Hyland’s homeopathic teething pills. They work great!
Rub childrens ibuprofen on his gums it will help with the inflammation, also you can rub pure vanilla extract it works great as well
Look online or in the shops for a mamm dummy. It looks like a large dummy with netting rather than a normal nib. I used these when my son was teething. Put some apple or a carrot in the freezer then once frozen put in the mamm dummy. ( the netting stops any food particals getting through) but the coldness and hardness helps to soothe the pain And will break the skin round the tooth to help it be less painful as it comes through. My son hardly had any issues with teething once I started using this.
I have friends that swear by Amber necklaces but you have to find one that’s true amber. Also if all else fails, rub a little whiskey on his gums.
Freeze some spoons and let baby teeth on the cold spoon
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What can I do for a teething baby? - Mamas Uncut
This won’t help fever, but I used to soak a face cloth and then freeze it. My sons would suck on/chew it and they enjoyed the cold. They’re in their 40’s now - so old remedy!
Have you tried teething powder. The boots own brand is the best.
I’ve always had success with ibuprofen instead of Tylenol and cold or frozen items for them to gnaw on. I also usually offered very cold almost frozen juices or water. Very damp wash rags kept in fridge for them to gnaw and grind and scratch their gums with helped too. But limit it to 10 to 20 minute intervals if they’re just really chewing, they’ll rub so much it’ll bleed.
I had to use night time baby orajel. If she’s had the fever for more than 48 hrs consult her dr. At 6 months I think you can start ibuprofen. Please ask your dr. Also the little mesh feeders with frozen formula/breast milk or we even did cold bananas in it! My daughter loved them!
Take a baby spoon with a rubber top and rub it over her gums, it will help the teeth break thru which is what hurts, the growing doesn’t.
Awww your a good mama… I wish we had chats like this when mine were babies
Other than what Ayse said it sounds like you’re doing everything
Sounds like you’ve got everything covered. Id use ibuprofen rather than Tylenol. Dont worry too much about food as long as she’s drinking plenty she’ll be fine…maybe give things like yogurt , custard , jelly …things that are easy just to swallow rather than eat
Pop Sickles the ones in plastic. Freeze them and let her chew on them
Amazon has an all natural oil that you can use as much as you need to without worrying about giving your baby too much. It’s called punkin butt. Works wonders!
Frozen pineapple in one of those feeding net things. It was my savior.
My son absolutely loved chewing on wash cloths from the freezer. We would get them wet, then wring out most of the water and freeze them.
The white part of the green onion is a natural numbing it’s worked for all of my grandkids and my own it’s a miracle worker
I was lucky with both of my kids, and they never really had any problems with the process, and they didn’t really show any pain