No hate please I have been through the ringer having birth and after, I had to have an emergency c section because me and my daughter almost died and she had to stay in the NICU for a week and then I got to being her home late one evening and the next day I had to get rushed to the hospital for an emergency surgery with an infection that almost killed me another day and I would have died and during that surgery the infection had eaten away at my uturus so much is was the size of a golf ball and so I had to have a half hysterectomy. I’m only 20 yrs old I turned 20 in the hospital I stayed there almost 3 weeks with only seeing my baby 3x. Does anyone know anything to help with postpartum depression
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What can I do to help my postpartum depression? - Mamas Uncut
Talk to your doctor about everything they can help you more then anyone right now. Praying for you.
Talk to your Dr. Glad your here. Enjoy your baby. Life is precious!
I just wanted to say I’m so sorry you had to go through all that! Sending all the love and healing light.
Talk to your doctor. Ask for help. Don’t be in this alone.
I would speak with your doctor, even though you may feel alone you are not and the best thing to do is speak with the doctor and go from there but I do promise you things will get better if you ask for help
Research progesterone! And talk to a hormone specialist, no just a family doctor.
Talk toy your doctor about it
You need the doctor to prescribe the right medication for this. This is serious and very dangerous to both you and your newborn. It will only get worse if not treated now. You need rest, lots of it. I found excercise such as yoga helps a lot with mental health. Find positive environments and friends to be around. Get all the help you can get from everyone Round you.
Talk to your doctor, take time for yourself sometimes, and dont be afraid to ask for help from family and friends. It’s hard but it does get better.
Go to your Dr, and tell him how you feel. He can help.
So sorry. Sending lots of prayers hugs and love
Aww honey, I’m so sorry Hang in there, you will get better with time. Talk to your Dr. and tell her how you are feeling.
Talk to your doctor and don’t pull any punches. This is a serious problem and you can’t fight your way out of it on your own. Remember a closed mouth don’t get fed!
Make an appointment with the dr. Perhaps he can prescribe something.
Talk to your Dr but also I’d consider seeing a therapist for potential ptsd. What you went through was traumatizing. I am sending good vibes your way.
Tell your Dr that you have post partum and ask for medicine that will help (not mask) your symptoms. Walking will help with healing the c section and other surgery. Don’t over do it but make sure you get up and move around. Try to get out in the sun at least twice a day for at least 15 minutes. Just take 15 minutes and go sit on the porch and be still. Don’t think of anything past, present or future. Soak in the sunlight and fresh air (put baby on back in middle of crib with no blankets or other objects, keep doors open or have a monitor so you can hear baby, baby will be fine). Same advice goes for when baby has one of those neverending crying jags- no baby ever died from crying for a few minutes while you pull yourself together. And remember that you’re not alone. A lot of women have been through this and you will get through this. Talk to family, friends, even strangers on the internet but don’t isolate yourself.
Talk to you doc and get into some therapy and consider medication if you pd is severe. Remember you just grew a whole human being and gave birth to her and that is one of the most beautiful selfless things you can do. My son is my antidepressant and when i get low, even bad low, i can look at his face and say damn! I thing right!
Bless you sweet mama. I’m so sorry you’ve had such a hard time. I would start seeing a therapist soon to help you work through the trauma of what you’ve gone through, that’s a lot. Most of them can do sessions through zoom now so that you don’t even have to leave the house. Also talk to your doctor and see if maybe you need some meds to help you temporarily. Sit outside as much as you can, sunshine is good therapy. Enjoy your baby and soak up every minute. Cry when you need to. Prayers for you!
You have been through so much please talk to your Dr. or therapist. You need professional help. It’s to much to try to just get through on your own.
Oh, Honey!! I’m so sorry for what you’re going through! Please talk to your doctor! As someone who has experienced PPD, please don’t let it go untreated.
As everyone has said please see your doctor but as a mum who has had a traumatic birth and devastating outcome please reach out to a counsellor . You need support wrapping your head around an extremely traumatic experience. You need to make you a priority. Both you and your baby need that …
That’s traumatic and I’m so so sorry you went through that. I’d suggest therapy and talking to a doctor. I m not sure if you’re looking for medicine or someone to talk to, or both. I had bad ppd and it took a long time for me to recognize it, so I am happy to hear you realize it’s there are are looking for options. Also, take it easy. You/your body and your daughter went through a lot. Feeling better won’t happen over night, but help is there. I hope and pray you find what’s right for you, and quickly.
Seeing the Dr. Is first, this can be very serious, the other suggestions are good, but please see the Dr. First
I am sorry that you have experienced so much trauma. I feel that you should talk to your doctor for a referral for counseling and maybe medication. I would ask the doctor about medications and if you intend to breastfeed. There are many women that have or had post partum depression. It should be talked about more.
My doctor provided me with a list of postpartum therapists. I’d start there. Best of luck!
Definitely talk to your doctor to find out the best approach for you. Medication, therapy, what will work best for you is something you and your doctor should discuss. Also realize you went through more than one traumatic experience so close together, feeling that way isn’t wrong.
Please tell your doctor what is going on. There is medication to help. I’m a old lady now and suffered with ppd and I’m also bipolar and still take medication to this day. I’m 60 and had it with all 3 of my children. Meds really made a difference. Plus if you and baby can get out and walk around neighbor hood or if you have a nice downtown area or park. Walking a little and being outside really helps with depression.
Congratulations on baby and I hope the both of you are doing better?
I’m sending extra love joy
and serenity
to the both of you.
It definitely sounds like trauma. I hope you’re able to heal and see that baby and move on with more peace
Go to a doctor like any normal person would
You have been through so much. It’s been very scary for you. PPD may only be part of what’s going on in your life. I suspect more with all the trauma and ultimately a hysterectomy at your age. You need to see your primary doctor and ultimately a therapist. I’ll be praying for you and hoping you find the support you need. Blessings.
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Go to This.
That’s a LOT to handle! You’re only human. Please get some professional help!!
l Get paid over $108 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15346 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
Cuddle your baby!
You are high risk for sever post partum depression AND POST TRAUMATIC STRESS…seek a therapist competent with both sooner rather than later.
It is not a fail to need medication for depression…
Many are compatable with breast feeding.
Let your village bring meals and care for you.
Rest with baby on your chest…it is Not possible to ‘spoil her.’ She has missed and is totally bonded to your heartbeat, scent, voice…
Oh honey you have been through hell. I teared up reading your post. You expirenced trauma. Please see a physiatrist. You may have PPD but it may also be PTSD.
Another thing in your post that concerns me is that you started by asking for “no hate”. That tells me you’re not getting the support you need. You need to get rid of anyone in your life that belittles or hates on you. Even if that’s you SO or mom. They will only undermine you & keep you from recovering.
Speak with your obgyn or primary care doctor so they can prescribe you something and help you locate therapy services in your area. Don’t be afraid to reach out.
If you haven’t already, please speak with your doctor, they can refer you for counseling which you would definitely need, high chance of PTSD
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Please talk to your OB and set up an appointment with a counselor. I had horrible PPD after my youngest was born and waited way longer then I should of to get help. You’ve been through a very stressful set of events and after having a baby our hormones are all out of whack to begin with. I’m so sorry for everything you’ve had to go through. Make sure you take care of yourself and reach out for help. Also don’t be nervous to ask family and friends for extra help too. I always felt to guilty and ashamed to ask for help and looking back I wish I would’ve.
Prayers for your healing