What can I do about burning pain when I pee?

I have pain when urinating. I’m on a second round of antibiotics for UTI because there were signs of infection in pee but nothing major. Has anyone ever had pain while peeing and it be something else ?!? Has antibiotics not worked for you for a UTI, anything that has helped?? I have tried cran- d-mannose. Pure cran juice and I drink a lot of water. I’m so miserable


Uro probiotics are great for this

Happy V start this immediately!!! Works like a charm!! Add the urinary support

AZO. Works great. Cheap

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Teaspoon of local honey everyday to keep them away

Take a bath mixed with apple cider vinegar. It seriously helps.

Azo maximum strength but eat before you take it bc it will make you throw up it’s that strong and sit on a heating pad for discomfort

Orageno leaf extract/oil, colloidal silver, and either cranberry extract or cranberry juice. Twice per day.

Could be bacterial vaginosis. I had pain when peeing with it. Some strong antibiotics and it went away.

Need to be tested for STI’s


I had very painful urination when I got a bad case of thrush after a long course of antibiotics. The pain was excruciating, I had to fill a bath tub of water to pee and that barely helped. Get tested for sti’s also.

This is what I use whenever I have a UTI.

Olive leaf extract worked very fast for me. I could tell a difference as soon as I went after I took it the first time

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I’ve had that with kidney stones. I would see your doctor😊

I had to take a different antibiotic on top of the antibiotics I was already taking

I knew someone who had a UTI that was antibiotic resistant. They had the UTI for close to a month.

Did they not give you a little pill that turns your pee orange? I find that that helps me when I have UTI’s I manage to pee without being in pain I wanna say you can get them otc as well (azo’s) but I always get some prescription stuff phy is what it starts with I just can’t think of the name which is basically the same and it turns your pee bright orange stains your drawers too if you’re not careful and has an after taste when you swallow it…

U have a UTI need antibiotics drink cranberry juice

AZO standard from Walmart or CVS helps with the symptoms

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Go to OB obviously but until then get some organic hexane free cold pressed castor oil put some on a pad or I use an old organic baby onesie while you sleep over night to detox it works so well and you will never be more clean! Also there are vitamins for that & don’t take bubble baths it’s really bad for UTIs.

Go get checked for chlamydia

Generic azo and lots of water and cut back on caffeine drinks especially Mtn dew!! Get tested! I had UTI all the time til I got pregnant I had 2 maybe 3 but I changed my soda intake and replaced it with water knock on wood haven’t had any since they tested me no Std or Sti when I was pregnant the only thing that they said could be causing was alot of sugar intake and not enough water!

Could be Interstitial Cystitis.

Id check in with a DR to evaluate. Could be a more severe condition that needs treatment if antibiotics aren’t working.

Have a culture done. Probably wrong antibiotic. But also need a thorough exam


AZO (I think it’s spelled) makes medicine for UTIs. It’s more of a pain relief tho. Not a treatment, but it’ll help until your UTI is fixed.

You need a z pack so infection will go away or bactrim

I endured these UTI’s for ages until a female Dr suggested I use Ovestin cream for a few times which is inserted via an applicator. Never had a UTI since!

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Sounds like it could be kidney stones. Get a second opinion

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AZO will take the burn away…

UTI’s are hard to get rid of, as I used to get them alot. Get a strong antibiotic, sulfur to b exact and it will kick it out. May make u nauseated but i would take that for a day or two over the UTI pain anyday… as your doc about the sulfur

Hiprex not sure if that’s correct spelling. Sometimes it maybe something in your life that is peeing you off! Something to think about!:blush:

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Are you sure you don’t got the clap?

See Dr ASAP. I was septic from UTI… Could have died if didn’t go to ER.

Check out Krystal Alkaline Doula
She has amazing teas!

Jarrow femdophilus probiotics.
I had them so frequently that doctors were ready to put me on a permanent antibiotic. I found these amongst the million other items I’ve tried. It’s the only thing that put a complete stop to them. If I miss one in the morning, I feel it. It’s been effectively keeping them away 6 years now.

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A lot of water to flush, AZO pain relief, ibprophen/tylenol, returning to dr for different or stronger antibiotic, heating pad, avoid caffeine and sugary drinks, probiotics, and vitamin c. Could be something else such as kidney stone, STD, overactive bladder, ect. Deff make sure you follow up with dr or go to er if needed

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You could have kidney stones trying to pass!! You might need to see the doctor. I had these and they kept giving me antibiotics for a UTI. I kept saying I’ve never had one but that was the diagnosis. Finally passed them and pain was gone. Looked down and there was two of them.

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Azo Urinary Pain Relief, Burn care

Did they do tests for stds? I would ask them to, just to rule that out. In the mean time, I would just continue to take the antibiotic and drink plenty of water. (Don’t over-do it though, because too much water intake can be dangerous.)

Get a urine analysis done , in the meantime drink cranberry juice

Azo. Get it at walgreens cvs walmart

Lots of things dealing with Bladder and Kidney can cause problems beside UTI. Some simple, some need more intervention. If you are not getting better, I would get a referral to Urologists. You may need more test than just checking you Pee.

UTI, yeast infections and STIs can cause painful urination.

My mama had septic shock from a UTI. Do not take AZO it doesn’t cure the UTI it just masks the symptoms. I would ask your Dr for a different antibiotic if the one you’re taking doesn’t help. I will forever stand on my soap box for UTIs. I almost lost my mom she was very very I’ll and on a ventilator. Please take care of yourself and don’t try to self medicate.

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I bet it’s interstitial cystitis. I sufferred for years before I was diagnosed. It feels just like having a UTI but you don’t. You can google it

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Yeah lots of things like a bladder infection kidney infection kidney stones you should see a urologist.

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You need to go back to your doctor. Also get tested for STD’s if that is a possibility for you. There are other medications they can give as well.


Take the over counter UTI relief pills. It’s the only thing that works for me to get rid of the pain until the antibiotics work. They’re little orange/red pills. If you’re on a 2nd round of antibiotics it was a stronger infection than the drs originally thought. Hope this round helps.


Go back to Dr have have them run another/full culture. If it’s truly a UTI, they may need to switch your antibiotics, depending on what the root cause is. Also, ask Dr for Pyridium.
You may also need to be tested for STIs. Several can cause UTI like symptoms.


I have a decent amount of random UTI, bladder infection and kidney infections since I was pregnant last year and it’s continued since having my daughter who turned a year in August.

Diet and my water intake affect me. Caffeine and sodas I have to stay away from.

I’d see a urologist vs a pcp/obgyn

Is it possible that you also have a yeast infection? Antibiotics can cause them or make them worse.


amoxicilline helpsme everyone is different it depends on the return of the culture have another culture taken,

Go to the dr who prescribed the medication and they will investigate further if not getting better

get your self another dr. or another antibotic.I had to take 3 anti before i got the right one.

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Some antibiotics just don’t work for some woman. If it’s a uti it can turn into a kidney infection without proper treatment. Definitely speak with your dr again.

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Ask your doctor for pyridium

That could be chlamydia dear please get checked as had it been a uti the antibiotics would have taken effect since then

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Not an open wound/Scratch in that area burning?

I would suggest you get tested for STI’s sounds like it might be Chlamydia.

I’m dealing with this now. Turns out it’s a kidney stone that’s stuck.

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I obviously don’t know your personal life so I am in no way assuming anything but have you had a recent STD check?
Just to rule anything else out x

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You need to ask them to culture the urine. It’s possible you have a bacteria the antibiotics you were prescribed won’t work for.

Maybe get the doctor to change the antibiotic. My doctor had to bc the antibiotic that they prescribed didn’t work and they gave me a white one and it got rid of it in no time

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Get this! You won’t have ANY pain 20-30 minutes after taking it. It numbs your urinary tract. Make sure you eat before you take it though because if you take it on an empty stomach, you’ll get an awful stomachache and take it with a big glass of water. I swear by this


I use over the counter AZO and it helps the pain a lot