So after I had kids, I started losing so much hair, and I’m going crazy because Idk what to do, and I wanna know what’s best to use to get you’re hair back?
Have a balanced diet, take supplements. Try to not think about it too much as stress won’t help. Caffeine shampoo can help stimulate the hair follicles but can be expensive. You can add coffee grounds to your normal shampoo or massage into the scalp directly before rising. Good luck and remember having a baby can take it out of you but you will recover and its worth it! Eyeshadow can be used to make your hair look thicker where its thin if you feel self conscious but I bet no one else will really notice x
Get your thyroid checked.
Vitamins! If you aren’t already, continue taking prenatals
Loreal have an amazing collection of hair products. After my 3rd my hair was awful and not helped that I destroyed it with box dye and bleach the past few years. This is the first time in a long time my hairs grown and is actually thick! Definitely helps it. Also taking vitamins can help and having a good diet
I had that issue along with some other annoying things happening that everyone told me was just a new mom thing, I talked to my dr about how bad it was she she checked my thyroid, a got refered to an endocrinologist and found out my thyroid was out of whack.
vitamins and protein shakes!
Vitamin b 6 and supermilk Bay rum from boots also helps
Keep taking prenatals, collagen, and biotin may help too. Eventually it will stop and begin to grow back.
I’m still taking prenatal vitamins plus iron and my baby is 6 ms old, I’m going to keep taking it.
Prenatal vitamins and keratin shampoos and conditioners
I lost huge chunks of hair when I was pregnant 2 years ago, I have just tried to stop all heat treatments like straighten/curling, also eat foods rich in vits and minerals…
This is my life now…17m post p lol
I have a hairdresser that cuts my hair and full treatment never had issues once sorted
It could be the products you’re using! Theres a lot of companies that are in lawsuit right now for having ingredients in them that cause hair loss. I learned the hard way when I was using Tresemme, my hair would come out in CHUNKS! I’ve switched brands after doing some research and there was an instant difference! Hair care is important as well as massaging the scalp to help promote hair growth. Hope you find a good solution!
Keep taking the prenatal
Keep taking your prenatal vitamins
Post partum alopecia. It’s very common. Take your prenatals but it’ is very common in most moms who have had babies. It may be something you just have to go through. It will grow back! I
I was prescribed Amiodorone in the hospital and lost a lot of hair before reading the side effects of thinning hair. Changed med and got Rogain to use daily in massage on scalp. Not only do I have super thick full head of hair, but it came back in curly!!! Have to get it thinned now and just deal with the curls.
I lost so much hair I cried just knowing I would be bald. By the time my baby was a year old it was fine again. The Doctor told me it’s all hormonal. Hang in there!
That’s a thing that happens after giving birth or while pregnant.
Ask your dr or get over the counter biotin vitamins
There’s specific ones that say hair nails and skin
I am currently going through this! It sucks that will last around 4-6 months so I’ve been told… i went right back to taking prenatals and a taking hair and skin gummies that have biotin!! Also i started using Paul Mitchell hair anti-thinning shampoo! I’ve already noticed less hair falling out AND my hair feels so much thicker and stronger and it’s only been 3 months since I started doing this
I second the product change. I was using redkin when pregnant and my hair was amazing. Used it post and cried at how much I was losing. I switched to herbal essences and been great since. Can no longer use redkin or nexxus
Keep taking your prenatal vitamins.
I had this same issue. Bondi Boost!! The shampoo, conditioner, hair mask, and hair tonic spray! My hair hasn’t felt this good in YEARS
Biotin in the morning and collagen 10mg a day. Helps hair, skin, nails and joints. I have been using both for about a month and am noticing hair is not falling out as much. Also have hormone levels checked. Your hormones dip after a baby so it is normal to lose hair for a few months
It’s completely normal to lose massive amounts of hair after childbirth. I thought i was going bald, lol. Your hormones will regulate. It just takes time.
I started using Monat and love it. It obviously takes some time to see your growth back but it works!
Keep on prenatal vitamins!!
It has so many lawsuits! Hair loss! Open scalp sores! Hormone issues!
You need labs drawn to ensure there are not any underlying vitamin deficiencies or health conditions.
Collagen supplements! I was adding collagen to my coffee before I got pregnant and it made my hair, skin and nails so great. Going to try it again after I have the baby!
My aunt is a cosmetologist. when I had that same problem she recommended for me to take biotin. She told me that because having a child is traumatic for the body you loose hair. Plus my hair got thicker while I was pregnant so I was loosing that too
First, get an autoimmune work up from your doc. Did that when my hair started vacating the premises and it turns out I have lupus. Proper treatment and now my hair is back. Second, if all that’s fine, maybe check out your diet and see if there’s any vital nutrients you’re missing. As moms we tend to forgo our own health and needs and will miss things like eating balanced meals. Or eating any meals. Let’s face it, we tend to eat the kids leftovers and that’s about it. Third, if everything else is right in your world, then try some of the stuff these ladies have offered.
The pink bottle of hair,skin& nail vitamins…flax seed oil (oral) & soak hair n the rice water treatment (pinterest can give u the best instructions I can’t remember ) & idk if you’re on any kind hormone pills but the birth control pill progesterone made mine extremely thin so sometimes it can just be a hormonal imbalance.
After having your kid it will probably grow back.
Biotin. I have had that problemsince i had kids but now I’m on meds that makeit fall out and a vitamin called biotin really helps. I also use the Biotin shampoo
Get your thyroid checked! I assumed my hair loss was a normal postpartum thing and ended up losing over half of my hair bc my thyroid stopped working during pregnancy.
Go to the doctor get a referral to a dermatologist they may give you a solution to try while you wait for your appointment
Low iron can cause hair issues (common after pregnancy)
Collagen peptides, I took throughout pregnancy and postpartum and it helped with the postpartum hair loss and I didnt get stretch marks on my belly!
I had really good success with Bosley hair vitamins. I lost quite a bit with depression. Started taking Bosley and yes it takes time but my hair got thicker again and healthier than it had been in a long time
Get your thyroid checked. Take your vitamins. Hormones are regulating after having baby.
During pregnancy hair growth enters a constant anagen phase (the growth phase) due to stimulation from hormones. If you breastfeed exclusively, this typically continues. Once baby is born or you stop BF, this phase ends and those hairs fall out. It will return to its pre-pregnancy state in time. The time in which that happens and the amount of hair loss is different for all women. Your hair may appear/feel thinner but it will return to normal for most women.
Each body part has lengths of time for the specific hair cycles, the head has longer cycles so we typically say if you don’t see it returning to normal after 1 year, follow up with your provider or dermatology.
Find a product for hair loss and some vitamins it wont stop it but it will help , i had excessive hair loss i started using this and its helped massively , the stuff amazing although the bottles are small for the price i was shocked at how long they have lasted me i got them at Christmas and they are still half full xxxx
I had to keep taking prenatal vitamins and use all natural shampoo, plus keep all heat off my hair. It finally stopped and started growing again
So I would continue to take your prenatal vitamins, drink plenty of water, and then take at least 50,000 mcg of biotin daily. Walmart sells it in 10,000mcg liquid capsules. I take mine in the morning right before breakfast. I also brush my hair for about 10-15 minutes twice a day, so morning and night, and then I wash my hair every other day, and I use a peppermint shampoo, I really like it Bc it has a slight tingle effect. I make sure that I use my fingertips to scrub my scalp really well to keep it clean, but to also stimulate blood flow.