What can cause itching while pregnant?

Has anyone dealt with an itchy body in early pregnancy? I’m only 5 weeks but my entire body itches like crazy.


I would talk to doctor. I have cholestsis right now and I’m dying from it. I have never heard of it that early in pregnancy. If she has it they will get her on meds. From my own personal experience. Being cold helps stop itching. I sleep still with air conditioning and fans on me. Also putting ice packs on itch really helps

My sister was recently diagnosed with choleostsis of pregnancy however she’s near the end. I’d still ask your doctor about it!

Like everyone else said, call your doc asap as this sounds like Cholestasis. You’ll have to go for a blood test to confirm. I developed the same thing but I was 37 weeks so they induced me since I was so close to my due time.

I had ICP/OC with both of mine, your symptoms dont really match up, it’s very rare at only 5 weeks, it’s much more likely to be hormones

This was my issue, I had cholestasis. I was induced at 37 weeks. Speak to your doctor.

I had this and I took oatmeal baths. I literally bought oatmeal, put it in a blender to get it to a fine powder and sprinkled a shit ton in my bath water and soaked. Every day for almost my whole pregnancy, my baby is 5 weeks now. And in the bad areas made a paste and rubbed it on there not rinsing it off. Hope this helps.

Cholestasis. Speak to your physician as this is technically a liver function issue that shows itself by severe itching.