What can I do for back pain? I got the epidural Tuesday , and I swear the way she did it she messed my back up or something. Idk, I’ve had 4 before & never had this much back pain in my life. I know that it’s a side effect as well, I’m just about in tears.
Need to go back in for the blood patch.
Never do the epidural they are horrible. I had 2 and they only numbed me from the waste down. It’s a waste of time. I have DDD and sometimes it’s so bad I can’t walk. I usually use a heating pad until my chiropractor said that heat just makes it worse, to use ice compress. Also, find a chiropractor, I’ve tried everything for my back and the chiropractor has helped the best. It may take a few sessions but it helps a lot. I had sciatica really bad, couldn’t sit and was in a lottt of pain. I went 3 times and it helped tremendously.
For labor? I had the epidural for both my kids and it didn’t help with either cause I had such extreme lower back pain throughout my pregnancy and such bad back labor pains during delivery. Good luck. Mine was bad enough to prescribe some pain killers the week before delivery but it cost me having to be grilled by all the staff there about the “risks” of painkillers before they would trust me to leave alone with my baby. Completely unnecessary, embarrassing, and traumatic after all I had already done through in my first pregnancy.
I assume this isn’t for labor since you mentioned back pain.
My epidurals were guided by x-rays. I had two in my lower back and one in my neck, I believe. I eventually had surgery to repair 3 herniated discs and that got my life back.
Discuss all treatment options with your doctor. Sounds like this isn’t working. Other options might include PT, chiropractic care, at-home exercises, surgery, and I’m sure I’m missing something (I’m not a doctor).
Write down any questions you have ahead of time so you remember what to ask. Consider bringing someone with you to help with follow-up questions.
I always had back problems, I got an epidural in March. And my back is now worse and it’s hard for me to stand straight or sit straight now
They literally tell you risks before you have it done, and they say back pain and even in severe cases, can be paralyzed from it…
Unfortunately some women suffer with back pain from epidurals the rest of their lives. I’m one of them. Doctors won’t listen. They won’t even order a scan to see what the problem is. I feel that there’s so many epis done wrong that the medical community doesn’t help women to avoid malpractice suits. Good luck. I hope you find relief. It’s been 11 years for me. I can still tell you where it went in.