What can I do about tooth pain?

What can I do about tooth pain? I have cavities and need teeth pulled


Oil of oregano…needs to be mixed with carrier oil like coconut oil.

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Clove or tea tree oil dabbed on the tooth.

Drink some apple cider vinegar a tbsp with half cup of water will help you with the pain. It taste horrible but this will help you with tooth pain and other issues like a cold for example

Sudafed( relieves pressure) and listerine bc it’s a antiseptic. Good luck. Im so sorry your having tooth pain. :pensive:

For the moment ibuprofen can help

The best thing is a throat lozenge, we have antiseptic ones here in N.Z . Work a charm

call your dentist to get started on a TX plan

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Listerine and peroxide rinse at the very least until you can get to a dentist
I haven’t had success with any other home remedies.

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Gargle with warm salt water. To make the salt water GENEROUSLY pour iodized table salt into a cup of water and stir it up until all the salt is dissolved into the water, you’re gonna wanna use a lot of salt. Then swish it around in your mouth, particularly around the area that’s bothering you, for about 60 seconds, or as long as you can stand. Do this every 45 minutes-hour until the pain and swelling start to subside, then you can do it every 2 hours, then every 4, and just gradually do it less and less, but until you see a dentist I would still do it at least 3-4xs daily, even if/when the pain subsides. I’ve been through hell and back with my teeth and dental issues, and trust me the salt water method is going to give you relief the fastest, antibiotics would help as well, but but quite as fast. Teeth only hurt when they’re infected, otherwise no matter how damaged or bad a tooth is it will just be sensitive to temperature and pressure, so you need to get the infection out bc that’s what is causing your pain.

Liquid clove c small cotton ball

Get them looked at ASAP! I WENT SEPTIC putting it off! Shots in my belly every 2 hours for 4 days BEFORE tooth removal day in hospital with my own infectious disease doc.

Ice packs on jaw with the pain,extra strength orajel and call a dentist asap

Find a local dental school even if town over the cost is less