Hi mums I am wondering if anyone suffers with endometriosis and have any advice on what to take? I’m currently on the implant and I’m I’m 6 days late on my monthly I know every month coming up to my period I get pregnancy symptoms like tender boobs, mood swings , peeing constantly and sensitive to smells and occasional nausea in the morning is this normal? I’ve been suffering with the pain for 4ish days I’ve been taking Ibrofen and paracetamol with a hot water bottle but nothing’s working
My doctor put me on bc pills that I can skip the placebo so I don’t get a period or only very rarely get one… I’m on a seasonal one (so 3 months) and then fill early so I skip the placebo and I spot and rate occasions but don’t remember the last time I had to use a tampon
I have it. Nothing helps. I bleed really bad. Like I have to have a pad and adult diaper. For 7 to 14 days twice a month…birth control pills would not help me they have tried to many now. So I stopp3d taking them. Really just finding a goos doc for it. Good luck I’ve gone through 8 and still no help. Hysterectomy helps with bleeding (no docs will do this for my age they say I’m to young) but even with a Hysterectomy you can still have symptoms endo isn’t gone because you have a Hysterectomy but it just helps with the bleeding issue. Ask your doctor for something for you pain