What can I do to get my daughter to stop sucking her hair to fall asleep?

Put her in her own bed. The fact you allow her to suck your hair without stopping her you’ve made a rod for your own back.

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Highly dangerous :flushed: should never of been allowed to go on this long, she can be really poorly from this, chemicals in your hair and digesting it too… :woman_facepalming:

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My 1yr old daughter has always been like this plays with my or her own her and sucks thumb I noticed very early that knitted/crotchet blankets were a life saver :kissing_heart: kinda mimics the feeling of playing with hair x

Tie it up or Cut its she prob swallowing your hair ffs

From a parent who has a child with trichophagia, please please stop letting your child eat hair. I have to shave my son’s head because he will pull his hair out to eat it. It can get tied around inside your body and is extremely bad for them. I really wish I didn’t have to actually tell someone this🙄


Put vinager or lemon juice on the ends of her hair.

TF did I just read? Smh


Wear your hair in a bun at bed time while exploring new ideas to fall asleep. I nursed my son until he was 2 ½ just because that was the only way he would sleep. I started wearing a bra and sweat shirt to bed while exploring new ways to have him fall asleep. It ended up that all he needed to fall asleep was a short rocking/swaying session and a conversation about our day and he would fall asleep right after that :+1:t2: good luck mom, all about trial and error.

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This has to be a fake question :woman_facepalming:t3: can you imagine what that poor baby’s belly looks like?!!?

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Get her a little blanket with silk edging or her favorite blanket to snuggle. My daughter used to chew/suck her blanket when she was little. She just has an oral fixation. If she chews on blanket you can just wash daily. Thats what I did. I would also put your hair up in a bun while you snuggle with her

She could choke and being brutal die!

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Step up and force it to stop. That can be deadly. Don’t give her your hair🤦🏽‍♀️ how is this even a question???


You put your hair up in a bun it’s that simple n if she’s been changed fed and cries then you know why n just let her cry it out.

Stop it cold turkey. She’s old enough to learn to soothe herself. It’s that means crying it out, so be it. Sure beats her choking and dieing or have a bowel obstruction from the hair

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Some people should just keep there legs closed!! Lord please help this family.

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My little brother did this! Well he did mostly twiddling mine and my moms hair creating massive knots! Safe to say I wasn’t always please with my mom throwing him in my bed when they needed adult time lol but he’d only sleep soundly twirling mine or my moms hair. You could wrap it up in a bun but chances are they’ll still pull enough hair out of it to use for comfort. He grew out of it after so long but it was pretty miserable for awhile. Sorry momma, good luck!

My sons got a tie blanket and matching pillow when he was one the the fleece on the pillow helped him stop thumb sucking in his sleep he just has one peice that’s extra long on his pillow now. He would run it across his face/chin to relax 12 yrs later he uses the same pillow still and has even taught his 1 yr old neice how to do it for nap time

You need to break the cycle now. It’ll only get worse from here. You don’t want a teenager sucking on your hair… start giving her something else and make it a nightly thing so she can get used to it

Give her a bottle of water or milk to fall asleep with. Or a pacifier. Or you know… Just don’t let her eat hair. :thinking:


Put her in her own bed and then she wouldnt be sucking on your hair. Give her a damn passy

Please don’t let your child suck your hair. How is this even a question?


Maybe give her a thing of yarn thats been tied on the ends tight? And put her hair in braids

This cant be real…

I know for some women cutting hair is a big deal. But if you can’t cut hair for your child… Hmm… Just it off both of you
. It can grow back you know… Do this for your kid

Your can make her one towle

Google hair balls in the stomach… I use to chew my own hair til i saw that… Don’t let your baby chew your hair!!

Just go get fabic soft same size they cut ut tie two frabic together in Knott cut strip 2 incha apart

Tie them in knots together

:pensive::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: step 1 , get an ultrasound or x-ray done … that poor childs stomach

My second daughter did this. I bought a fake plait. She tried it a few times and hated it. Stopped her real quick and it was her choice

What about the crocheted octopus they give to premies to hold instead of umbical cord

I had this same problem with my son except he was using it like a brush to rub on his face. I started by braiding it right away and now he uses my braid as a cuddly to go to sleep. Once he fell asleep I was able to removed my hair from him with a gentle tug. When I first started doing this he would wake up and now he will sleep mostly through the night without it. My suggestion would be to break the sucking routine and instead get a new make up brush to brush on her face till she falls asleep so that she gets the sensory input without your hair being used as a chew toy. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: Idk man kids.

My grandma told me if you chew on your hair you’ll get worms…so thts what made me stop :woman_shrugging: