What can I do about this situation?

Go to court and have a judge sign off on it. She’s 13 and should be old enough to choose and especially since dad doesn’t see her anyway.


My mom wouldn’t sign custody over to my aunt they went to court 6times!!! Each time my mom said she would sign over, got there refused and denied saying it. I was only 6&7 throughout that time so the courts wouldn’t listen to me. The last 2 times my teacher went in who knew AND seen what was going on went in and they granted it without my mom signing over, they gave her an opinion at the last hearing to either go to prison or sign the papers so she decided to sign that time.

Nothing you can do but go to court


Lawyer and courts asap

Court, since she 13 they might let her mske a decision.
Start now its a very long process

Get court order. If you are custodial parent you don’t need his permission.


My brother went through this exact thing. He went and got a lawyer and him and his wife won. He ended up with full custody of his step daughter. Granted it did cost them quite a bit of money. Get a lawyer asap and bring the receipts. Proof he is not really involved and proof you cover all financial burdens of the child. Since the child is older the court may give her a say also.


Kinda depends. If they have joint physical and legal she needs to go to court. If she had full legal then she does not need him. But will need to file a change of domicile with the courts. Go get the forms and fill them out and get it rolling. I would let them know your spouse if having to go and a date so the courts can get you in before then

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Go to court they will listen to the child.

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Go and see the judge and let your daughter speak up. She’s old enough, the judge will most likely take into account what she wants. Especially if she flat out tells the judge “I hardly see this man, we barely talk”.


If he hasn’t been holding up his end of the bargain on custody thus far, then you should file for full custody.

Get an emergency court hearing & ask for your daughter to speak on her own behalf.


Bet your glad you divorced from the stubborn no brainer?

You can petition the court and they can grant it. Also being she’s 13 she will have a say!


I’d say court, but… I’m also curious why you’re moving your family over there rn :flushed:


go to court and see what the judge says and take her with you she is 13


Get a lawyer and go to court. Take your daughter and have her talk to the judge.

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In Canada, at 12 the kids get to make that choice… not sure where you’re at, but worth looking into Court for it

Our family went through this. My nephew had to give up the station in Italy and started stateside. If the dad won’t sign she can’t go

You can get him on abandonment if he’s never followed through with the agreement. A agreement is still an agreement and if both parties or one party doesn’t follow their agreement then they’ve broken their part of the agreement. Even in court. Xoxo


Take it to court! She is old enough to make this decision!!


Emergency court hearing

At 13 she can have a say in what she wants.
Custody battles suck! Best of luck to you.

Take it to court! No way in hell, I would just stand back and not fight that!


Get an attorney and go to court!


She’s old enough. Take her in. Let her tell them. They’ll listen. Good luck :heart:


Petition the court for her to be able to move with you’s.

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Go back to court and let your daughter speak


Get a lawyer, she should be old enough to make that decision, but you’ll have to do it through the court system.


You go to court for a modification. At 13 she has a say so in whom she lives with.


Your gonna have to take it to court and they should have no issues letting u go

Talk to a lawyer! I cannot stress this enough!

You need need to get a court order.

Get a custody lawyer and go to court ASAP. No other way around it.


Go to court. Emergency hearing. Is abandoned her if he hasn’t seen her or kept in contact for a year. It’s abandonment. Judge will say since he hasn’t seen her in a year, he doesn’t need to give permission to go.


I believe at age 13 they can decide who they want to live with. But if this isn’t the full story and he is actively involved, you need to work it out bc he shouldn’t have to suffer either and should have equal rights.


Depending on state, she can choose at 13. Also, have you documented his lack of visits?
There is a way to get the passport without him, but you will probably need to go to court, first.


Go to court. If he isn’t even seeing her for visitation then she can’t be expected to live with him. A judge can grant the passport since your husband is military.


Court…he is serving his country. I doubt judge will deny her to go with her mother and family she has always been with.

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good luck…

ive heard judges tell parents they knew they had previous custody arrangements in place when you chose to marry & start a life with someone actively in the military, why should the relationship between your oldest & the child be changed ?

your ex could easily say he fears for his child’s life with ww3 going on & that would be a valid point…



Go to court she should be of age I’m not sure what state you live in and what their rules are but she should be able to make her own decision as to who she wants to live with

I’d go to court asap.

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Go to court. She’s old enough to decide


Depending on state, at the age of 12 the child can decide who they want to live with. That is what happened to a friend of mine in Texas.

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Take it to court, she’s old enough they should take what she wants into consideration.


Go to court. She’s old enough to choose. If you can prove the lack of visits, he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.


How long is your
husband going to be in Germany? Does your daughter have close friends that are good influence. If so, I think I would consider staying home rather than uproot your daughter.


Depending on the state,your child can talk to her lawyer as to where they want to live.I wouod take him to court asap.Ask for an emergency hearing and let the judge know.


Talk to a child advocate lawyer.


I’m in Canada so it may be totally different. But after the age of 12 a child can decide where they want to live and cops can’t do nothing no legal action can happen. At least in Canada.

See if you can get legal aid for advice


I am British and when I was stationed in Germany the military sorted this out. They said because we were living on a military base we were technically still in UK. And no court would refuse to grant permission for a passport. I hope this us the same for the USA.


She’s probably safer there

Court bc ew. How is he not gonna see his child but demand she lives with him. Please please do not leave her with him!!!


Go to court. At her age, most judges will put her wants ahead of parents.


I second what several said. Being 13 in certain states means you can speak to the judge and explain where you want to live. As long as it isn’t a threat to the well-being of the child 99% of the time a judge will grant it.


Get an attorney and file an emergency court hearing for your 13 year old daughter to state to a judge, that she wants to live and go with you.
Since her biological father never sees her, the judge will most likely rule for your daughter to go with you
with full custody. She is old enough to say what she wants to do.


Petition the court. Your daughter is old enough to decide for herself. You may have to pay for round-trip airfare for her to return to the states each summer, but it is unlikely that the judge will force your daughter to live with a parent she doesn’t want to live with. Good luck.


Depending on what state you live in at the age of 13 she has a say so in where she wants to live


Go to court and hopefully the 13 yr old will be able to make that choice.


She’s old enough to make her decision and old enough that the judge will listen to what she wants!

She’s old enough to decide who she wants to live with the courts eyes

Go to court right away!!

You’ll have to go back to court. Take proof he isn’t consistent in her life. Depending on your state she should be old enough to voice her opinion in court.

You need an emergency court hearing. She is of age to say where she rather be.

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Talk to family court commissioners

She is 13. I believe that she can decide where she wants to live. Ask her.

Called a family court in your city

hire an attorney and do what he/she tells you to.

Go to the court snd let her tell the judge what she wants.

I’ve served and been a dependent. Your child doesn’t need a passport when it’s PCS orders.

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Emergency court hearing!!


She’s 13. Well old enuf to speak for herself in court.
Why do ppl bring this sh$t to fb like simpletons?!?! :woman_facepalming:t4:

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I think after 12 the child can make that decision…

Go to court.
We have custody of my little sister and are a military family. When we got a posting message we took the matter to court.

She is old enough to have her voice herd in court. They should take her wishes into consideration. Make sure to have evidence to back up your claims and have a parenting plan in place to present to the judge.

See if there is are any resources of the army that can help you with this

Go to court and let her tell the judge

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When another parent doesn’t follow joint custody or visitation and stops seeing their kid it should be reported to the court this way they could’ve just gave you the full custody. I don’t know why people always wait till a situation arises. I would suggest you seek counsel for yourself and seek counsel at The Children’s Law firm so you can get advocacy for your daughter and she can say who she wants to live with. This way they can help her uphold her wishes. Children can get lawyers and advocacy too. I had one for my daughter and they fought hard for her.


Depending on the state you love you can actually go to court and the judge will listen to the child’s request. Ex Texas, after 14 kids can decide… call your local courthouse and look for guidance on the matter.

At her age I’m sure Any judge would agree with her decision to live with you given the fact that her dad isn’t much into her life ! She’s old enough to tell her own story!

Go to court … She is old enough to speak to the judge for herself …