Hi there. I had unprotected intercourse about 3 weeks ago. My boyfriend didn’t fully finish in me but I’m worried about pre cum from before he put a condom on. Since then I have had spotting I thought I was going to get my period but it hasn’t come and the spotting is very minimal. I’ve done 4 pregnancy tests and they have all been negative.
Us the blood bright red or dark brownish color if It’s darker brown color
It’s just old blood that hasn’t left the system if it bright red decently look more into what’s going on
:)good luck
Give it a week and take another one. Also I’d make an appointment so they can test you through a blood test. I’ve personally had a negative result but positive blood work
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I know my food intake and stress levels have a huge affect on mine.
Any conditions like cysts , fibroids , endo or pocs as well.
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Your cycle could just be off and you need to get it straightened out… maybe call for appt… to discuss with your gynecologist