So here i am! One of the moms of a colic baby… i never believed it before until now that its happening to me. Its usually at night only… last like 2-3 hrs. This has been happening every night for about 4 days. We try everything! The only good thing is he does take a break when we find a good enough soothing or distraction that works for like 15 mins lol smh . Then he starts back up. He just wants the bottle over and over and over. To soothe but then he starts his crying and doesn’t want it. Then wants it again etc… this is breaking my heart. So we have tried baths, feeding, changing clothes and diapera, lotion rubs, rocking, walking, standing, even car rides. Some of these work but not for a long time. any other ideas? I even did gas drops the other day it made no difference.
We had to switch my daughter’s bottles to ones that would slow her feeding. We switched her to Comotomo bottles and it was like a miracle for her. Highly recommend the Comotomo bottles with the slow flow nipples! Worth trying out - we tried every bottle until we found these ones lol
Skin to skin in a sling and in the “colic hold” helped my little one so much.
I got a vibrating baby swing/chair. It helped my colic baby tremendously.
Probiotics and chiropractor!
My grandmother used to take a little baking soda and add drops of good water and mix till runny and use dropper and gave to us and I winded up using it on my boys for colic also. Speaking of changing formulas , my mother had to switch me to goats milk.
We had to switch to the no milk protein formula and she got medication for reflux. It saved my sanity after that, and her sleep or lack thereof resolved itself after that until she was teething. (She’s now 3) hugs to you, it’s so hard dealing with a collicky baby, especially on our emotions.
Might need a new lactose intolerant formula? My kids were all really bad and needed nutramigen. Also might want to try a new bottle. And keep reflux in mind as well. It started out slow with my second and third. Came in full blast with my fourth though! My first was the same every day once 4 pm hit-hours of screaming. Barely any relief. He needed nutramigen. A new bottle (dr browns) and he also had pyloric stenosis which we didn’t know at the time. It’s hard I know! Hope you find something that helps
Sometimes soft music works
Oh momma I know the feeling all to well my daughter had colic but she cried all day and all night would only nap for 10 minutes and she hated everything baths, car rides, rocking, holding, bouncing…nothing worked. Dealt with it for 4/5 months and me and my husband were struggling with sleep it was really hard but now she is 18 months old and one of the happiest kids I’ve ever seen. She’s so pleasant and happy and fun and full of energy. It was hard to have her around family because she just cried constantly and no one wanted to hear it 24/7 now she’s fun to have around and she grew out of it and it was all worth it.
Mine has always liked pacifiers that have b in the freezer, long before she started teething. Sometimes she’s even fall asleep. Unfortunately in the newborn stage, we had to hold her all night or she wouldn’t sleep.
HVe you try put him in his belly laying down and masange his back
A friend told me long ago she heard on the radio 25ml of cream soda. She also had a baby with colic.
Switch your feeding system to Playtex drop in bottles. Baby will get no air. My oldest was colicky and once I switched to Playtex it was like the sun came out again lol
Dr browns bottles are what helped me a ventilation in the bottles helps no air get in their tummy good luck mama
Maybe a new formula? I am convinced that my first son needed something different.
My daughter has been on nutramegin since we brought her home and she has been amazing. We ran out one time and I gave her enfamil that I had left over from the hospital (it was still good and stored correctly) and she turned into a colicky very upset baby! It was like my son when he was little. She hasn’t had a problem since strictly getting nutramegin or similac 360
Aww sweetie, I don’t wish that upon anyone. I dealt with that for months and months. I would stick a pacifier in my mouth stand up and rock her back and forth. Sometimes you can put them over ur arm facing down and rock them. Sometimes you can put them on their back and move their legs like a bicycle. It’s horrible but you will get through it. Good luck. My daughter is now 19 yrs old so I promise it will get better
My son had it horribly, turned out he had gerb and couldn’t tolerate milk or any of the specialty formulas. Ended up on stomach medicine and neocate formula which is prescription. The difference was night and day
My 7 year old was so bad with colic. He was also suffering from MSPI and we didn’t know it. We found swinging to help soothe him with a happy tummy. You can find them on Amazon. Its a wrap that you heat in the microwave for 10-15sec and strap it around the belly area. Colic calm is also another idea. Chamomile tea helps also. (Ask your doc) just a little bit in the bottle soothes them. White, pink, brown noise is also a huge help. YouTube has tons of videos to play.
I took my son to the chiropractor!! He was 2 months when I started bringing him, we seen a Change in about a weeks time! He is now 5 1/2 months and thankfully no more endless crying.
A bit of infacol should help it helped my son
I had to switch to Carnation Gentle Start baby formula. We tried all the other formulas and it was a nightmare. Cried for hours every night. My daughter is 25 now and still can’t tolerate dairy.
See your pediatrician to make sure it’s not GERD and there’s colic specific drops by a brand called BioGaia. They helped my baby with her gas. My oldest had colic and it was very hard.
Ask your doctor about Levsin drops. Also are you sure it’s colic? I thought my son had colic and it wasn’t actually colic.
You may need to change formula. I had to switch to hypoallergenic and it made a huge difference. Talk to your pediatrician about formula.
See a reflexologist, they can help and will show you how to massage the. Bottom of the babies feet to move the gas.
hole the baby facing make sure ti hold it good and bend over real fast and back up a few times a doctor showed me this when a had a very colic baby
My daughter and grandson had colic. Nothing worked except our family chiropractor.
Get in a bath with him while he’s swaddled.
Have you considered chiropractic care? Studies have shown significant improvement of colic with a chiropractor.
Dissolve a Peppermint in some water and rub it on baby’s gums I promise it’ll sooth baby
Carry the baby face down on your arm while swaying. Google the colic hold
Have you given him a soother? Sounds like he wants to suck but isn’t actually hungry so he takes the bottle then over feeds.
Rite aid phazyme drops are a lifesaver
Years ago I mix coke an water it down put in bottle it doesn’t take much it helped mine
Turns out ours had reflux. Baby pepcid cured that within a week. He grew out of it.
Try changing the bottles to the colic ones the really help .
Gripe water. Sold at natural foods store.
Dr brown bottles helped my kiddos out. Colic drops as well and a pacifier