What can I do for diaper rash?

Diaper Rash Suggestions? I have used diaper cream, powder, a spray, aquaphor, even tried neosporin.

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Wash area with warm water and baby wash. Pat dry, use coconut oil and corn starch. If you use any of the creams like athletes foot cream and the skin is already broken it might further irritate it. Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties and will soothe the skin. Also put a wee pad under baby while they sleep without a diaper so the area can dry out faster.

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Are you sure it’s diaper rash and not a reaction to something? Teething? Diaper allergy? Food allergy? If you’re sure it’s none of those things and you’ve tried other things I’d probably take the baby to see their dr and see about getting a prescription for it.

Warm baths and lots of Destin

Athletes foot cream - my baby had it bad and doctor said to use it cause it may have been bacterial

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This is what I used for all mine

I used bag balm on all 4of my kids it comes in a can wal mart has it


Desitin Baby Rash Ointment, the best !

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Warm epsom salt bath and then let baby air dry afterwards. Don’t use wipes to wipe baby, just do another warm epsom salt bath if baby poops

I used the cream of vitamin a and d ointment

My newborn had a diaper rash for 2-3 days. At first I thought it was a diaper allergy. I tried desitin diaper rash. It helped a little but I ended up giving him a bath and making sure his butt and groin area was clean and I let him air dry and I left him without a diaper for a couple hours. I just wrapped him in a towel and that helped a lot. After the bath and letting it air out on its own, the rash went away the next day. I still kept on putting rash cream on him but it went away quickly after that.

Let the baby be naked for a few days

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My favorite is butt paste

Mix 1 part canestan to 1 part zinc oxide to 2 parts Vaseline…fixes all!

Get a script for Nystatin powder. Mix 1/3 of the bottle with extra strength Desitin. Smear all over effected area with a thick layer. Instant relief!

It might be a fungal infection. I would take to pediatrician and see.


Oatmeal bath. If you have a kitchen sink with a garbage disposal unit… Run luke warm water over 2 cups oatmeal. Swish water with your hand to make the water milky. Place baby’s tush in the water. Instant relief for baby. When done, gently pat baby’s tush dry with a very soft towel and dust with cornstarch. Let baby sit uncovered for 15 to 30 mins. Then diaper as usual.

I’m betting it’s a yeast based rash. That requires foot cream for athlete’s foot. You can buy the store brand. Works wonders very quickly.

You might have to chang the brand of diapers that you use.

Maybe check with your pediatrician for ideas or prescriptions.

It could be fungal. Reach out to your pediatrician and ask about nystatin cream.

Balmex was best for my kids. They even have adult Balmex. Also cornstarch helps. Have sprinkled on Balmex.

I use butt paste! Works like a charm

Good old corn starch works like magic (when my kids where young)…


Order Dr.Smiths on Amazon. Game changer, trust me!

Amish lady told my friend to scorch flour and apply. It worked wonderful, she never had rash after using it.

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Corn starch and medicated triple paste
And also a diaper brand change maybe …that was my sons issue had to use water wipes nothing scented

I use warm water with cotton balls to wipe, don’t use baby wipes while the rash is sore. Once cleaned up, aquaphor, lather it good. Do this every diaper change.

I use this, and it works amazingly!

I had this problem with my first born and ot turned out to be allergies to formula. Changed to goats milk and problem was solved

Corn Starch. No creams or ointments.


Butt paste! That stuff works miracles, I swear!

I always used Dr. Bordeaux Butt Paste. If it’s yeast, you will need nystatin

we used what we called browned flour,we would put flour dry in a skillet on medium heat stir til it started to turn golden, let cool,apply like powder,it was the best for any diaper rash ,under the boob rash,in skin folds.

boudreaux’s maximum strength is the only thing that helps my son & when that doesn’t work we have to go to the dr & get prescribed nystatin, it works wonders

Butt paste!!! It’s a diaper cream! It’s a stronger butt cream

Do baths with baking soda, multiple times a day, dry well and then use baby butz cream. My daughter got bad diaper rash all the time until we started using that cream

Canestin (clotrimazole) for yeast infection

Breast milk (lots of healing abilities) or cornstarch

Have you tried Butt Paste? If you’ve tried all the creams and etc you should take baby to the doctor, my daughter had to go to the doctor due to the same thing and they prescribed me a tub of ointment that worked very well.

Milk of magnesia . Dab it on wit gauze or cottonwool

Corn starch! Works wonders!

If it’s a girl use lotrmin

Cornstarch and let them be naked for awhile