Curious as to what you mamas do for cold sores while pregnant. I only usually get them while pregnant. But if I do get them while I’m not pregnant, I take lysine right away, and it usually helps. I think this one is a little too far progressed for lysine to work, but I was wondering if any of you mamas took it while pregnant? I know on the bottle it says not too because there haven’t been enough studies, but I can’t get in to see my doctor get Valtrex until Monday
As crazy as it sounds mix Coconut oil and Oil of Oregano together then use it on the cold sore. That’s my go to along with Herpecin L
Use Abreva for your cold sore.
Camphophenique is awesome. Mine are usually gone really fast.
Liquid campophenique, several times a day And keep your lips extremely dry
Abreva or get antivirals from your doctor.
Also be sure not to kiss your baby, herpes can kill a infant
Hardly anything works for me anymore I’ve had them ever since I was 11. The only thing that does work is Carmex Cold Sore Treatment, usually has mine gone in at least three days with persistent use. If you apply it as soon as you feel that tingly sensation of a cold sore starting to pop up, it stops the growth immediately and the cold sore won’t even form.
This might sound strange to some, but it is how my husband cured his from ever breaking out again. Dip a Q-tip in bleach and apply to it.
Idk about using it while being pregnant but if you are near a dollar general they have this stuff called rexall cold sores and I Love it, it burns like crazy but it dries them out quick!
Acyclovir is safe during pregnancy.
Use coco butter. … The stuff in the small round plastic tub. …
Abreva. But honestly I just let it go through it course when pregnant.
I used camphophenique it work good are you can put vicks on it to it work good a lot of people dont do it because of the . Smell of it .but it work good if you do it all the time .
I thought valtrex was for genital herpes. In that case Dr’s should have started u on that the u got pregnant. There’s a lot of remedies and over counter meds for cold sores around lips, that’s what I call them.
I’ve dealt with cold sores my whole life and trying everything to get rid of them fast. Abreva never worked for me and Carmex made mine worse. I’m a huge fan of Lysine when I first feel one come on but if I’m too late taking it, the fastest way I have gotten rid of one is SALT. To get rid of a cold sore, it needs to dry and scab up before it starts to heal. It sounds crazy but I wet my finger then dip it in salt and press it against my cold sore. Yes, it will sting. But doing that a few times will dry your cold sore up quickly and start it’s healing process. Good Luck!
Use vicks vapor rub. Works quicker and cheaper than anything i have tried
I put rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer on mine. Stops it from spreading
Tea tree oil helps especially as soon as you feel a tingle. If you don’t get to it in time it will help with the healing process and keep it from getting gooey. If it’s too far gone there’s not much you can do but use topical stuff like abreva or carmex to keep it feeling decent.
I used this while pregnant several times a day and it works wonders. Cleared up in a day or two
I put a ice cube on it and it stops it from getting big .
I rotate between using alcohol swabs, peroxide, tea tree oil, peppermint oil. Abreva and then once that’s dried, a cold sore patch at night. Seems excessive but they usually clear in less than a week
Snip the skin off it n put rubbing alcohol on it right after. Has yet to fail me nothing else works
I used garlic oil mixed with tea tree oil. Works fast and eases the pain. Ly-sine daily as well.
I used rubbing alcohol several times a day and herpacin l chapstick and it was gone in a couple days
A medicated lip balm helps and I will dab it with alcohol to help kill the virus and dry it up
Yogurt that has acidophilus Put it straight onto the cold sore.
Reading all the hocus Pocus home remedies is hilarious!
Be logical. Go dip a Qtip in peroxide and repeat!
Be very careful never to kiss your baby if you have one. Cold sores in adults can become Herpetic Witlowe in infants. It will cause a rapidly spreading rash and brain damage. It happened to one of my children.
Ask you Ob dr. Seriously they know what’s safe for a baby.
Braggs unfiltered Apple cider vinager, honey and orange juice. 2 tablespoons of ACV twice a day. It works like a charm. Another one is golden milk. 6-8oz warm milk, 1/2 teaspoon tumeric, cinnamon, and 3 shakes or pepper. You can add honey also if you want. After every few sips you may have to stir as it separates. But it’s amazing! It’s an ancient remedy. The tumeric is an anti inflammatory. So it will clear you up.
Lansinoh! Seriously… It’s the best. After I had my daughter, my mouth kept cracking at the corners for the first two weeks. I guess nursing was depleting my nutrients for the first little bit. I used Lansinoh and it healed right up each time, and was less painful!
Apply Bagbalm sounds wierd smells wierd but it has a natural antiseptic in it. I only get them with fevers and long periods of sun exposure. It usually starts to heal up by day 3. You can find bagbalm in CVS,walgreen,target, walmart, TSc and most
co op stores.
Did anyone have one after they had their baby? My baby is 3 weeks and I just had one come up on Saturday…I’ve been washing my hands, and using a Q-tip when I put medicine on it, but I’m still worried somehow it’s going to make her sick.
Abreva but if you’re pregnant and get cold sores you should be on valtrex. Ask your doctor immediately.
Lavender essential oil:) works better than anything I’ve tried over the last 30+ years.
L-lysine…work every time…
I use 3000 mg a day when i have one…
You can also use it for maintenance at 1000 mg oer wk to never get one again.
100% works
There is a cream your doctor can prescribe. If you feel the tingle that one is about to appear you apply it right away and most times it won’t even blister. I take Valtrex every day and for the most part don’t get them anymore.
I used Abreva. Love that stuff!
They have otc cold sore remedies at all the drug and grocery stores… why would you need a doctor? Grab some lysine that rubs on or just use plain alcohol or peroxide on it to dry it out.
Use Neosporin w lidocaine on it several times a day to heal it and prevent it fro drying out and cracking.
I put stick deodorant on mine all the time drys them up pretty fast
Peroxide several times a day
Toothpaste with baking soda dries it right up.
Or strait vanilla not vanilla extract
Eat yogurt or drink acidophilus milk
I always use abreva. I have gotten them pretty much my whole life and I used it when pregnant as well.
I had my Dr write me a prescription for zoverax cream. My insurance doesn’t cover it…$125 for a tube the size of Chapstick. Taking the lysine vitamin helps too
Don’t get valtrex, get acyclovir! Taking valtrex for preconditions daily, I still got them. Taking acyclovir, I don’t get them. I also didn’t get any while pregnant while on it.
Let it run its course
I have always done what I would do if I wasn’t pregnant. I dab super strength listerine on mine as well burns like hell but works
Acyclovir is the best. After awhile you just quit getting them very often and if you take it with the tingle they don’t go any farther
Polysporin has coldsore patches that work great
I got orajel for cold sores
I put Peroxide on it. It heals within 2 days
Real vanilla extract works
They have lysine ointment for that can u use that
Campho-phenique I’m getting them as well.
I always put campho pheneque on it