I’m needing some advice! My 6-year-old daughter has the most stinky feet ever. This just started about a month ago! They stink so bad you can smell them through her shoes. We have tried powder in the shoes. We have made her change her socks when she comes home from school. I’ve tried everything. I called her doctor to see what maybe she could tell me to do. She said to wash her feet every day with dial soap… she takes a bath every day, and that’s what we use!! So that didn’t help. I don’t know what else to do. After I give her a bath, you can’t smell them, but she held them up to my face, and it’s like the smell is still there, obviously not as strong. Right before this happened, her shoes made every toe on the top real red like it was about to be a blister so we changed shoes for a few days, and it hasn’t happened since!
It’s probably the shoes.
Try putting deodorant on her feet
I know of some that colored socks make the feet smell, especially black?
Put baking soda in her shoes.
She needs plain white socks sounds ridiculous but it works!
Put her shoes on a shoe dryer it kills the bacteria and try cotton socks
Try scrubbing with a foot brush underneath her toe nails
White socks only and baking soda in her shoes. Had the same problem with my daughter.
So it was the shoes??
She needs to wear different shoes daily and make sure to dry the shoes on a boot dryer in between wearing them. Some kids just have sweaty stinky feet but making sure the shoes she is wearing aren’t getting moldy and staying wet.
I know it sounds stupid but spray deodorant on her feet and make sure she always wears socks in her shoes.
Her little feet sweat, google, stay dry socks.
IDK exactly what they’re called or where to find them, my sister had to get them for her sons.
It sounds weird but spray vodka in shoes it will kill bacteria in shoes
I heard soaking your feet in black tea helps but I’ve never actually tried it
Thin socks thin material shoes
If her shoes has gotten wet it is most likely due to that ,change her shoes and see if that works
Make sure she dry her feet after her shower and put some powder
Also check for fungus or anything like that as sometimes it hides in between and that makes stinky feet normally
I would take her to a podiatrist. Since she had blisters, there may be a bigger problem. Just my opinion.
Apple cider vinegar foot soak kills fungus bacteria if present
Same with my son. That smell…whew! We used Odor Eaters spray and that sorta worked, but it wasn’t until I started putting the Odor Eater inserts in his shoes that the smell finally went away! Not even a hint of it.
Wool socks. Don’t wash with fabric softener. Took many years before I discovered this
New shoes. It isn’t her feet. Its the shoe.
Soak her feet in bleach.
Soak her feet in Baking soda
Yup get a fee pairs of shoes and rotate them every 3 days so they get a chance to fully dry out between wearing. My son had the same issue… clean socks and rotating shoes helped us.
try different shoes and socks
Mouthwash listerine soak feet for a few minutes every couple of days. Hydrogen peroxide with a spray or cotton ball. Fungal spray for shoes. This one is gross, but before a shower have her pee on her feet after a minute shower.
Try giving her a baking soda bath every second night . Also put it in her shoes daily
New shoes and don’t let her wear them without socks! My mom also told me the other day that leaving your shoes outside in the cold kills the stinky bacteria. She makes my brother leave his work shoes out in the cold everyday. Some shoes can be washed in the washing machine too!
Try a little bit if epsom salts (you can get it in the pharmacy section at Walmart) in a pan of warm water, do it every other day .
If her shoes already smell she needs new shoes, then put powder in them and make sure she always wears socks
Soak them in tea! Yes I’m serious. Get some warm water in a basin and add about 10 tea bags and have her soak her feet for about 15 mins. My daughter had the same problem and someone told me that and no issues since. If it comes back then just soak them again.
Soak in baking soda.
After 4 teens, I foundvthe key to combating foot stink is to put shoes on a shoe dryer each night. Bacteria (what causes the smell) needs moisture to thrive.
My son had this he could clear a room! A couple simple fixes need 3 pairs of shoes rotate daily, white socks, a couple of drops in each shoe of Essential oil Purification, and Wash feet daily with head and shoulders.
Maybe try a mild/ all natural Deodorant on her feet, every day, same as one would apply on their underarms
We had this problem. The shoe material is the problem try leather or cotton
Have her soak her feet in epsom salt and Listerine. Sometimes fungus can be present on the feet in the early stages where you can’t really see it. This foot soak combination should help. Do it 2 or 3 times a week. Just have her sit on a towel at end of her bath and put the salt and Listerine in the tub, soak abt 10 min.
When you explain she had the start of blisters until you switched shoes that indicates to me some type of bacteria. Then that can easily become fungus on the feet. Keep with powering shoes to help keep dryness.
Are they rubber sole? May be allergic to rubber.
Throw shoes out, get new ones. Antibacterial dial soap.
Buy her new shoes and let her feet breathe as much as you can. Don’t let her wear them without socks and make sure the shoes stay dry. Use socks that will let her feet breathe. We likes Hanes toddler socks.
As soon as you can, let her be barefoot and take off her socks. Don’t reuse them. If it doesn’t clear up, there could be something else going on.
Pure coconut oil and baking soda!!! Wash shoes with detergent. When wet let sit with baking soda. Rub coconut oil on feet daily!!
Dove soap, new socks, new shoes,
Blue Listerine. Soak her feet in blue Listerine. My husband worked in a quarry before becoming a tow truck operator…and in Both jobs his feet stunk to high heaven…we used this 3 times a week and wow did it ever help. All you need is enough to cover the top of her feet.
Put tea bags in her shoes and never wear shoes with out socks
Soak her feet in tea. Brew some tea, let it cool down soak for 15 minutes, dry with clean towel, AND DON’T wear colored socks!white cotton only, she may be allergic to the dye in her socks
You need to wash her shoes. When teaching school when children shoes were dirty they had a terrible oder.They get them wet and they sour and their little feet will smell just like those shoes. Just throw those shoes away and get some new one and keep them clean.
Get several pair make her rotate get at least 3 pair . Spray with deodorant before she puts on .
Kelly Brooks Waters give you flashbacks/ptsd ?? Hahah!!
Some shoe materials are just not as good as others… Maybe try changing shoes… If still goes on a little white vinegar sprayed with lemon juice is very powerful and works miracles
Have her wear only white socks… the dyes in the colored socks could be making them stink
Soak feet in Epsom salt and make sure to wash between toes with a flannel dry and rub coconut oil
Soak her feet in teabags(not used with milk). Keep toenails short,make sure to dry between the toes properly. Feet spray immediately after drying her feet. Make sure to clean shoes daily. Everyone’s sweat is different, perhaps she put her feet in shoes that weren’t hers. Good luck
Foot powder , only leather insoles (not man made plastics)
My mom has an allergy to the glue that is used to hold shoes together. Not all shoes though… Keds are one brand that she cannot wear.
Just a suggestion but my kids can’t wear shoes unless they are leather because they have stinky feet.
This helped; in a warm water mix epson salt, apple cider vinegar, and mouthwash (the blue one) it was created as an antiseptic and bacteria killer so it does help with that, soak them for a while and let them air dry, baby or body powder won’t help, try some baking soda instead, this will soak the humidity from the shoes
Use mouthwash to wash/soak and wear only natural fiber socks (cotton)
Could also be from shoes … vinyl is bad … cloth or leather are better
Is she wearing new shoes? Might be the shoes, also if you meant to wear socks with a specific type of shoe and you dont then that could also be the cause.
100% cotton socks… my daughter loved the design socks and I couldn’t figure out with the smell was I switched to 100% cotton white socks from target and bam it went away
When my son was young he had feet problems and I took him to the pediatrician and he told us after his feet were clean to use ban roll on deodorant on his feet, he said he had over active sweat glands in his feet, it worked.
From a momma of 4 boys
…I Get the stink. There is a cream a pediatrician can recommend also I use essential oils from Walmart. Peppermint has cut it the best in my house .
This may sound a bit weird but does she wear nail polish or put nail sticker on her toes? My friend had this issue were she couldnt get them to stop then she figured out she was having a reaction to nail polish it was doing something to her nails and making them stink. You may also want to take her somewhere to get her nails done without any polish so they can make sure theyre no ingrown/infected nails
Use only 100% cotton socks. This might sound odd, but cheap sneakers or shoes are made of cheap materials like a lot of polyester and other synthetic fabrics stay away from them. Make sure her feet are completely dry before putting on socks. Air out her sneakers, shoes or boots with a fan every night. If possible wash her sneakers/shoes. Just a thought, but look up if certain foods can trigger this. I think she’ll outgrow this.
Milku you can buy on Amazon is a good feet deodorizer. It’s powder like.
Peppermint in the shoes
have you tried soaking her feet in apple cider vinegar?
You can sneaker balls at Walmart that will help
There is a foot deodorant you can buy at the chemists I think it called neat feet .
Baking soda in shoes
,soak in Apple cider vinegar
After you wash her feet wash them again with noxzema
Sweating too much?? Get several pairs to switch off. Powder/baking soda in shoes could help?? Guessing game. Best wishes.
Tea tree oil and warm water once a week
Corn starch & pediatrician.
Canvas sneakers, like Converse… they’re not as warm. And go barefoot as much as possible
Lumé deodorant. Works great for my 6 yr old with the same issue.
Maybe take her to get a pedi…
Soak her feet in Epsom Salt
Has the doctor ruled out athletes feet? I was told that athletes feet, over active sweat glands, and zinc deficiency can all cause really stinky feet. If it’s athletes foot, over the counter spray will take care of it. If it’s sweat, you can try Lume deodorant, it cuts out odor, if it’s zinc, flintstone vitamins will help. Also, making sure she wears white cotton socks, and buying charcoal insoles can help.
Spray her feet each day with distilled white vinegar … Let dry, put on dry clean socks and shoes. Spray shoes w vinegar in the evening and let dry overnight.
Epsom salts and good bar soap… If all else fails and the smell comes back soak the feet in a dilute apple cider vinegar solution. Make sure her shoes are always the correct size for her feet and her socks are sweat wicking. Good luck!
The problem might be with the toe nails. Happened to my niece. Her feet smelled awful like they’d actually make you gag. Turned out she had a fungus that wasn’t easily seen.
Don’t let her wear cute socks with designs on them. I can’t…make my feet stink. I just wear regular Hanes or fruit of the loom white socks and my feet don’t stink at all. I think the cute ones cause sweaty feet, which leads to the bad smell.
Baking soda, make a paste and put on her feet, wash after it dries
See if she has anything first. Soak her feet in either epsom salt, acv, etc. clean her shoes (I also put in scented satchels in our shoes when we’re not wearing them), you can try putting hand sanitizer (kill any nasty bacteria) and then some lotion on clean feet.
Yes try baking soda. And wash her shoes with baking soda and vinegar solution.
And get diabetic socks so her feet don’t sweat.
Nothing worked for me and my daughter except on your toes foot powder from the podiatrist. You can buy it on Amazon. Amazing stuff
Have you tried treating her for athlete’s foot? Also make her switch shoes every other day that will also help. Apple cider vinegar soak will help too
Try using spray on deodorant it doesn’t have to be the expensive kind. Before she puts her shoes on spray her feet and then spray the inside of her shoes as well when she takes them off. It does wonders. The construction guys do it here and it has made a huge difference.
Need dial brown bar soap, wash her feet 3xs a day, only use 100% cotton socks, let her feet air out when ever possible. Use goldbond foot powder in her shoes… Takes about 2 weeks. (My dad told me this is how they cure stinky feet in the military after wearing boots) good luck I had the same problem with my sons feet lol did as above and no more stink
Marks has these rechargeable shoe scents my husband uses for his work shoes ! Works like a charge and they re charge !!!
Arm and hammer or dr scholl’s foot spray. My husband and my son who is 10 has horrible smelling feet and powder never worked. But the spray is MIRACLE in a can lmao
Could be she just have sweaty feet or could be some form of fungus see a foot dr.
Freeze her shoes over the weekend, it will kill all fungus and bacteria. Clean socks and foot powder will also help.
My son used to have the worst feet… like his socks could walk by them selfs stinky bad…we changed to black socks and he stopped wear them non stop so bare foot at home as much as possible and his cleared up … of course keep dry and clean to …
Does she wear the same pair every day? We had to get three separate pair for ours!
Could be the shoe itself. If it’s gotten wet. Clean shoe with vinegar.