What can I do for my 5-month-olds teething pain?

Hey moms! My 5 month old have two bottom teeth that just popped through! What are some tips & tricks to help him? And what medicines did you guys use to help with pain or numbing them?

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I did frozen pineapple in a feeder… the bromelain is a natural pain reliever and anti inflammatory… might be a bit early for pineapple tho, I think 6 months is the recommended time.

Oral gel, Tylenol, frozen teether, if you started food mashed frozen banana is a mesh teether/ silicone sucky thing.

Bm or formula frozen to chew on

There are toy rings in the baby isles that can be frozen. The baby chews on them and it relieves pain. But be careful so the fingers don’t get to cold

Take a clean wash cloth and wet it place it in the freezer to get cold and let the child chew on it for relief