Anyone else suffer from dry skin? my hands are peeling…feet are peeling…literally no matter how many times i moisturize or buy the best…nothing helps…i have sensory issues so it really bothers me when I am dry …help
You may need to look at if you have a skin condition that needs medical attention. Also dehydration may play a part in extreme dry skin… I have to use Aveeno lotion and I sometimes have to cake it on and leave it for an hour. Also look at what kind of soaps you’re using including laundry detergent!
Definitely worth talking to a Dr about, a couple of medical conditions could be an issue. Also, I suffer from dry skin, found out I have a thyroid problem. A small pill a day has helped by my Dr. I also use Aveeno dry skin lotion. Beat one I have found so far without trying the more expensive ones (private MLM companies types or department store brands)
Skin so soft will help to make skin soft
Also look at medications you may be on. This can be side affects of some meds
Drink good water! Spring or something with a high pH. Skip the usual purified water and go for something with electrolytes.
I have a friend whose little girl had trouble with terribly dry skin. She always used Eucerin cream. She said it helped a lot.
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I get very dry hands during the winter and randomly from washing like to the point of bleeding. I wrap them in gauze after I apply something too help moisturizer them through the night like aquaphor or Vaseline a&d . The dollar tree also sells this aloe lotion by dermasil or something like that that I prefer over any other type of lotion I’ve used.
l Get paid over $111 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $13659 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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This started happening to me after pregnancy my hormones changed. I had to reduce showering to every other day and apply a shea butter after the shower. Also i reduced my caffiene and salt intake. I still have “dry spells” where i’m dry when hair grows back on my legs or directly after shaving. For my feet i apply a think layer of lotion an hour before bed and then socks and leave them on as long as possible.
Body scrub. You can make your own or buy it. I use tree hut and lotion after.