What can cause positive pregnancy tests a month after a miscarriage?

had α couple questions. i had a miscarriage about α month and α half ago. just recently got my blood checked for hcg and they were at 0. i had sex about 2-3 weeks ago UNPROTECTED. it’s usually protected lol but anyway i noticed i felt diffrent and i decided to take α pg test and all 3 came back postive. i then go on my flo app and it tells me my period should be starting very soon. fast forward not even one day and i start bleeding, period light nothing out of the blue. my period ends about 4-5 days later and i take 3-5 more test and they all come back negative??? what does this mean. i look it up on google and i don’t get much only stuff about chemical pregnancy. had this happened to anyone before?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What can cause positive pregnancy tests a month after a miscarriage?

It takes about a month for hgc levels to go away ,they told me that


Your body and hormones have to readjust. It can take up to 6 months after you’ve had a miscarriage. I recommend using protection during sex to allow your body to heal. Definitely don’t try to get pregnant for atleast 6 months. Miscarriages are hard on your body. Your hormones will fluctuate for a while.

Its probably left over hcg from your miscarriage, I had a positive pregnancy test about 7 weeks after and was not pregnancy due to left over hcg

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It typically takes from one to nine weeks for hCG levels to return to zero following a miscarriage (or delivery). Once levels zero out, this indicates that the body has readjusted to its pre-pregnancy state—and is likely primed for conception to occur again.

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If your levels were down to 0 and then you got positive again, you were pregnant
The bleeding could be another miscarriage (also known as a chemical pregnancy which often happens before 5 weeks of pregnancy).
If the tests are negative now, that means their is no more hcg hormones in your system.


It could have been a chemical pregnancy, could have been a sensitive test that picked up the last pregnancy, could be implantation bleeding and you could still be pregnant and too early

Sounds like an early miscarriage/chemical pregnancy

Because you still have it in your system it takes a few months

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Your hcg levels hasn’t reached negative. I had a partial molar pregnancy and had to have surgery. I was tested by bloodwork weekly for a couple of months. I tested positive for awhile after.

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I had a miscarriage and then 3 weeks later had a positive test and now have an almost 2 year old daughter.

Itcould also be a chemical pregnancy,

Levels are probably jumping around do to the pregnancy loss. But, I can always get a positive result around ovulation, and during pms.

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You’re more fertile after a MC so you’re most likely pregnant again.

Depending how far you were it takes time for the levels to actually go down but I got pregnant less than 3 weeks after my miscarriage before my now 5 yr old so it’s still possible. I would think if your levels said 0 and now show again that it’s a new pregnancy

You don’t mention if you had Dr care if not it could be you were pregnant with twins & miscarriage only 1

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It.can take up to 6 or 7 weeks sometimes to test negative after a miscarriage

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like really. I wish people would quit asking questions on here like this instead of going to their medical provider


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Sounds like a chemical pregnancy.