Me and my 11 year old sons dad have a custody arrangement where I have sole physical custody and he has every other weekend visitation. But for the last 3 weekends my son has been refusing to go. He wouldn’t tell me why at first and he told his dad he didn’t want to and he didn’t seem to care. So he finally told me that a couple months ago my exes girlfriends father had been there and that he made my exes girlfriends son take down cameras they had in the living room and throw them away and that he and the child smoked weed together. My question was did my son do it to and he told me no and I even said if you tell me I won’t be mad I just want to know but he got angry and said no and I didn’t want to make him more mad so I let it go but I feel like he probably did try it being influenced by the adult and other kid who is 12 or 13. I asked what had happened next and he said that his father told him to leave and not come back the next day. He told me that my exes girlfriends son still smokes weed and I asked where he gets it and he said that there’s a box under his dad and gfs bed with it and that when they are left alone the kid smokes it. His dad never even bothered to mention what happened the first time and I am really upset that my son was put in this situation in the first place and really dislike having to send him there at all where he is unsupervised and around weed smoking. What should I do! What can I do? His dads gf also has edibles all over the house candies and lollipops and treats that she tells them are healthy candy she gets from the doctor. His knowledge of this leads me to believe they have access to these things as well. What do i do?