What can I do about my daughter?

My daughter is 8 and got kicked out of the boys and girls club for stealing (she stole food from another kid. She eats a lot for breakfast and while she is at home) and she got caught trying to steal other things as well. This has been an issue for awhile. She has ADHD so she is very impulsive. She is on medication for it but today I forgot to give her a pill this morning. It was the first and only time. Her dad and I aren’t together we also don’t get along. So today after she got kicked for stealing I took her to the police station and had an officer talk to her. I feel bad for it because she is now mad at me. But now she understands she can’t steal. He told her right now she is to young to go to jail but in a few years she will end up in jail if she keeps stealing. It scared her when I drove her to the police station and it scared her even more to know that I was serious about an officer talking to her. I feel bad about how scared she was despite it possibly being an eye opener. I have read up on ADHD and readin that people with ADHD it can lead to them getting into more trouble (not always but sometimes). I know impulsiveness is part of the ADHD. Any parents out there with older kids with ADHD what would you recommend I do? Would she benefit from therapy?