting so much worse. I seem to be okay if moving. But for example, church really kills me with the words for songs up on the projector.


Sounds like it could possibly be vertigo or anxiety! I kept feeling dizzy and light headed and I thought it was my anxiety (i kept having panic attacks after my little brother passed away) so I thought they were getting worse and it was my heart I have tachycardia and my resting heart rate was 151 and blood pressure was high. Lots of prayers I hope you find out the cause!:pray:t4::sparkling_heart:

I agree to get your eyes checked. I’d also suggest checking your blood pressure throughout the day, especially surrounding activities when these episodes occur more often.


Mine is vertigo related to my inner ear issues. I take bonine (Meclazine) and it really helps.

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I had the same suggest seeing an ENT about Ménière’s disease that is what I have and once diagnosed and given proper meds I have felt so much better


I had vertigo as well, and the dizzy spells literally made me sick after they subsided!
I went to Barnes hospital, where I saw an intern, and he showed me what to do for it, and ever since that day, I haven’t had one episode.
This young man knew his stuff!

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Blood pressure? Have you ever had ur heart checked, i suffer from blood pressure issues even with medication , i get the odd dizzy fainting spell…

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Eye doctor, anxiety, are you eating and hydrating well, getting enough rest, etc. When you feel these coming on or having one do you check your BP? Maybe get a meter to check your sugars?


You should have a blood test to rule out anaemia

Low blood/ high blood sugar blood pressure. An iron deficiency

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Sounds like vertigo. I have it from time to time and you just can’t look up

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So why are you reluctant to accept that it’s vertigo?

I have vertigo and it’s awful!


low iron vertigo,high blood pressure low blood pressure anything

Anxiety does it to me. I started prozac and it pretty much stopped.

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Sounds like you might have an eye issue, or anxiety. Try making sure you eat lots of small meals thru out the day, water with electrolytes. More protein. Maybe an anti anxiety med. Or even try taking motion sickness otc pills and antihistamines together might help tremendously along with a little snack and some electrolytes


I went to every dr possible and it was my thyroid. I was diagnosed with hashimotis. Once I started synthroid symptoms went away

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Maybe high blood pressure

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Vertigo and your equilibrium is off maybe

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My friend was having really bad dizzy spells and someone told her to go to the chiropractor and she’s been going for about a year and hasn’t had one since she’s been going.

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Csf leak? From epidural if you had one


Get your back checked…go to a chiropractor.my friend just went threw this …and feels so much better now

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When my allergies are bad I get vertigo. But if looking at a projector gets you, I’d suggest getting your vision checked.

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Go to an ENT
Medical intervention with Serc and stematil will definitely give your relief InshaAllah. Please see an ENT ASAP.

Been there done that

Have you seen the optician ?


I have horrible vertigo that only started once I had my daughter and my thyroid went bad.

What do u use for birth control the depo shot was the cause of my dizziness and so many other issues

Anxiety causes dizziness for me. They kept telling me it was vertigo too. Gave me pills for it, nothing worked.


Have you been checked for Meneires disease.

Mom of 2 and had two high risk pregnancies, had all the same symptoms and then some. Definitely look into seeing an eye doctor, get your own blood pressure machine and do your best to check it 3 times a day when sitting and not stressed, i know its hard with littles. 120/80 is normal some people run high or low naturally but if your bottom number is ever over 140 and top number over 180 to 200 definitely go in. I run in the 200s daily and take labaterol and two other meds i cant pronounce that help balance it out. Definitely see a doctor, ive had a couple seizures from ignoring it and just wanting to be home with my babies. It also could be something simple lile air fresheners or something in and around home, i uaed to have one of those auto freaheners and after my kids i would have headaches and throw up. Got rid of them and it stopped.

Honestly, you can play guessing games for hours over a symptom like this. I’m sorry you’ve had so lucky with the doctors yet and I do hope they figure it out soon. But def go back and hound them. Vertigo alone can be different for everyone. Friend of mine was pretty constant with the dizziness but my partner would have rounds of it. So it’s hard to rule it out.

Until your Dr’s figure this out for you do your best to eat nutrient dense foods and stay hydrated.when we aren’t well we tend to grab whatever the easiest to eat.poor diet may not be the culprit but it can add to the problems.good luck.

Mine is caused by low blood pressure and high pulse. They ran a bunch of other tests; blood work and Holter monitor and they found nothing wrong.

I’ve had problems being dizzy for years & been to an ENT several times, put on meds & nothing helped till my family Dr told me it was from my neck. My C5-C7 disks in my neck are messed up & it’s causing my severe dizziness.

I have postpartum pre-eclampsia after my 3rd. I didn’t even know that was a thing. I say get a blood pressure cuff and check your pressure whenever you feel especially dizzy. Mine gets worse if I get up too fast or get dehydrated and I’d definitely messes with my eyesight at times. Good luck with your search!

I have it too and have since my youngest daughter almost 14vyrs ago. It’s absolutely horrible. The only thing I’ve learned is that when I set up or before I stand up I have to focus on something further out in the room. It helps me for some reason

Thyroid. I get that when mine starts going nuts

Blood work to rule out anemia and low vitamin d. I was having similar issues and it was because my vit d was SUPER low. But start with blood work!

Could be vertigo. Could also be POTS. It could be a million things. Have you seen an ENT?

Have you been checked for vitamin deficiencies? That is a big one for dizzy spells. Your dr should also order you an ECG and a Holter monitor to check for heart problems. Go back to your dr and ask for all of these, insist on it actually.

I am so sorry to hear that you are having these vertigo attacks. I was diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease 20 years ago. That was about all the doctor could do for me. He prescribed Serc but it didn’t help.
I went on line an found a little book called Overcoming Meniere’s. I found it to be very helpful. The author shared a protocol that he used to overcome the symptoms which I used faithfully for a few years.
I havn’t had a recurrence of the attacks and I hope that I never do. It did leave me deaf in my left ear.

Go to physical therapy. They are trained for “vertigo”. My 15 yr old started having random dizzy fainting spells. Passed out in Walmart and at a restaurant. Went to a bazillion doctor’s. Eyes checked, hearing specialists. You name it. Tried physical therapy. They tested vision, hearing and ruled out vertigo. Her balance was off. Now my daughter who is 16 is graduating early, full time job and I said she hasn’t felt better ever. She has full energy. She doesn’t get light headed, dizzy or anything. It even lightened her period. She doesn’t even get cramps lol