HELP! I’m getting NO sleep at night due to the severity of my carpel tunnel on both arms. But it’s like my WHOLE arm getting numb/painful/uncomfortable not just my wrist. I’m waking up every 30 min to an hour to readjust hoping it’s going to help. All my obgyn said I could do was wrap my wrists but it does nothing. Are there any tricks you’ve done to help alleviate the pain?
Obgyn is not a specialist in carpel tunnel. You need to see a specialist. Maybe a referral from a family doctor, or emergency room referral. Good luck!
I went to a chiropractor…fixed me right up
No more pain, numbness
Hot towels wrapped around both the heat will help. Also use Aspercream roll on with Lidocaine. I use this on my arms and back. It’s at the dollar store. No bad smell
my primary doctor referred me to a hand specialist physical therapist for many weeks of therapy. a brace at night can help along with therapy and anything else needed.
My mom takes vitamin B12 for hers
I got copper fit gloves and the arm sleeves and slept in them seem to give me some relief.
Ibuprofen and braces also massage your wrist it helps
Brace at night when sleeping
When my carpal tunnel got to that point I had to have the surgery done on both wrists. Nothing would help alleviate the pain and numbness. I was referred to orthopedic surgeon.
I was told by my dr to try to hang your arm over the bed or put ur arm above your head and wear the brace. I have carpal tunnel in both my hands. I was supposed to have surgery year’s ago!
Get it done asap the longer you leave it the more damage is done to your nerves!! Had both mine done on same day, 30 seconds each.
Surgery works really well. Have not had any pain or problems since
I have tarsal tunnel syndrome… I take gavepentin. Also am doing steps for surgery on feet.
Why are you seeing an obgyn for carpal tunnel? I would start by seeing your family doctor since carpal tunnel isn’t something an obgyn would handle.