What can I do about restless legs in pregnancy?

I was looking for advice on proven remedies that worked for you for restless leg and body aches during the second semester of pregnancy.


My doctor told me to stretch before bed. It worked in my case!

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Heating pad, warm foot soak or bath before bed and elevation. Only things that helped in my last pregnancy, good luck!

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Magnesium, heating pad, massage before bed and leg wedge pillow.

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Magnesium supplements and epsom salt baths before bed.

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Put a couple pillows under your feet to elevate your legs and take a warm bath before bed.

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Weighted blanket. Just not in stomach

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Restless has a lot to do with being low on iron & magnesium. Ive had it over 27 years

Sometimes it’s low iron. I stocked up on that and potassium. If it’s bad enough I would stretch or just walk around the house for a bit. It’s awful and I’m so glad I’ve only had it during pregnancy

Aveeno stress relief lotion before bed!!!

I found this cream that works wonders: 8 Sheep Organics

I’ve heard that Dr. Teals melatonin bath soaks help for people with restless legs syndrome. Might be worth a shot, I read a lot of reviews saying it helped a lot of people with the same issue. They sell the bath soak and bubble bath for 4-5 bucks each depending where you get it.

Potassium and magnesium supplements is what my doctor had me take while I was pregnant. I’ve always had RLS and mixing those two actually helped and I’m still taking them now.

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I had it really bad with my last one. I would sit on the end of the bed and swing my legs back and forth to “tire” them out. I did find an over the counter med for it and it worked great. Found it at Walgreens and it was called Restless legs

Ugh. I have awful restless legs currently in 3rd trimester. Rolling my legs every night with one of those muscle roller things and then afterwards applying 8 Sheep Organics lotion seems to be helping.

I have had rls. I read somewere that two sips of sweet pickle juice worked. I tryed it and it worked. Hope it helps.

Acquired RLS with 2nd pregnancy have had it now for 22yrs!!! Hot showers and/or baths sometimes I would 2-3 times a night. I had no remedies or suggestions then. Now (22yrs later) I am medicated for severe RLS. I hope you find something that helps

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Bar of soap under the sheet, worked for me. Good luck


Nothing :cry: I spent 30 weeks, sitting on the edge of my bed rocking back and forth for hours until I was so exhausted; I’d fall asleep


My doctor suggested benadryl for me . It worked great !

I put soap underneath my sheet at the door of my bed. I’ve also tried the tsp or tbsp of mustard but that didn’t work for me.

I have a client that puts a bar of yellow dial soap under her bottom sheet and it cures her restless legs.

I would honestly have to get out of bed and go walk our circle drive for about 30 minutes or so just to get some kind of relief

I layed a weighted blanket on my legs 15 pounds. It was amazing

Dr teals lotion works wonders along with the soak or bubble bath

3 trimester mama here magnesium and warm not hot showers help a lot.


I used compression socks. Worked really well!


Magnesium and benadryl worked for me. I would take a hot shower every night and it helped

Magnesium, bananas for the potassium, and weighted blanket!

Bananas and lots of water! :purple_heart::blue_heart:

Tonic water is great !!


burts bees lotion. it’s in a yellow bottle I remember. smells like peppermint and has a tingling,calming sensation opposite of the RLS tingling.

Use a bar of soap put it under ur fitted sheet at your feet/legs its a miracle worker an old time hack

Lavender oil. Rubbed it right on my legs.

Double your prenatal vitamin

Massage and a hot shower always worked for me.

I slept standing up with my forhead in the bed🤣

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Place a pillow between your legs to level blood flow

Idk why it works but it did for me and my cousin who has diabetes is the blue Gatorade specifically

I was told to eat a banna before
Nd have a warm bath ( not red hot ) use nice to relax in nd have the radox relax bubbles nd gently massage your legs before bed it worked wonders

And 4 yrs later i still do the same after a stressfĂąll day are after a long walk

Magnesium supplement

Pickle juice is still my life saver. I have had it most of my life and it got worse during pregnancy and pickle juice was my savior

I have restless legs all the time. Worse when pregnant. Copper fit was life-changing for me one for each leg and I can sleep

Ok this is going to sound weird but tums b4 bed helped me I would get awful leg cramps

I use a weighted blanket lol I have restless legs all the time but its way worse when I’m pregnant

Bananas I got bad cramps on mine and bananas helped

Potassium and magnesium

Lol I used a rolling pin :rofl:

Magnesium and B complex take in the mornings

Magnesium supplements help