What can I do for my sick child?

Good morning mamas. My 3 year old daughter has been sick. Today will be her third day with a fever. We went to the clinic yesterday and since she’s been throwing up they think it’s a stomach bug. It’s been going around here. Anyways. They said no prescribed meds they want her to vomit the bug out. Just alternate from Tylenol and Motrin for the fever. I guess my question is… do fevers last 3 days should I be worried it’s something else? Meds seem to keep the fever under control but I hate seeing her so down and feeling icky. And tips or tricks to help?


My daughter had a fever over New Year’s Eve for 4 days as long as the medicine helps keep
Doing that . Just give her tons of fluids and snuggles . If it continues I would contact her Dr.

Fever is the body’s way of fighting illness, so sad as it is, fever means her body is doing what it’s supposed to do. 3-4 days is totally normal for a fever. Any longer and I’d go back to the doctor, and go back if the Tylenol and Motrin aren’t keeping the fever down.
There’s cooling patches for forehead that are great :grin:


We had a temp for 5 days last week! Just keep liquids going even if it’s warm jello. The temp will eventually break for good!

A cool bath or some wet clothes on her neck and forehead. Cold drink. Poor baby. Good luck Mama

My son was sick 2 weeks with the stuff. First they said it was viral then said it was strep then turned into bronchitis. I would take her back if she isn’t better the 5 th day

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My 2 year old just got over a virus with a high fever for almost 5 days straight. Sores in her mouth. I had her in three times to the doctor but they said it just has to run its course. It’s so hard to watch when our babies are sick. Lots of cuddles and TLC! Popsicles, ice cream, jello, pedyalyte, ect. Alternate Tylenol and motrin, I use peppermint essential oil in a cool mist humidifier, they also make fever patches for kids that worked wonders! Hope your little one feels better soon!

Normal. Keep giving her Tylenol. If she has a fever more than 5 days, take her back.


We had 2 weeks of it … fever straight for 5 days was sleepy not drinking went docs said was viral tonsillitis. Went back after another 3 days as fever was still there they then gave antibiotics as was tonsillitis bacterial , still had a fever 3 days after the antibiotics and was throwing up so they stopped the medication and had to wait it out … in total for was about 15 days of on n off fevers it eventually broke but it was super hard work as long as drinking and the fever is coming down it ‘should’ be fine but if doubt get a second opinion xx

I would take her back to the doctor and tell them she is still sick.

Keep her hydrated! Pedialyte. Tylenol.


How high has her fever been? If it is under 101 and meds will bring it down i would keep her hydrated and alternate Tylenol and motrin. If she is still throwing up after 3 days take her back in. I just went through this with my daughter and it took almost two weeks before she was feeling better.

Sounds like she’s fighting what I call stomach flu. If her temperature goes sky high then get her seen again. Otherwise fluids and Tylenol x for a couple more days before seeing a Dr again.

My 3 yo granddaughter had a “stomach bug” for three or four days she was seen by three drs before the er dr did a ct scan! Her appendix had ruptured. Thank God she has survived and is having her surgery on the 31st to remove her appendix.

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Give lots of fluids. Popsicles. Cool rag and cool baths

If the Temperature is 101 or over she needs to be seen by a Doctor. Or maybe have her seen by a different Doctor. Tylenol only covers up the symptoms. They need to figure out what is causing the problem. I wouldn’t give Motrin until she can eat. Because Motrin attacks the stomach lining and may cause gastritis or ulcers.

If your has diognosed a tummy bug
There isn’t anything they can give
Your little one
Her body needs to let it pass
Give her some lemonade ice blocks
As they will Keep her hydrated
Keep giving her stuff to keep her temperature down
Also a nice cool bath and a cool face washer on her head

My oldest son, 13, tested positive for the flu and the fever lasted 8 days before it finally broke. He passed it on to his 4 year old brother and same thing, fever lasted 8 days and finally broke. I alternated tylenol ans ibprophen for both of them. Fortunately they both didn’t have really any other symptoms but mild congestion and cough.

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She was hospitalized on heavy antibiotics for a week before surgery to drain the poison out of the appendix! Now six weeks later more surgery! Have them check your daughter for this!!

My son had a fever for four days straight. Body aches vomiting extremem fatigue body rash and swollen throat. It broke on the 4th night the evening. I never heard of a fever with a stomach big. Maybe flu? My son’s fever got as high as 104 and the Dr told me to give both motrin and Tylenol at the same time.make sure she is drinking but give a little at a time if she’s puking directly after. Keep track of how often she pees make sure her eyes and mouth are wet etc. You want to watch for signs of dehydration

She prob has the flu why didn’t they do that test

my family has had influenza a. been over a week now. I had one child who always wanted to run 104 temp. finally it broke but best of luck. so much crap