What can you do for wisdom tooth pain while pregnant?!?! It’s been hurting for the past two days, but today is almost pretty much unbearable. I have put Orajel on lots of times Tylenol does not work for my tooth at all. I’m 5 1/2 months pregnant, And I don’t have a on-call dentist near me. Plus i only have pregnancy medicaid.
Try ether swishing warm salt water in your mouth or they have orajel mouth wash that also works amazing for tooth pain!
I had a wisdom tooth pulled while pregnant. Some dentists won’t touch you unless you have a note from your OB and it states what you can use for pain. I would suggest calling your OB and explain what’s going on and see if they’ll prescribe anything.
Wrap a hot tea bag in a cloth and put it on the outside of your face. Helps draw out the infection.
All my teeth hurt non stop during my pregnancy. I called my PCP and she was able to prescribe me something stronger then Tylenol but still safe enough to take while pregnant. Most the time I would take half the dose right before a meal so I could eat or if I couldn’t sleep due to the pain. Right now (not pregnant) I have wisdom tooth pain (they are coming in and I’m 32) so my doctor has me on gabapentin which is a nerve pain med and it works wonders. You are supposed to take regularly but I just take as needed.
Call your Medicaid provider, I had to get a tooth pulled while I was pregnant and I was on Medicaid(only had it when I was pregnant) and I only had to pay like $7 out of pocket. 
Try clove oil. Put some on a cotton ball and hold it in your mouth where it hurts.