I’m getting my tubes tied in a few weeks and have 4 kids. My husband works a lot and won’t get much time off to help me. What are some things I can do in advance to make things easier on me?
It may not be the same for everyone but I got my tubes tied in the morning and was out riding on a motorcycle that evening. lol. The only thing that bothered me was my throat being irritated from the tube they used during the surgery. I don’t recall taking any medicine, maybe a couple of Ibuprofen if that. Like I said, everyone is different. I hope your recovery goes well and quickly!
I has mine done after I had my 3rd baby, so i had to heal regardless but it was unexpected. Best advice I can give is prep meals that are easy to cook. Keep your feet up when you can as often as you can to help the healing process. Avoid lifting w.e you can (mom of 4 it will be tough) but you got this ! Hydrate n piggy back ibuprofen with w.e they give you for pain. Best of luck
I got my tubal ligation done in March 1999. I was doing everything I normally did the next day. My youngest son was 7 months old & my older son turned 2 a month later.
You’re not suppose to lift so I would definitely have some help with the kids, as far as pain wise my stomach would be very sore if I didn’t take my pain meds. Make sure you stay on top of your pain meds. I was very sore until around 2 weeks after. The incision itself didn’t heal up completely until around 6 weeks.
I had my tubes tied and had cramps all day the same day. The next day I was back to normal. It’s not as bad as it sounds honestly.
Get help if you have little kids. You won’t be able to lift much. Freeze meals ahead of time. I was in a lot of pain for a few days .
Meal and snack prep ahead of time so that you don’t have to prep and cook for them when tired or if there is soreness/pain.
I also set up a station of whatever I might need by the couch. Blanket, pillows, heating pad, meds ( my kids were 13 & 8 so they knew not to touch), big class of water, snacks, fan case I got hot, remotes to tv, chargers for devices, book/magazine, phone and battery pack/charging cord.
It’s really not that bad at all. Just follow the doctors rules. I had hardly any pain at all. Getting my gallbladder out was 100 times worse.
Honestly not bad at all. Felt completely normal by the next day the worst part is the gas that they use to fill you up
My shoulder was in pain, but massages helped alot. Now, my periods are thousands of times more painful. I bleed through a tampon and pad within 30-45 minutes. I pass clots 1/4 size the palm of my hand. In some ways, I regret getting my tubes tied. If I knew then what I know now, I would have rather practiced abstinence than suffer what I do now.