What can I do about my son being so clingy?

my 9 month old is a Velcro baby. If he sees or hears me he screams until I pick him up. He doesn’t want his daddy or anybody else. Sometimes he’s okay with being on the floor but if I’m up and moving around it’s like he’s afraid I’m going to leave and he follows me around screaming. Howwww can I make this better? Cause I’m struggling to keep up with my daily tasks because he’s so clingy


This is part of his current leap and growth. Hes right on track. He will become more independent as he begins to walk and explore. He depends on you for everything amd loves you. Hang in there.

We used to call my 26 year old VB - Velcro baby - :rofl::rofl: he’s 26 now and outgrew that name long ago. Just love your baby, let him be clingy. They grow way too fast. Enjoy the closeness and security you provide.


Distraction! So he does not nurture that feeling. Give him something special he likes/loves to do or have, to help calm him. Secure him. He will then relate that distraction with, it’s ok. I gave my child pots & pans or Tupperware, that’s what he liked.

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When he no longer does it, you’re gonna miss it. But I sat him in a chair in every room while I cleaned or whatever. My son was ok with that. But after a while he didn’t mind me not being RIGHT there.

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wear him in a wrap or a front pack or backpack.

Enjoy it…they grow up way to fast.:wink:

It’s separation anxiety. We went through it. Lots of reassuring and continuing on with what I was doing

It’s a phase. It’ll pass eventually. They all do it. I use a walker in the kitchen and basically “velcro” the baby to me otherwise, in order to get things done. Should calm down around 1ish.


My middle child did this during this age… I would set her down with toys and she would be content and happy but as soon as I was not in her view she screamed until I picked her up or she could see me… I wore her on me to get stuff done or put her walker/jumper etc with toys in every room with me… Showered with curtain half open so she could see me… Eventually it calmed down and now she’s almost 8 and doesn’t care about me :joy::joy::joy:

Where him when doing stuff and whenever he gets super upset on the floor don’t pick him up sit down next to him sooth him to being calm and walk away he just has to figure out you will always come back to him my nephew was like that to me and my sister he’s finally to the point he’s okay


Wear him!! I did dishes and vacuuming wearing my baby!! Back in the day!!


Normal for some kids. This will stop. Hug him a lot and enjoy him. One day he will be very independent and you will miss his loving ways.

Wear him. If you breastfeed those babies tend to be that way. Mine that wasn’t breastfed would let others hold them. My breastfed ones only wanted me all the time

Wear him while cleaning and whatnot. There’s all kinds of wraps on the market that will allow you to wear him and have your hands free for other things.

My daughter is 3 years old and she’s still like this.

Cling on mama, my son is 12 now and I’m hard pressed to get a cuddle!


Ahhh, because this is a developmental milestone of trust he is trying to make. He is trying to learn trust. He is 9 months old. Hold him… get a baby pack or sling and give him what he needs. Someday he’ll be 16 and you’ll only see him when he is hungry or wants gas $.

Baby wear.
Baby will want you for such a short time in life… then they’re fighting to get away from you for the rest of time.

Teach him to self soothe.

A day will come when u wish this was happening again my friend … he will outgrow it . I was injured from car accident when my son was baby so i put him in walker n pulled him around while i limped n cleaned lol

It’s separation anxiety. Babies go through this stage a couple times. It will pass. My 11 month old just ended hers. I gave her all the attention she wanted, but gave her distractions near me when I couldn’t hold her like when I was cleaning or cooking. She’s fine now and hasn’t become super dependent.

I love you people say it is a phase :joy::joy::joy:


This must be your first child… welcome to being a mommy.

Standard development stage of seperation anxiety … either ignore him when you know hes safe, fed, dry etc or ride it out, it doesnt last forever


I have 3 boys and I can tell you with certainty that it’s a “phase” they go through around this age. All 3 of my boys did this to some extent around 8-10 months. Also be prepared for him to not want anyone else holding him and strangers will definitely be a no go lol. My youngest is 3 and I remember him SCREAMINg every time I walked away at that age lol. He also cried as if someone was trying to kill him whenever my step dad even looked at him! :woman_facepalming::joy: I sounded crazy as hell telling my step dad “Just don’t even look in his direction!”:rofl: Now that’s one of my sons fave people. Babies go through many different stages and the stage 5 clinger is definitely a fun one lol


Peekaboo or hide and seek can help with separation anxiety but it’s something he has to just grow out of


Play group or something. I’ve seen these kids try to go to school or daycare and they just freak out. They end up getting sent home because they won’t stop crying… you don’t want this

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I played tickle tiggy with my son. He learnt that he had to run away from me and I would run away from him. Start out with close distance and as they get a hang of it slowly start creating more and more. Sometimes I’d jump out an scare him aswell and make a game of me hiding. He learnt that just because he can’t see me it touch me, I’m not far away hiding to jump out. Obviously don’t terrify him but hake it fun, lots of kisses and tickles and cuddles

Lol I love the people who say wear him…
At nine months? Y’all must have had teenie tiny babes
My chubby butts would have given me severe back problems if I tried to wear them at that age while doing housework :joy::joy::joy::joy:

The parenting class I took said it’s ok to set your baby somewhere safe, as long as babies primary needs are met while you get stuff done.

My daughter was like this, I would set up “play stations” and distract. I wouldn’t pick her up I would just kneel down and distract, get back up and return to what I was doing, it was exhausting but eventually she got better. You don’t have to wear him and stop to cuddle or do shit one handed, don’t let these other ppl make you feel bad over not wanting to. It’s normal to get overwhelmed and it’s completely ok to not hold/wear your child to get a break from them being up your ass. It takes a toll on mental health and getting touched out. It’s ok to not let them be up your ass every second.