What can I do about my son

My two year old is still in a crib. As of late, he’s been taking the fitted sheet off of his bed and throwing it on the floor. He’s nonverbal, so he doesn’t really understand us when we tell him not to do it. Is there anyway I can prevent him from doing this?


I remember my son doing this at 2. I stopped fixing it in the night and I think he figured out it was more comfortable not to tear his crib up.

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It’s his bed, so if he doesn’t want it on then just take it off. He may not like the feel of it. It won’t harm anything and it’s certainly not worth the battle lol. If he’s doing it as a form of routine or enjoyment, then just continue putting it on and letting him take it off.

First see if taking it off makes him happy.


Consistency will be your friend!!! My 4 year old is non verbal and I still correct his behavior with words but most importantly with repetitive actions of which he understands. Good luck mama it’s a journey for sure :heart:


Why does it matter, sheet or no sheet, that is the question!:crazy_face:

Nonverbal =/= understanding

Use king size pillow cases or make yr own to fit did it on crib sheets

You cany buy mattress protector sheets, the mattress goes into it and it zips up

It is now Canceled in Jesus mighty name Amene

Just because he is non verbal doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand you, he’s 2… he is learning cause and effect… its all part of being 2. You have so many battles that you will have to fight in the coming years, is this a n end of the world issue? If not, let it go… sure it sucks having to make the crib daily but it’s 5 mins… dont sweat the small stuff


Get the ones that zip around the mattress


Use a duvet cover and put it over and under the mattress as if you would a duvet

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He will definitely understand, my non verbal almost 2yro understands when I talk to him and he’s got hearing issues. I would say there is something about the sheet he doesn’t like, sensory issues are very real.

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 Just because he’s nonverbal does not necessarily mean he doesn’t understand you
It might be too hot for him
He’s nonverbal so he can’t tell you how he feels

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Non verbal only means that they communicate differently. My son is 13, he has special needs and is non verbal. Changing my tone when I say no and being consistent helps when I’m trying to communicate with him. He is significantly developmentally delayed but he still understands to an extent.

They have clips that you can clip under the mattress to hold the bedsheet in place. This might be helpful with him.


If he’s nonverbal at two, something else is likely going on. Have you discussed this with his pediatrician?


He understand!!!
Maybe he just doesn’t like it , why don’t you take him to the store and let him pick one of his favorite cartoon characters?
Try a different fabric as well

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Put the clips that hold sheets in place.

Try a different fabric, he may not like the feel of the sheet

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nonverbal doesn’t necessarily mean he dnt understand you. it could b a sensory issue wit the sheet weather it’s the texture or smell. id try a different sheet (silk) and see what happens


First off why tf would a 2 year old be in a crib… surely he’s able to stand and flip himself out of it and hurt himself. He should have a toddler bed at least.

Secondly, they make sheet clips for this. Or find a different material.


stop… putting… the fitted sheet on his bed…… then he has nothing to throw out.


I have SPD & so does 1 of my kids. So my first thought on this is that something is “wrong” with that sheet. Maybe it’s the texture, smell, maybe it wrinkles up under him as he sleeps. Try a different style sheet or remove it completely.


show him what no means not tell him


Sounds like a typical 2 year old, they have clips that hold fitted sheets on, and they also have fitted sheets that go all the way around and zip, you could try that.

All of my 4 kids did this when they were ready to move out of the crib. all sheets and blankets were out, then the little legs are up and over next :upside_down_face:

My 2 year old is non verbal. Just because he cant talk does not mean that he does not understand. Maybe he just doesn’t like the sheet. If he is more comfortable with it off just leave it off.

Non verbal does not mean he doesn’t understand you … he’s 2 this is normal tbh fix the sheet it takes all of 5 minutes n go on with ur day but he really shouldn’t be in a crib anymore he can get hurt still being in a crib and if he’s non verbal you might not even know if something happened

Try a mattress protector instead my son had adhd and always hated a sheet from a very young age so I was told to put a mattress protector on (the one with the soft bit on the top) xx

Just take the fitted sheet off and leave it off. He obviously doesn’t want it on there. If he’s nonverbal as in autism then it sounds like it’s a sensory issue with him. It’s pretty easy simple solution honestly


Maybe it’s a sensory issue? Maybe try without the sheet he may just not like it

This is a very typical thing for this stage of development.