We are going through the same thing with our daughter!! It’s so frustrating
Go to a psychologist with her, it might help
Get her in counseling now before it gets way out of hand!
Wash out mouth with little soap
Some people fantasize stories. They cant help it. It’s like they live in make believe
Try having a cop talk to her
Leave her at the front steps of the nearest for station
Take her to a Dr., preferably a predetrition (child’s Dr).
Same with my 5 year old. >.>
Well, a bar of soap worked on my little brother!
I’ll tell you what worked for one of my kids. One night, I got a bucket of ice cream out and asked all 5 or 6 of my kids who wanted some. Of course, they all excitedly said they did. I sent them to their rooms to get pj’s on while I scooped the yummy treat into bowls. They quickly ran back to the table where they found 1 bowl missing. I got down on his level and told my (lying) child I didn’t believe him when he said he wanted some. I thought he was lying again. I gave him a bowl of fruit instead (I’m not cruel, but had to get his attention). He rarely lied after that. As I explained things to him, I helped him learn that he taught me I couldn’t trust him. That was the key…HE TAUGHT ME HE COULDN’T BE TRUSTED BECAUSE OF THE CONSTANT LIES.
ADHD is the first thing that comes to mind. My 20 year old grandson still does it and has been medicated for years. We have not found a solution. I suggest you seek professional guidance ASAP
My parent did foster care for a while and I remember them saying that they were told when dealing with kids who lie don’t give them an option to lie. Ex… don’t say, did you, you say… why did you.
As they get older personally I would tell them if they keep it up and I can’t trust them they don’t get things. Or even tell them you will wash their mouth out. I know some will say it’s abuse but honestly I did This once and never had to do it again. Of course I only put a little drop so if didn’t hurt them!
Punish her every time she lies and reward her for telling the truth. She knows exactly what she’s doing. My stepson just turned 7 and he’s the same way.
Get professional help IMMEDIATELY…
Punish her simple as that.
I’d get her into a therapist/psychiatrist. My kids open up about the weirdest things to their therapists because it’s a neutral party. Some shit is so weird that has bothered them but it feels big to them.
Nominate her for President!
This best thing you can do for her is to tell her you know the truth and the only person she lying to is her self … give her a big hug and tell her its ok
But you will have to give consequences so she have time to think about it…keep
A good communication and talk about it
Therapy. Point out when you know she’s lying, and/or writing sentences.
Tell her if she lies a fairy will die
I’ve always done the same thing to stop lying. 8 kids so it’s worked. I do something…move something, take something, leave something out then I blame the kid. they miss out on tv or something and they HATE being accused of something they didn’t do. then I explain afterwards that they lie all the time so I can’t trust them. after a few times of me doing it they stop. don’t want to be accused of something they didn’t do
STOP THE SPANKING. it’s clearly not working. I would confront the why did you? If you are so punitive you are teaching them BY any reason possible to AVOID the awful consequences. Kids are going to push the envelope.
FYI: I did spank, because that’s how I grew up, and I just didn’t have the right tools to cope. PATIENCE is something that goes a long way. Rewarding good behavior and even expected behavior might go a lot further.
Correct it now or she’ll still be doing it as an adult! Even if it’s by omission. Therapy, honest sit-downs, examples as Ms. Bartlett offered. But do something before it’s too late.
Start asking her if what she says is fact and true or if it’s something that made up come out of her. Then tell her you don’t want to hear any made up stories or anything that is not really true otherwise she doesn’t need to talk
Children really do not understand the concept of lying. As parents teach them what it is instead of sayin your lying sit dow and ask reason out the issue and again reinforce what lying is consequences of same and implementation of the consequence. It takes a lot of patience to assist them at an age where they think the are invincible more now then at ages 2-3 they can think any reason not always safely however they are growing older! Best of luck grandma here
Have you had her evaluated for adhd?
Is she Scorpio ? It’s natural. They are born to lie. Have to teach to not do that
Somehow you are rewarding lies…if they are afraid to tell the truth then they will lie to avoid consequences. Children will get attention from you, negative or positive. Thats what they do.
If you don’t take care of it now, it will be a serious problem for her and all of the family one day. I’ve seen it firsthand. Good luck to u all and God Bless
Take her to a therapist, she needs help.
One is fun, two is terrible, three is free, four is sure, five is alive, six is tricks, seven is heaven, eight is straight
I would try counseling.