What can I do for a teething baby?

I don’t know what to do with my teething 9 month old son! I can see his top 2 teeth and 2 of his bottom teeth are going to pop through any time now…We are on night 5 of very little sleep. He is up ever 30 minutes/hour crying and screaming. I have given him Tylenol, baby teething gel, cold teething toys, rubbing his gums, extra hugs and snuggles, letting him comfort nurse etc and he still is screaming and crying. Currently my husband is trying to console him because I’m so exhausted and don’t know what to do…I already took him into the doctor because I was worried about him and he is congested as well… they checked him out and his ears, nose, throat, and lungs are clear. Doctor said it’s just teething…. I seriously don’t know what else to do… any advice, tips, tricks, words of encouragement are appreciated!!!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What can I do for a teething baby?

Alternate Tylenol and ibuprofen

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Put a wet washcloth in the freezer for 15 minutes and give it to ur baby to chew on


Cucumber rings helped my son calm down a bit, or bell pepper strips- if you do Cucumber though, push out the seedy middle or you will have little snot like particles all over your house​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Warm magic bag on his ears as well as letting him chew on a frozen cloth. And rotate with the Tylenol and Advil.

Also tie a knot on the corner of a wash cloth, wet just the knot and freeze.

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Maybe even toast or waffles

Hyland teething tablets

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Aston n parsons powders , calpol , ibrofen

Honestly, sounds like you’re doing everything you can and should do! Some parts like this just suck. Hang in there :purple_heart:

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If he’s congested too, sleep with him propped up against you in a recliner. So the ice can drain properly. The congestion is probably what’s waking him up.
Frozen washcloths to chew on help too.


Mine loved frozen waffles.


This worked great for my son

My 5 month old has 3 popping through, recommendations for that young? Just started baby food so I can’t give her ice or food to help

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Also trying putting frozen fruit in this for the baby to chew on


We gave our daughter a piece of a leather belt that she could hold in the hand to put in her mouth to chew on. It must be leather. The other thing we did is we gave her rawhide dog chews the round ones that she could hold to chew on. They get slimey after a bit so have another hard one available.

Cold carrot when supervised. Rub vanilla on the gums at night. Try it once during the day first to make sure there are no adverse reactions but vanilla on the gums help

Cold green onion with white tip cut off.

I made frozen breastmilk popsicles for mine, that always seemed to help us :sob:

Old way is rub ur finger in to vodka or any spirt rub gum Or wet vest run under cold water let suck it

Amber teething necklace :smiling_face:

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Ok I’m old got 5 grandkids . Take one of the baby’s sock and put an egg in it and nail it above the door he goes in and out of the most . Also roll up wash rags wet them and stick them in the freezer great for cutting teeth and soothes the hurting

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Try an Amber bracelet and bonjela xx

Arson & parson pouders
Frozen teething rings
Freeze dummies
Also you can get fruite dummies you can freeze them also
And you can get fruite Ice lolly making sets for babies teething out Aldi
Also amber bracelet help massively

I know a lot of people are totally against it…but a little rub of whisky on the gums will help. If nothing else is working


Get him an battery powered tooth brush, my granddaughter started cutting at 3 months, grandma bought one works wonders or a vibrating teether.2 years later my granddaughter loved brushing her teeth and has 0 cavities!!! Start them as soon as they start cutting.

Get an amber necklace off Amazon. I thought it was a crock of crap but my father in law got us one and I had a whole different baby within 24 hours

Frozen breast milk popsicles in those silicone teethers- also frozen mango/banana/pineapple in those work well too.

This is a homeopathic God send

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Ibuprofen worked better for teething in my kiddo, they can have it at 6 months. Giving her frozen peas to eat helped too. Hyland’s teething tablets. And baltic amber necklace helped my kiddo too.

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Vanilla on the gums not too much but a little bit will help him don’t give him a key ring teething ring and having B through it like my son did stick stay with vanilla

Teething tablets
Frozen pineapple core
Frozen pickle spears

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Not heard of Aston and parsons powders for years,used them on my twin girls and they are nearly 32,found was the best thing to use for them

Amber Baltic teething necklace off amazon.baby wears while awake and don’t get it wet. Works wonders.

Wet a clean washcloth an throw in the freezer for about and hour until crispy. Give to baby to chew on.

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I always rubbed a tiny bit of children’s Benadryl on mine. I would just get a tiny drop on my finger. I did the frozen bath cloth, teething tablets and teething ring. They had a silicon type one at Walmart that worked better than all the others. I bought a few and kept them in the fridge I would rotate so he always had a cold one to gnaw on.

I used a tiny bit of baby night time teething gel with my kids and grandchildren it works and it sticks better than the normal

Hugs , hugs. Kisses, kisses.


Teething tablets and freez teething ring the coldness will feel good on his gums! Best of luck mama :heart:

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I’ve given all mine a metal spoon as soon at teeth are near to coming through work a treat for mine :smiling_face: hope your little one cuts teeth soon x


Ice cube is what I use with grandbaby she loves it

Used this for all 4 of my kids and grandkids. I swear by it.


Buy the boli ice pops for them to suck on. Wash & refreeze.

I gave my kids cold celery stalks. Celery has natural numbing enzymes and the ridges feel good on teething gums. I also used highlands teething tablets.

Frozen celery. The cold numbs the gums. The ridges help open the gums. My son teethed on the celery sticks and taco Bell’s cinna stix

We loved the nightime teething tablets for both of our babies. They’re hard to find, so when I did find them I’d stock up on them!

Baltic amber necklace or bracelet & the teething tablets work awesome!

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I gave my kids beef jerky. Let them gnaw on it

Amber necklace. My daughter purchased an Amber necklace. I hated it because I was afraid it would choke her. But, when my daughter let us babysit for her one night I took it off thinking she would choke on it. I gave her a bath to calm her down. She was getting fussy. When the bath was done she was crying and screaming. Nothing helped we tried. I called my daughter and she reminded me I had removed it. So I put it back on and she was quiet and laughing and playing 5 minutes later. She slept like an angel. I never removed it again. She didn’t even run a fever or drool.

GREEN ONIONS cut the little root off and your good to go… worked with my 4 and everyone one else I’ve told… hope it works!!

i gave my girl these, they worked really well for her! also put fruit in the freezer and put them in those pacifiers with the holes in it. idk what they’re called haha but she loved it


Frozen waffles Frozen washcloth

Teething tablets. Also freeze popsicles was a lifesaver for my babies

Frozen waffles or frozen wet washcloths

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We put some water on paci and freeze it works the best for our baby we have 4 in the freezer right now waiting to be used

Alternate Motrin & Tylenol…


Just let them chew on it

Buy him a teething ring keep in freezer untill he needs it. Or put ice on rag tie it so baby doesn’t get chink of ice. Helps alot

Calpol & ibruphen works everytime in our house x

Most people don’t think this is a good idea but it tried a million and one things and spent so much money and the only thing that helped was rubbing whiskey on my daughters gums. She was having teeth come in. 2 at a time and 4 at a time. I felt so bad. But it helped so much. Good luck momma I hope you get some rest soon.


Try using vanilla extract rub a little all over the gums. It worked with my nephew’s and one of my grandsons

Weleda teething powder is a god send for both my baby and toddler.

Freeze a rag or chicken leg bone, let him gnaw on it. Put a drop of whisky/wine on his gums for pain relief.

Yep. Their online orders cleared somehow. They got our order from Roberts phone and there are only 2 people working

Sounds awful, but I gave my son an Oreo to help break them through

If he is running a fever take him back to the Dr. Could be an ear infection that they didn’t catch before.

Hurricane gel… ask the pharmacist

Ice cube in wash cloth tied off with rubber band… Also when dosing with Tylenol or Motrin rub it on the gums instead of just squirting it in their little mouth that does not help for 20 to 30 minutes massage it in trust me this works

Teething gel then a Vibrating teether. I did t know they existed until my son was gifted one and let me tell you he loves it and it helps so much.

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try chilres motrin or advil it lasts longer and work s on inflamation

I used amber anklet for my babies


Take whiskey/vanilla extract and dip a q-tip into it and rub it on the gums. Also Walmart and most places carry baby orajel, it works great I’ve used it with both of my kids and now on my 3rd. Frozen waffles for treats. Freeze a rag and let them chew on it.


This worked really well for my son when he was teething. Better than Tylenol to me. It also helps sooth their stomach, which can be caused from teething as well.


Amber beads are amazing, chamomile tea cooled in bottle, my Girl liked frozen or chilled apple in a muslin cloth to chew on. I also would find nice peices of driftwood from the beach that bubs could hold and chew on I think she liked the salty taste.

Put a wet wash cloth in the freezer, let it freeze up some and give to him to chew on.

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My niece used Hyland teething tablets, they are natural and they helped calm her.

Freeze a wet washcloth and let him bite on it?

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Baby benadryl rubbed on the gums. It’s a God send !!!

I used SM33 & bonjela as well

I break up pop cicles. Always helps and infant motrin or tylenol.

My daughter ordered Amber beads for teething off Amazon for her baby!! She’s still wearing them at almost 2. A lot less crying!!!


Hurricane teething gel is amazing it worked wonders with my three grandson’s it comes in different flavors.Give it a try.

Sariah Dean Stratford

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Using a toothbrush, scrub the gums gently where teeth are coming in relieves my 1 year old boy. He’s been teething since he was born, literally (natal teeth)

Get 1 of those teething things that you can put Ice into, even make it the Fruit,ETC

frozen waffles, they have built in drool cups.

If you gave Tylenol Motrin then just ride it out it happens, you could give him a tooth brush but I doubt that’s what he needs just try and be there for him. Maybe try ice cream but you’re doing a great job don’t worry about it

I know I will get yelled at (thank you, save it for someone else), but I used SoCo and clove oil on my son.
Because alcohol is frowned on, the clove oil does help. Even now, hubby and I keep it around for achy gums/teeth (I’m 41 and my wisdom teeth still try to cut) and it’s very effective for numbing. A very small amount on your finger and just barely graze where the buds are. All natural. Find it in natural food stores, Amazon, Walmart even some regular drug and grocery (it may be in a tooth repair kit).

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Be careful with some teething gels like baby orajel. It hardens the gums and it makes it harder for the teeth to come thru. Use alcohol like captain morgans whiskey it works i used it on all three of my kids

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Girl, same. 9 month old waking up every 2 hours here.

This helped me with my teething baby. I used little pieces of frozen fruit (ex: watermelon)

Teething salts from the health food shop. Just ask them for salts for teething. You can put them in water and they will calm the pain and inflammation

I used the crust from toast and my father used to give them the bones from meat (not chicken) to suck on. It hardens the gums and helps the teeth to come through,

I used ambasol on my daughter when she was teething. It helped a lot with the pain, unfortunately she was still taken to hospital every time she cut a tooth through as it made her very sick. Unfortunately some babies get really ill with teething and there isn’t anything you can do other than what your doing and waiting for it to pass. I know it sounds horrible and it is horrible when they go through it and you can’t help, but it will pass.

Get the hylands teething tablets they are wonderful and work great I used them for all 6 of my kids and currently use them for my 15month old they have daytime and nighttime ones


They make teething rings that you can freeze. They did wonders when my daughter was teething. Good luck .

Freeze pickles or even prices of watermelon strawberry’s and let him eat the frozen fruits you can even give him a frozen carrot it softens when it unthaws

My grandma would rub whiskey on the gums. Probably will get some bad comments about this but it seemed to work

Teething tablets are great for teething and work amazing! They are all natural too

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