What can cause swelling in the neck?

I’m trying not to stress or freak out I noticed my neck is swollen at the front right side where the neck joins my shoulder. It’s been sore and stiff since waking up the past few days and I barely noticed swelling today. Yester day I tried a TENS unit and massage at home for it but today it’s swollen. Is this likely a pulled muscle or should I be more worried? I know it’s not momma related but I’m trying not to over react and freak out. I lost my father suddenly to undiagnosed cancer 2 years ago and it’s really got me scared. I don’t want to leave mr daughter behind and I don’t want her to see me anxious. It hurts when I cough, stretch my neck, move direction or even lay wrong. I can’t call my doctor until morning and I can’t sleep because I’m so worried.


I have the same… My doc isnt worried and she gave me no answers. Hope you have better luck.

Mine was my Thyroid, had cancer, took both sides out in 2012

I had that. I ended up with inflamed lymph nodes. My doctor had me sue a thyroid ultrasound, which is how I found out that I have a nodule. Unrelated to the inflammation. I get a thyroid ultrasound yearly now.

Because it’s at the front and not the back like in line with or just below ears I’d go to the doctors to be honest and as someone who suffers with severe health anxiety I can totally relate , go and get checked as asking on here is not going to help you xxxx

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You could probably get in with a chiropractor pretty quickly. They could tell you what it is and help you with the swelling.

See the doctor it will put your mind at ease


Everyone here can tell you many different things best would be to go in

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It is probably an enlarged lymph node. This can signal an infection, cancer, and several other things. It warrants a doctor visit ASAP.


Could be blocked lymph… but always best to seek medical advice first

As someone in the medical field. This really needs a work up from a doctor. Especially if you have a family history of cancer. On Facebook you’ll get 300 different answers and a majority will be incorrect. If you can’t be seen by your primary doctor today go to urgent care. Good luck!


Could be a gland try sour candy and warm compress and get to a doctor

Go to your dr and don’t pay attention to what’s being said as they don’t really know what the problem is!!!


This aint some swelling in your leg or shoulder, this is happens to be an area where your supply of air and blood travels through, seek non internet advise immediately,

U need to go to a dtr. Wrong pla ce for advice