What can I do to get child support from my ex?

my ex-husband was supposed to pay child support. It was court-ordered four years ago for him to pay $236 a month. I am going through the child support agency in my County in Georgia, but nothing’s been done. He’s been put on Social Security, and I’ve never received a dime of child support. My daughter deserves more than this from a husband that didn’t want anything but her social security check when she was born. My daughter has Down syndrome. She’s eight years old. My question is, how can I get child support from her father when the child support agency for my county in my state is not doing anything and hasn’t done anything in 4 years to get a dime from him? I did not even get the first stimulus check from him


If he’s legally responsible you have to file for contempt. You need to get in contact with your child support agency, and if they are anything like Ohio you have to keep pushing and pushing bc they won’t do anything unless you stay on top of it.


If the ex is on disability he doesn’t have to pay. They will NOT take it out of disability payments


In Alabama if u don’t push for it it will happen eventually court ordered is court ordered they have to pay but he is in back pay now

I could be wrong, but I believe if he is on social security he doesn’t have to pay.

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It depends what kind of social security he’s on… they can’t touch certain kinds

if he ever has an income though or files taxes they usually take it out straight away

Contact social security and explain your situation

It’s a federal law those on disability do not have to pay child support not saying that’s fair but it’s the law


If ur getting social security for her u won’t get any child support from him!!

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Have you filed a claim with child support services? 1-844-694-2347

I don’t really know but I heard if they are on social security they don’t take child support from disability checks. But I also heard they can it depends honestly on how much he is making. You probably won’t get full amount if he makes less then $1000 a month: here in Chicago people on disability get roughly $700-$800 a month unless they get more because of retirement or other reasons. I wouldn’t even get tooo into it don’t give your hopes up. Find out what u can

You can petition to raise every 2 years I believe. File for an increase and that will get you in front of a judge… who will then question him… I’ve found that is easiest

Good luck is all I can say for 18 years we tried to get my father to pay he never paid a dime till after I was 18 and they took it out his check, my brothers dad doesn’t pay child support for either owes over 3 grand for both boys and they havent done anything to him I’ve even went to court and nothing still has been done i wish you the best of luck just wanted to tell you my experience and a ps I have custody of my brothers

I’m going to say it too. It has more to do with what he is one. They typical won’t take it from a social security check.
Keep in mind if you get ssi for your daughter.
That can mess up her check that you get.

Were in Ohio. My fiance has never gotten a dime from his ex girlfriend in child support for his daughter her mother had never been in pic shes 14 in a month. Court order to pay 455 a month. But the state set it up long as she don’t pay he gets all her income tax return.

Contact over their head. Start filing complaints against the agency. The sad truth is that if you went without supporting your child you would be in jail for neglect and abuse but these deadbeats can go without supporting their kids for years and all they get sent is a letter.


Is what you are going through Social Services through the state?
With my ex husband we go through DSS (department of social services) and even if he doesn’t pay it all adds up and it never goes away. Every four years we can file for an adjustment and I do. Keep pressing for your needs to be met.

Have you contacted social security and made them aware that he has a child. She should get benefits from him also

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If you’re getting a check for your child from his social security that is his child support

He might be getting her check. But call your case worker and let them know.

If the father is on social and revieves pay on the 3rd you can collect a check for his child under the survivors benefit. Call social security

Take him back into court,let the courts decide and inforce the payments.

I know 100% in the state of Virginia and California they pay child support through disability if the father is getting it. Not sure about the rules for Georgia. If dcse will not do anything you can petition him through court but you have to have his address.

Call them they’re supposed to send you money that should be taken out.

If he is getting social security, and not ssi, she should be eligible for a benefit check from his claim.

Girl, you should be getting 1000
dollars a month for her

No child support if they are on disability

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You have to go where she was boren

Get a lawyer and sue him for back child support and court cost and lawyers fees…

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I also have a child support enforcement case in Georgia, they really don’t do anything for my case either😕 ncp is behind a little more than $21,000. I believe his license is suspended and I’ve called the call center, they say not much can be done right now since courts are closed. Smh. I say keep bugging them. Call the call center and see if you can get contact info for the specific office your case is in and contact them

Unfortunately, once they are on SSI, they can’t touch it, at least where I am, he has to voluntarily, agree to a portion going to his child!! Now the good news is once he reaches SSA age, you get all of what he never paid!! Good luck :purple_heart:

Get a lawyer and they will get it and if he doesn’t pay then its jail time

If it’s court ordered but he’s on Social Security you need to go to the Social Security office and talk with them about it. Of course you’ll have to bring proper paperwork showing it’s court ordered but they should be able to get everything set up.

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Call social security so you and child could get a check

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Good luck! The state of Washington just threw my ex’s CS out the window, cuz he did whatever he had to do to get on SSI, so he wouldn’t have to pay,

If he is on social security you can draw for her on his till she’s 18yrs old …call social security …

I went through 3 social workers in ohio before they started reviewing the case. In ohio after a certain amount of delinquency you can go to jail. They said if he went to jail he couldn’t pay. I said he might as well sit in jail if he isn’t going to pay. I had to harass them to get them to do anything about it. They got sick of hearing from me. :person_shrugging:

Why do you need it if you’re already collecting social security for her? Honest question, not being rude. I know most get about $800/month for their kids from social security plus it qualifies them for state funding and govt aid. The father on ss only gets about 800 a month to LIVE on alone. Rent in some places is more than that. And you want to take that? Idk I guess if it was my kids father I’d just let it go or suspend all ongoing support.

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I would contact an attorney, if you can’t afford it, contact legal aid to at least ask questions. If your daughter has Downs, she could be entitled to her own check since she’s not receiving any support, for disability support services, it would be filed under either parent and wouldn’t be taken out of his money so he can’t complain. Worth a shot.

If he gets SSI then they have no income to take your support from. They don’t garnish SSI. at least not here where I’m at.


If he is on social security I think children also qualify for social security under him. I would call social security office. You would receive that payment to care for the children and they would have to back pay from the day he started on social security.


Ditto. My ex has owed $300 a month for 13 years. He owes $60,000 now. (SoCal)


Since he is on social security apply for survivor’s benefits, you will get more than he would have ever paid in child support.

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He should be paying and u should be getting a check once a month for your child. My dad had to pay for my step brother and all 3 of yes got a check till 18

Call your state’s attorney general’s office. I am getting back child support for 2 kids and they are 29 and 32. Also, they do not charge you money like an attorney. Good luck!

Is it social security or social security disability that the father is on now?

Robert Taylor is correct plus ur ex might have to pay for your lawyer check into that good luck .

Speaking from experience…If he brings home under a certain amount, your child will not qualify for survivors benefits…but if he is on SSDI they will deduct child support from his check…if hes on SSI you won’t get anything.


Apply for cash assistance (not sure what it’s called in your state). In Maryland, when you apply for cash assistance, they will go after the father for child support. I recently applied here in Maryland. With the pandemic, I’m not working, I’ve been waiting 12 weeks for an unemployment payment. We’re seriously struggling. I applied and was told I would have to file an application for child support and that they would give me the cash assistance and in return go after child support.


Contact social security…she will get a check as long as he receives it


Good luck. My girls dad owes 43k

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If he gets social security you won’t get anything unless he does taxes an im confused why does he have to give you a stimulus check for her

If he’s getting SSI, you won’t get a dime. If he’s getting disability, they will deduct it from his proceeds. Take him back to court.

They don’t Garnish SSI in most states. But you should get a check because he’s on SSI.
If he’s on SSID they can deduct but not SSI. 2 different types.
You need a lawyer. This isn’t just no normal child support case. You need a lawyer for this.
Also your child has a major disability. She does qualify for SSI. Which they only need your income if you have 100% physical custody.

Most states can’t garnish SS and they can’t refer him to court most likely because he’s considered low income. It’s not because they don’t want to it’s because by law they can’t. Write your state legislators.

Take him back to court

My sons father is on social security too . He basically hasn’t done a thing for my son . He is 16 now . They supposedly try to find him but couldn’t even though they have the info on him . They closed the case and basically my gets nothing . He is almost 17 now . So good luck hope u can get support for ur kid.

Its court ordered, go to the court house and tell them hes not paying shit

Get a lawyer mama. They’ll help direct you

Its called ssi dependent benefit contact ssi them selfs u need his ss number and ur child’s and a copy of the cs order

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Its in lu of child support

Unfortunately with social security, there isn’t much you can do since they can’t garnish it.

Been there. My ex owed me almost 50 grand. My oldest is 15 and my youngest with him is 9. I’ve come to terms with the fact he will never step up and help. Child support won’t garnish SSI. I’m sorry this is happening to you. You can’t squeeze blood from a rock- that’s what I’ve learned.

In most cases if you can prove he has the means to pay but is intentionally not paying they can suspend his license, put a lien on anything he owns in his name, and/or send him to jail.

Get dam good lawyer!!

You need to contact social security. She is entitled to a portion of his benefit. He should have included her information in the application process. I believe it’s actually considered fraudulent if he doesn’t…


They cant force him to pay, but they should take it out of his taxes when he files. Although it takes up to 3 years for that to catch up

You can’t MAKE anyone do anything and jail time, license suspensions don’t work. If your child isn’t a priority than all you can do is wait unfortunately.

Good luck. The system doesn’t care in my opinion. My ex owes 120k yes that’s$120,000.00 in back child support and here in AZ they have done NOTHING to help.

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Call the irs on him get the cs office in ur county

If he is on social security benefit you dont get anything only if he is working that u will receive it monthly


If he is receiving SSI child support can’t take any enforcement on your case. In fact, they will close it. If he is receiving RSDI then child support can garnish and you can also apply for your child to receive benefits from him through social security( if the child is under 18).


My granddaughters sperm donor is $22,000.00 behind. Good luck.

If child support is ourt ordered they can suspend any license they have whether its a drivers license or mechanics license look into it to take things like driving etc away in ordee to push them to pay it in order to get it reinstated. Take care. I have been down this riad uts hard.

I still am owed for 17 yes for my son and 15 yrs for my daughter. Starting back in the 70’s. You ain’t getting it. They could put him in jail ( but these days they aren’t doing that) and if he’s on SS you most likely not getting anything. Sorry. Just make sure you don’t let him see her…no support, no visitations. I allowed my kids to see their father, my choice. That didn’t last long on his part

I don’t think they can touch his social security for child support. U will probably never get any and that is sad. They should still be held accountable and have to pay child support but i don’t think they have to.

Go to your local SSI office, and give them his info and her birth certificate. She will get a check every month until she graduates high school

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Same boat and mine is in the military. I feel like suing him personally

Go to your county DHR office. They have a child support enforcement department. They’ll notify him and if he still doesn’t pay, then tell them you’d like to file contempt.

If your child has a disability ( Downs syndrome) she should be eligible for SSI and insurance through your state. Or as others have suggested, go to the local social security office and file on her behalf for a portion of her father’s benefits, she’s entitled to that.
You may not be able to collect child support if he gets social security.

If on suport he obviously only gets enough to live. Benefits aint going to cover your child suport aswell on top. In time he hasnt been paying if youve claimed single parent benefits in this time.

I suggest calling your state number instead of your county number. I had dealt with the local county lady for a couple of years & it didn’t matter what my ex did the lady told me there was nothing I could do. On day I was gonna call & misplaced the lady’s number & called the state number…the lady I spoke with was furious & told me to keep taking notes & keep them in the loop…that there was most definitely something that could be done. Go over their heads to get what your baby girl needs Momma! You’ve got this!

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Is there a state agency that could help instead of county? If nothing else maybe a lawyer could advise you, some will do a quick appointment for a lesser amount, just be sure you have questions ready and any info he/she may need. Have you tried Social Services

Good luck my ex stop paying when his boys were 10 and 12 I begged the state to do something Ty heyfinally went after him when the boys were 28 and 30

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If he gets SSI you won’t get it. If he gets regular social security he should put that he has a child and she will draw a check from him. It will cut her ssi down though. Either way you’re screwed out of child support. I’ve been through this already with my ex husband.


Go back to court. Report him to irs

Unfortunately, you’re asking in the wrong place. Only an attorney in the state of Georgia can answer your questions according to the law. Google attorneys in your city and most will offer a free consultation and inform you of your rights and specific laws.

Get an Atty and take him to court.

If he is getting SS the chances of child support is 0 to none

I had the child support enforcement number memorized, he had his license taken several times and I got a tax return. There should be a number you can call and you need to call every month. The squeeky wheel real does get the oil.


I had to get a lawyer

Try going through SSI directly but this may not work good luck

If he is on social security they will not take money out of him because it is a government check I should know because my husband has a another son out of are marriage and when he was paying child support they was not taking it out because of it being a government check

Take him back to support court

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Once on ssi in ohio they give court order not to pay

If he is on SSI you will get your child support order reduced to $0.00
If he is on SSD or SSA (disabled but has worked enough to have enough points to receive social security) or retired, then they will supplement the money with benefits for your children.
SSI is disabled, but didn’t work enough, and its basically federal welfare.
I deal with this with my ex husband.


Is he using her ss # for his tax returns?

Contact Support Enforcement and Social security with your court papers stating he supposed to be paying

Yeah you have to stay on them or you’ll never get anywhere with them