What can I do about my daughters attitude

Hi I’m new her, and have a spunky, loving, sassy, smart 9 year old. She just turned 9 in November of 2023. I do like this phase of motherhood because she’s more independent and just hearing her talk & be her own person is awesome. Shifting my role to supporting role & watching her blossom into her own little self, and mature as a young lady is such a cool thing to witness… but man that 9 year old attitude it’s kicking my butt. Anyway tip on how to help me help her with that attitude? Oh the privacy thing is starting to creep in too, she facetimes/texts her best friend from school a lot (messenger kids I monitor her) & she’s all like “you can’t see my textsss”

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I would start taking away privileges and let her know that trying to show she can be sneaky isn’t the move and until further notice no phone access.

I have a 9 year old and the rule is transparency. I give her privacy in her room when she’s chatting (to be fair they’re so loud I can hear the full conversation through the wall anyway :roll_eyes:), but she’s only allowed her school friends and family as contacts, she’s never allowed to delete messages before I’ve seen them, and I regularly spot check her phone. If those things don’t happen, she knows she’ll lose her phone and that’s the end of it.

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Her attitude is hormones kicking in yes at 9 and you pay for the phone at 9 there should be no privacy. Put parental controls on her phone and download an app that will switch it on and off at reasonable hours.

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Start with cutting out or cutting back on social media. She’s 9 what texts “can’t” you see… that would go away asap if that was said to me. You’re the parent. Not her friend.
My son is 10 he comes home and tells me things that girls his age or younger are doing
Of course it results back to poor parenting or the mothers being sleaze bags the daughters are seeing it … and well acting as such at school.
It’s heartbreaking.

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The problem starts with a nine year old having a cellphone! Should still be catching crawdads and minnows out of the creek and watching Tom and Jerry!!!

I have a 10 year old, who I have to constantly tell to fix her face… I can’t handle the attitude! I’m contemplating duct taping her and throwing her in a closet until we’re done with puberty!

*disclaimer - this is a joke, please don’t call CPS on me. I’m just prayin and wingin it!

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