What can I do for acid reflux during pregnancy?

I’m a new mom to be, due in less than a month. I’ve been having horrible acid reflux when I try to sleep. I eat small meals and also wait a few hours or so before laying down for bed but I still end up waking up a short time later coughing up stomach acid and cant go back to sleep for hours. I’m just so tired and in so much pain from where this baby is sitting under my ribs I’m in literal tears almost every day. Any advice on how to try to stop coughing up stomach acid or how to get baby to move somehow so I can try to get some kind of sleep??


I had this exact problem. I ended up having to sleep elevated in the bed or in a recliner. Took tums smoothies at night about 30 mins before bed. I also tended to eat a few saltines too and it helped alot. If I already had the bad reflux I would get a sprite and drink it really quickly, and burp a couple of good times and it helped relieve the pressure. Hopefully you get some relief soon :pray:

Tummmmssssss was all that worked for me

Try taking Tums Smoothies, elevating your body upright during rest, and sleep on your left side always bc it is proven to have the best circulation for you n baby. Prayers Momma!!

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Prilosec. I had reflux before I was pregnant and took it. My doctor said it was fine to take during pregnancy.

I’m having the same problem right now. Tbh I’ve tried a whole bunch of different things and nothing really helps except laying on my left side. Tums help for a little while, I’ve drank milk to help calm it down, smaller meals and waiting awhile to lay down but nothing else has worked but laying on my left side.

The Tums Smoothies are the only ones that worked for me…

My doctor prescribed Pantoprazole. Life saver!!

My doctor gave me a list that’s okay to take: Mylanta, tums, Maalox, Gaviscon, Rolaids, pepcid AC, Tagamet HB, and Prilosec. I hope something helps you!!

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Mylanta and sleeping upwards with high pillow, no sparkling water or soda around bedtime.

The Only thing that takes care of it for me is Pepcid Complete !!!

Try 4 oz of water a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with the mother…

Tilt ur mattress up it helped me tons we put blocks under it

I had to take spoonful of baking soda mixed w a little water to make a paste, my last pregnancy cuz nothing else worked n it hurt so bad i was in tears. Tastes like doo doo tho but goes away quick. U will burp then the pain is gone.

Try drinking some milk before bed.

Drink pickle juice, gets rid of heartburn almost immediately

What does the doctor say?

Pantaloc was the only thing that worked for me

My Facebook and anti-acid followed by Dr pepper

Prop yourself up while sleeping by. My acid reflux never went away after having my kids and I still sometimes have to prop myself up.

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You’re doctor can prescribe you something or you can go buy tums. The last month is the worst but that heartburn never goes away it’s just not as bad after baby.

Make your head way higher up with lots of pillows or try sleeping in a recliner. It worked for me.

A little old lady told me to eat celery to help with acid reflux when i was pregnant. And it worked. Id keep a few sticks by my bed. Til this day i chomp on some when i had a meal i know might cause acid reflux

Tum’s works, baby will probably be born with a full head of hair.

Try sleeping on an angle so ur not lying flat, it may help

omeprazole was the only thing that worked for me. i was sleeping at a 90° angle for 4/5 months it was hell

I had this exact problem so I feel for ya, mama! Mine was terrible. Even after Prilosec and tums, I had to sleep elevated. Like almost sitting up :sob: this too shall pass :heart:

You can chew on tums I had to take 2 at a time the heartburn was bad