What can I do for my odor?

What do you ladies use for a vaginal odor? I have used the spray, I’ve been using a body wash, but nothing is working. Is this something to go to my doctor about?

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Boric acid suppositories, and stop using fragrances and soaps down there :two_hearts: only rinse with water.
Definitely see your doctor to rule out an infection

All vaginas have a vagina smell but if yours smells “off” or smells stronger than normal, you need to see a doctor. Also, stay away from all scented soaps and sprays. They can actual irratate your vagina and cause more problems.

Schedule an appt with your Gynecologist to check for STDs and Infections. They can address any smells and give you ideas on what can be used if there’s no issues.

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Eat yogurt. Lots of probiotics

Those sprays and washes can thrpw off your ph balance and make things worse. See a doctor.

Id stop using stuff on it first of all

Probiotics and see a dr. Douching and sprays only make things worse. It’s supposed to be a self cleaning machine!:rofl:

You should definitely go to the dr… you probably have vaginoses, an std, or have a yeast infection.