If you are located near me, I’d be willing to help get the kids to appointments. I am in southern Iowa.
I’m so sorry you and your family are going through this. When I was very sick, I had to ask moms of their friends who were already going to the same place to take my girls to their activities. Its overwhelming. Take one day at a time.
Virtual therapy…my child’s therapist is doing it that way…much more accessible these days
Join mycancerstoryrocks group on here… and read the book Outsmart Your Cancer & watch this documentary…https://theuniversalantidote.com
Virtual visits. So many therapists are offering virtual therapy visits now because of Covid. This way they can do it from home or anywhere they have some privacy.
My therapist offers video appointments
My therapist does phone appts only. Check out where your live they might have that to. Also school has school has school based therapy where they come to the achool and take them outta class and do the meetings.
Maybe your workplace offers compassionate leave or stress leave? Maybe you could do part-time hours while you deal with this?
I would first outreach your insurance company. They sometimes have Behavioral Health programs to assist their customers and can get you connected to a telehealth provider. Prayers and Love to you a your fsmily
You need to ask grandmas and gpas for help
See if the therapists will visit them at school or at a close location in walking distance or come to the house…or virtual from home
Check with the school first; most schools have therapy provided or can assist in referring you to some place and getting transportation arranged. Second, check with Hospice. I know you do not mention end of life care in your post, but at least where I live, they have therapists. For a friend of mine, they actually send someone to her house for family therapy. (One parent has stage 4 brain cancer.) Third, check with the oncologist office. They may have some answers. Fourth, check with the church. Most will assist in transporting and also in providing support. Prayers to you and your family.
Can do just about anything virtually now a days. Been a life saver for me. Actually just got off zoom with my therapist not even 30 mins ago.
You have a 16 year old, maybe it’s time she gets her license and helps out.
When i was diagnosed, there was a social worker who was thru the hospital and was there to help me navigate the whole process. You might ask and see if there is someone there to help you figure out someway to get the girls the help. I don’t know where you are located at but you might ask the Cancer Society or your church for help. Good luck to you all and I will keep you in my prayers.
Tele health has worked great for me and my daughter . Might be a good option for you as well!
Is it possible you might be able to become a paid caregiver for your husband instead for a source of income? I know that’s not always feasible, though. Many many therapies are offered online now. The 16 year old, are they able to drive? That might be an option, to have them help out. If you would like prayers, I’ll say a prayer you and your husband and family
You need a village… seek assistance. They have support groups for families of cancer patients. Therapy can often be done via telehealth or at school. Do you have family, friends that can help. Reach out to the cancer center see what they can assist with, ask your insurance. You maybe able to ask the hospital social worker.
You cannot do it alone, caretakers fatigue.
Keeping your family in my prayers
Ask for help Friends, family, church and yes video conferencing Bi weekly
Do you have any family that can step in and help with rides?
Blessing to all of you. Also look for a teen support group for teens who parents who have cancer
In metro Detroit it’s called Sand Castles. Hospital may have information
Reach out to their schools! They may know of someone that will go to the school for their therapy appointments.
Also, hospice is amazing! They have tons of resources for families
Some states allow you to apply for unemployment while your spouse has a “terminal Illness”. Find out if you can do that and you could possibly stay home and take care of family.
Maybe you can find a group that meets on the weekend that all 3 girls could attend? Can you pair up rides with other parents? Can you Uber or Lyft for the orthodontist? Good luck!
They may be able to do zoom appointments that’s what my kids place is doing!
Oh my gosh, you certainly have a lot on your plate. I read about 20 comments and so glad you have a lot of comments that come to fruition for you. Will say a prayer for your family.
Call hospice they can help with your hubby alot im so sorry my momma had lung then brain cancer
Maybe reach out to their schools or look into Telehealth appointments.
16 year old needs driver license and car? That’s how my daughter dealt with her situation. 16 year old drives brother to school. 18 now. 2 years it’s been ok.
There are some on-line therapy available out there. One is Doctor on Demand that is owned by Dr. Phil and his son. It’s on-line in your own home. Has excellent reviews. A telemedicine type deal. They do individual and group therapy with top notch physicians. Worth pulling up to check it out. Hospice for your husband will be good if the time comes. Also Visiting Angels help too. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help…those kids need you to stay healthy and sane for them. Take care of yourself as well
Do you have any friends or family nearby that could help drive the kids to their events?
Check with the American Cancer Society. They are a great resource. Below is their link. I hope it’s okay to post it.
Don’t run yourself to death…slow down and take a deep breath… leaving work all the time early is not going to pay the bills…and your employer is not going to be happy with this eather…there are programs that pick your husband up to take him to his appointment’s and bring him back as well., The 16 year old should be in driving school and permit driving by now…there is just not enough of you ( one person) to carry all of this load… friend…set down calmly and work up a routine…there seems to never be enough hours in a day to get it all covered…my kids had their friends pick them up for sports that they also where involved in at the time…
Try the Better Help app. Therapy services online
American Cancer Society has a lot of resources. Look for a chapter where you live. Can you apply for FMLA through your job ?
Medicaid for your husband ?