What can I do about my neighbor?

She is always very rude towards me and my children . Our doors are literally side by side I live in an apartment building... if we are outside grilling food she complains and says the smoke goes in her house and we can't be out grilling like that one day our grill ended up in the street broken and I believe she did it........fast forward to yesterday I take my children outside to play in the afternoon and was on the phone with my mother and she complains about that says that it was very disrespectful and disturbing for me to be on the phone and having my kids outside while she was trying to nap ........ Today she slammed her door and yelled out her window about how disrespectful we were being and said my loud ass children were the reason she couldn't have her door open and that it was bullshit..... my kids are 21 months and 5.. my 5 year old ran inside crying And is now scared to play outside because of the "mean neighbor"

I would tell her to leave you guys tf alone. She lives in an apartment complex… she can get over it or go somewhere else. That’s ridiculous. Kids will be kids, and lots of people use the grills. She can get over it. If anything I would continue doing what you’re doing & if needed go to the apartment office and complain. She can’t stop people from using the things they offer like the grill, or the open space for kids, dog walking, etc.