What can cause hand numbness?

This post isn’t about me but I’m concerned about my friend. So for a whole week my friend told me her hand gets numb out of nowhere! What can be causing this? She doesn’t want to go in because the hospital bill is expensive.


Carpool tunnel is usually the cause of hand numbness

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I have had my hands numb since 12/2022 and they still can’t seem to find the cause they said no on carpel tunnel had surgery to decompress nerves and a nerve rotation I feel only 2 fingers got a little better but still numb :sob:

Mine was from carpal tunnel. Ended up having surgery on both wrist and it’s so much better now!

Is she pregnant? … I had carpal tunnel during my first pregnancy but it went away almost straight away, 7 years later I was noticing my fingers numb again and when I’d wake up of a morning my hands were completely numb and then I found out I was pregnant again!

Poor simulation, being shocked like me,carpal tunnel.i got numbness all the time even holding my phone this has been sense I was shocked at work alot yrs back.and now my finger get stuck middle finger that has been doing sense November.

Could be a number of things. Carpal tunnel would probably be the first thing they rule out. If she’s concerned about expense have her try a carpal tunnel brace first if there’s no relief then she’ll have to see a doctor because it could be something more serious

Mine did that I had carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis!

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Is she diabetic? Or pre diabetic
Could also be the beginnings of peripheral neuropathy


I recently had surgery for carpal tunnel and hand numbness (especially in the morning) and pain when using my hands were the biggest issues.

Numbness no matter where it’s at is due to lack of blood flow to the nerves which could be caused by so many things so the main thing would be figuring out what’s causing her not to get proper blood flow… I wouldn’t go to a hospital because they’ll likely just send her home she needs to talk to her dr so they can do tests and send her to the proper specialists

I had hand and arm numbness before I had surgery on my neck after surgery it went away

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I have tendinitis/impingement in my shoulder and it causes my hand/arm to go numb at times.

Have her take some ibuprofen and see if that helps

Pinched nerve in the neck can cause it. I’m dealing with it myself

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Any number of things can cause numbness

That happens to me due to carpal tunnel it happens all day any time of the day don’t matter what I’m doing I wear a hand brace

Carpal tunnel or RSI aka repetitive stress injury (aaka tennis elbow)
Id tell her to try a brace made especially for carpal tunnel to see if it helps along with NSAIDS to reduce inflammation. Warm compress.

Anxiety and stress can cause tingling and numbness in your face and hands.

Could be radiculopathy, a pinched nerve. Mine was caused by a herniated disc in my cervical spine.

Carpel tunnel, a pinch nerve, tumor. Many things.

Mine was bc I was a diabetic and didn’t know if!

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Herniated disc bulging disc. She really should be seen by a dr before more serious issues happen or she will end up with a bigger medical bill :purple_heart:

Usually nerve damage or impingement of some type

Maybe she can go to a chiropractor.

Mine did this with low potassium

Sounds like carpel tunnel syndrome.

It can come from a shoulder or neck issue as well

Carpel tunnel. Especially if the numbness is intense in the thumb, index and middle finger. Try a carpel tunnel brace. Can be purchased on Amazon or a home health store.

She needs to see a dr about it

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Pinched nerve, probably caused by her sleep position

Carpal tunnel does that. So do pulled muscles in the shoulder and neck. She should see a massage therapist, chiropractor and her Dr.
I have tendonitus and carpal tunnel, both mine go numb. I drop things. And at night, my whole arm will go numb. Super fun.

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Possible Carpal tunnel I had surgery in both of my hands.

Try keeping the arm straight as much as possible, especially at night, it might stop the issue in a couple of weeks. It’s at least worth a try.

Sounds like a pinched nerve